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Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Add a drop-down menu item in the Menu Manager and place the items you'd like in the drop down menu in there instead of having them indented underneath a parent item. You have lots of questions! It may be a good idea to brew a fresh cup of coffee and review the Help Guides: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides Here's the entry on setting up your menu:
  2. You can adjust the theme's CSS. By default, the logo is 100% of the height of --responsive-header--height. Perhaps you want the --responsive-header--height to be taller?
  3. Cloudflare Polish is activated for your site, and your logo is being served from Cloudflare's cache. Your image is being converted into a webp file for those browsers that support webp, and the original format you used was a JPEG image. JPEG is really only good for things like photographs and is rarely an appropriate format for something like a logo. You'd want to use a transparent PNG file or similar until something svg or webp is supported natively by IPS. You have some options. You can turn off the Polish feature entirely on Cloudflare or use a page rule to make an exception for your logo. You will need to clear the cache for your image from Cloudflare though to see any changes. Documentation: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000607372-Using-Cloudflare-Polish-to-compress-images See the headers associated with your logo image, as served from carnity.com: cf-bgj: imgq:100,h2pri cf-cache-status: HIT cf-polished: origFmt=jpeg, origSize=13060 content-disposition: inline; filename="1802184490_Carnitylogoapr2021.webp" content-length: 9220 content-type: image/webp
  4. I think it may be your jpg quality settings. What happens if you upload in png format? Never mind. I see that you're using Cloudflare. You'll need to check your settings there.
  5. Well, the logo on your site is 280x80. What are the dimensions of the image you uploaded? Are you using imagemagick or gd? What are your settings for jpg quality? Perhaps try uploading in png format.
  6. Have you tried uploading it at a smaller height and width?
  7. You'll want to make sure error reporting and logging is turned on for php and then review those logs to see what's wrong. Also check your web server logs. Common issues may be not having enabled/installed needed PHP extensions.
  8. Devil's advocate here: Do they though? Are you contributing anything of value in a conversation medium when you decide to indicate "confused!" or "sad!"? Are they vehicles for abuse or harassment? Contextual responses are important, and "I agree with everything you said" is a shortcut that works and is largely free of malicious intent (it's hard to "I agree with you" in a way that is offensive to the person authoring the remark), however the ability to react negatively to content without stating why in a medium that encourages exchange is at odds with the platform in some use cases. I think it's great that IPS has the easy, built in ability to define reactions for each and every install and that administrators are able to sort out what works best for their individual communities. I also think that for some communities, like this meta one, it's important that the balance of opinions, the dissenting expressions and thoughts, and that the less than positive reactions to content be fleshed out with words and quotations over a wordless reaction. That 4 people were confused about a post doesn't help the author of that post (or the people working on this platform) understand what was confusing, nor provide context to clarify. By removing shortcuts that add little value (in this case, negative reactions), you need to express those things verbosely, and for many communities (and for this community), I think that's a better thing than the alternative. If you disagree with me, you're encouraged to reply how and why and we move the conversation forward.
  9. I believe that in order to do this, you need to configure your subscription packages as regular products in Commerce. You can then require that the upgrade product be associated to the the "Gold" product. You could also use the discount option on the premium subscription so that if you have a gold membership and you're in the gold usergroup (assuming you have it setup that way), you get the premium package at a discounted price. Take a look at the upgrade/downgrade settings as well.
  10. Why you gotta be that way, guys? @Jordan Invision
  11. And smash that cat button if you want to be a member of Team Meow.
  12. And hey, a sweet discount for prepaying subscriptions longer than in six month intervals would be a nice birthday gift to us. 🎂
  13. Have you asked for the changes from support? My guess would be that the fix is in application/calendar/sources/Event/Event.php in the sorting that happens in the retrieveEvents function, however that's a total and complete guess. 🙂
  14. You may need to ask cPanel for support (or your host) on how that translates to actual configuration. That is entirely too simplified a view. There are specific rulesets that you'll need to disable or enable.
  15. Not sure what you've provided a screenshot of, but here's the documentation for ModSecurity: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki I'd recommend reading up on what it does and how the various configurations impact your site. It will stop things that it "thinks" are bad and may not be bad.
  16. From a UX and security perspective, it's broken. See this thread:
  17. Just a note that this helps with fully English projects as well. We often use different phrases and words for built in features and use the translation/language tool to maintain this.
  18. Your sample domain (hub.caadodesenvolvedor.com.br) resolves to an invisionservice.com domain, so I'm guessing you're hosted with the Community in the Cloud service IPS offers. You likely need to await support help for assistance.
  19. You can examine the URL of your profile when logged in: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/615481-karina-harumi/
  20. Hi there! You'd probably want to open a support request at this point.
  21. You may also want to consider using a third party mail service in conjunction with this application:
  22. Just logged into the client area and saw the initial response I got was that this would be a feature request and not a bug. Do you need me to create a thread in the feature request forum making a request that this behavior be modified? There may be some confusion in the support response. Post Before Registering is completely invisible to us out of the box until the person goes through with registering. That we'd be prompted to look at content submitted that is otherwise invisible and decide whether or not to approve it before they complete the registration seems like a flaw to me. If they don't complete the registration, it will delete itself. I'd offer that the profanity/link filter should only be triggered when the registration is complete and the post is about to be published.
  23. Hi Ryan, I did last night. Not sure how to direct you to the ticket #.
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