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    WP V0RT3X reacted to Daddy in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    You have 27,256 active paying clients and only 15 staff (that we know of). Let's not pretend you're struggling here.
    Just for fun... Let's assume all 27,256 (All clients who have renewed in the past 6 months) are paying the lowest possible, self hosted, forum license only. $80 a year / 12 equals $6.66 a month x 27,256 equals $181,524.96 a month and $2,178.299.52 a year before expenses. Enough to give 21 employees a 6 figure salary a year.
    This of course is the lowest possible income for all current clients and assumes all of them only have a single license. I am pretty confident your income is twice, if not triple that.
  2. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to ahc in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    @Matt  You may have removed the online user limit for cloud hosting, but I see that you replaced it with a limit on page impressions instead. Why are you guys determined to force people to limit their traffic or get charged up the arse with fees? You make it seem like you did everyone a favor, but all you did was slap some lipstick on the pig. 
    Also, it’s $54/m. Let’s be real about the fact that a lot of those responding aren’t going to pay annually based on their feedback. 
  3. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to byMarcoX in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Pourquoi je vais payer 110$, alors que je n’ai jamais ouvert un ticket! Faites plutôt payer les tickets...
    En plus il y a de moins en moins de choses, et moi les clubs, il me serve à rien.
    De plus si en 2005/2006 je faisais 1.800.000 de pages vues par mois, aujourd’hui à cause des réseaux sociaux je dépasse à peine les 10.000.
    J’ai de la chance d’avoir un forum de passionnés par le foot, car l’autre que j’avais sur ma ville, lui je suis passé de 1.800.000 par mois à moins de 1.000 pages vues par mois, donc je n’ai aucune raison de payer si cher, un service qui n’intéresse plus les internautes.
    Du coup, ça me donne l’occasion de tout arrêter et passer à 100% sur les réseaux sociaux 100% gratuits.
    Et je finirais par dire, heureusement, que Microsoft ne facture pas toutes ses mises à jour majeures ou de sécurités, voilà une entreprise qui pense différemment et à trouver des ressources ailleurs que de couper la tête à ses clients.
    En 2005/2006 j’aurais accepté l’augmentation, en 2021, non !
    Why am I going to pay $ 110, when I have never opened a ticket! Rather, charge the tickets ...
    In addition there are less and less things, and me the clubs, it serves me for nothing.
    In addition, if in 2005/2006 I had 1,800,000 page views per month, today because of social networks I barely exceed 10,000.
    I'm lucky to have a forum of football enthusiasts, because the other one I had in my city, I went from 1,800,000 per month to less than 1,000 page views per month, so I have no reason to pay so much, a service that no longer interests Internet users.
    Suddenly, it gives me the opportunity to stop everything and go 100% on social networks 100% free.
    And I would end up saying, thankfully, that Microsoft doesn't charge for all of its major or security updates, this is a company that thinks differently and finds resources somewhere other than chopping off its customers.
    In 2005/2006 I would have accepted the increase, in 2021, no!
  4. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Daddy in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I don't get it. Those of us who are self hosted are self hosted for a reason. We don't need you to "manage the internals." We want to host in our own, secured environment, that we have 100% total control of. Not create an external point of failure subject to downtime and potential for compromises.
    Sure, all of the shortcomings of cloud hosting could happen to self hosting, but I'd rather go out in my own terms. 😉
    You're advertising to the wrong crowd. If we wanted cloud hosting, we wouldn't have chose IPS.
  5. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Vfrloos in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  6. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from SeNioR- in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  7. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from FZ in Getting Close To The End now   
    Another question, on some of my licenses I want to cancel some applications too. For example I don't need downloads anymore and on some sites not even forums, only core and pages.
    So can I do that when I get the next invoice? As long as I have already paid for them I still want to use them/backup content, but when I renew not for those apps of course.
    In the client area I can only renew the whole package with all purchased apps and then it looks like it's too late.
  8. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to kims79 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    It is especially a new proof of total contempt of its customers, we are forced to pay now once a year, but we speak in monthly increase, IPB should make politics.
  9. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    @Matt When you break down a large amount into a monthly amount and base it on the lowest denominator, it looks trivial, but we're not talking about a monthly payment.  To just drop this onto everyone without so much as mention is really bad karma. You just need to look at this topic and realise how toxic it is and there is no remorse, just excuses and rubbishy PR talk. Sorry mate, it just doesn't make sense and it doesn't sit well with your clients and that is something you need to address quickly before the floodgates open.  I really don't like have to post these replies and I don't like being forced out of the door after such a long time, but if that is the intent and there is no relenting then out of the door I will go, with great sadness.  The one solace is that there are alternatives out there that are more affordable.
  10. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to opentype in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Speaking of that: There seem so be another change, causing entry-level cloud customers to loose the ability to even install resources which are not from the Marketplace. From a developer’s perspective, that makes offering products outside of the Marketplace even less appealing. 

