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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. 29 minutes ago, opentype said:

    Moving between categories an admin option both on the front- and the back-end. You just click “move”. 


    Thanks! Super easy. I was looking for a "category" field when editing the article - but this makes sense, much like moving a forum topic to a new forum. 

    30 minutes ago, opentype said:

    Changing the publishing date depends on the field “publishing date” being activated in the field settings. 

    Thanks again. Publishing date was enabled however even I, the admin, didn't have permissions to edit it. Giving it the proper permissions fixed it. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Would recommend simplifying your website down. Looks like you have a few third party applications, plugins, and custom theme. Along with a third party advertising source, which could potentially interrupt the outputted meta data to let the device know there is a PWA.

    I disabled the 3rd party app, disabled all plug-ins, switched to a stock theme with no ads, and tried again. It still creates a good old bookmark, no PWA. 

  3. I'm not sure why when I add my website to my home page on my iPhone, it just creates a bookmark to Safari instead of a PWA. 

    I've tried without creating a manifest, I've tried creating a manifest and choosing Full Screen mode, both create a regular bookmark. Is there another setting I'm missing in my ACP

    When I add this InvisionCommunity.com site to my home page on my iPhone, it creates a PWA as expected. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Fosters said:

    What was the problem? The Cloud Caching issue?

    The cloud caching issue was what triggered my need to redo the menu.

    However the reason I could no longer find "Unanswered Topics" in my menu manager was because I was looking at the wrong place. I was clicking "Add Item" thinking I'd find "Unanswered Topics" as a meny item type... when it was already in my menu at the top level (I am used to having "Unanswered Topics" as a secondary menu item). 

    Thanks for responding! And thanks for this plug-in, it's very useful. 

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