  11. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Pjo in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  12. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Dexter_X in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I think for little communities like ours that price rise of nearly 50% (47% in our case) may be a kill factor.
    I just have something to say : if you go ask your boss for a 47% rise, how do you think he/she'll react ?
  13. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to InvisionHQ in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Generally speaking, after so many years I feel I can say that invision is a company that thinks well about the choices it makes. But this time, as others have already written, I am very concerned about the collapse of the Marketplace. It is quite clear to me that the new pricing policy and the type of support offered for a fee is aimed exclusively at the business sector. This means that hundreds of hobby forums will be looking for alternative software solutions and this also means less appeal for me and many other developers to develop app and plugins.
    Although I don't know the reasons for a series of "blows" thrown at the customer at the same time, I find some of the choices made by Invision risky.
    Even if I accept the price increase, which is something I can live with, I think it was a mistake to remove the possibility to pay every 6 months. This has disoriented customers even more, even giving a perception of a heavier increase than it really is.
    Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that one of invision's greatest assets has always been its ticket support. 
    In short, I'm a bit worried, I'm sure I'll be one of the last to abandon ship... I've been here for 20 years... but I confess that I've been looking for alternatives for the first time in many years.
    The problem is not the price, I am more concerned about the choice to let the hobby communities go.
    Unfortunately I don't think the the fresh new green buttons can turn this into good news.

    Let's see, I understand that even the pandemic period is not the best but let's try to give confidence to Invision as Jordan asks. Instead I would ask invision to review at least the possibility of returning to payment every six months, not for me, but I think it would help many.
  14. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Jurgis in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Sounds good, but if customers leave and addon sales drop, free licenses won't keep devs here.
  15. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to kims79 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    "Don't worry, you won't be hurt, just bend over and cough!"
  16. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from RevengeFNF in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  17. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Percival in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  18. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to shahed in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I'm really glad with all new features, but this new renewal pricing give me a serious pause here. sure there were discussions and decisions about this, but I really hoped Invision at least take developers to account on this. in a few month I have to renew my license with almost empty marketplace credit. no heads up no nothing, just pay renewal by year with this kind of price ups. I may decide not to renew for awhile, or remove some apps from my license and discontinue many of my resources in marketplace. my plan was to expand, create more resources, themes ... and not this. can IPS come up with better solutions for this?
  19. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to riko in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    "Don’t worry, it’s not bad news".
    Going from $190.- a year to $280 a year is not bad news?
    Cutting email support while hiking up the price like this is not bad news?
    Cutting email support while having a terribly lacking documentation (since day 1) is not bad news?
    Keeping innovations away from those who self host then when that dust settles, hiking up the price is not bad  news?
    I dread the day you do come with what you consider "bad news".
    Going to have think this over. Might going to cut this chord.
    Looking at your pricing structure I get the feeling you are in the process of driving those who self host away. I can be wrong but it would make sense to just have medium to large businesses as your clients. 
  20. Agree
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Davyc in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Sounds good, but if customers leave and addon sales drop, free licenses won't keep devs here.
  21. Agree
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from ReyDev in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Sounds good, but if customers leave and addon sales drop, free licenses won't keep devs here.
  22. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to AlexWebsites in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I agree and when looking at different platforms for whatever, I always look at third party apps and integrations for expansion. A healthy 3rd party marketplace tells a story of a healthy platform in my opinion. 
  23. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to AlexWebsites in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Me neither. Everything less blogs per year...

    Just forums

    On another note, for developers I would offer free licenses, we need these folks and can't always rely on what makes it onto the IPS roadmap.
    Yeah, I agree. 1-5 discount, 5-10 discount, 10+, etc., would be nice. 
    They haven't used it in a while, they use a 3rd party
  24. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to marklcfc in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I’ve been asking about that for about five years 😆 @Ryan Ashbrook has a fix but I have to keep reuploading it as it’s never in the official releases for some reason 
  25. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Sonya* in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    To be fair, consider support communities for paid software:
    https://talk.plesk.com/ https://community.kaspersky.com/  https://communities.sas.com/ https://community.adobe.com/ Searching for already fixed issues can save time. 
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