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  1. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from sobrenome in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    The issue here is that Google will still go to those pages crawl and at some point index. This process takes away from indexing more important pages in a timely manner. (They will continue to revisit the page; Otherwise, comments would be ignored.)
    This affects people with lots of pages especially if you just migrated to a new system or rebuild your sitemap. You want to help Google as much as you can. It benefits you the most.
    (I removed my previous comment that was here as I believe it will just confuse more than help)
    The goal is to get Google to index/rank your quality pages faster asap.
  2. Like
    GTServices reacted to Josiah Wallingford in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    Feature Request: Integration with the "Profile Completion" profile settings.
  3. Like
    GTServices reacted to Daniel F in Prevent empty messages when reporting posts   
    There’s a 3rd party plugin available in our marketplace 
  4. Thanks
    GTServices reacted to Rikki in 4.5 CSS Changes for developers & designers   
    4.5 introduces some changes to CSS, so I wanted to provide an overview of those and how they might affect you.
    Firstly, we've completely dropped support for IE11. This means you'll start to see newer CSS methods being used that IE11 does not support. 
    Atomic classnames
    One thing you'll notice as you read on is we're moving towards using atomic classnames for utility styles. What does that mean? Basically, each classname is just a convenience helper for applying one particular style. You build how an element looks and behaves by applying multiple classnames. 
    While this is slightly more verbose in the HTML, it's also much clearer and avoids having to create mutant selectors that exclude certain elements. If you see an element with ipsBorder_top, it's obvious what it does. Don't want a top border? Just remove that class.
    Another benefit is that it allows more precise control over how styles are applied at different device sizes, because individual styles can be modified. Want a top border on desktop, but not phones? ipsBorder_top sm:ipsBorder:none will do the job - no crazy selectors or additional media queries necessary.
    Class prefixes/modifiers
    Wait, what's that sm: bit in the atomic classname example above? That's a new naming convention you'll see which controls at which breakpoints the style is applied.
    Unprefixed (e.g. ipsBorder_top). Applies to all devices, desktop and smaller. md: (e.g. md:ipsBorder_top). Applies to tablets and smaller. sm: (e.g. sm:ipsBorder_top). Applies to phones only. sm and md prefixes take priority over the desktop classname. This means you provide the desktop classname but can override it for tablets and/or phones by also adding an md: or sm: classname. For example, ipsPadding_top:double sm:ipsPadding_top:half applies double top padding on desktop, but only half top padding on phones.
    You'll also see modifiers on some classes (as in the example above), for example ipsPadding:half. ipsPadding is saying 'apply padding to all sides', and the ':half' modifier makes it a smaller amount.
    BEM classnames for modules
    While we're using atomic classes for global utility styles, we're moving towards BEM for module-specific classes. BEM is simply a naming convention, so it doesn't have too much impact on you - you'll just see a new structure for new classnames that should be easier to understand. 
    Note: We haven't rewritten our CSS framework with the atomic classname, class prefix/modifier or BEM approaches. Don't worry - 90% of the classes you're used to will be the same. I just wanted to point out that going forward, new classes will follow these paradigms.
    CSS Variables & calc
    We're now making use of CSS variables (also known as CSS custom properties). Check out this MDN article if you aren't familiar with them. This enables us to define some values in one place but use them throughout the product - and it allows you to change the value in one place if you wish to do so for your theme. Most of our CSS variables are defined at the top of global.css in the CSS framework, but you'll also see some other local variables defined in other places. Variables are simply used by wrapping the name in the var() function, e.g. var(--positive-light). 
    You'll see some variables named --sp-1 and so on. This is our new 4px spacing scale. In 4.5 and going forward, when we style elements we'll generally be using one of these values for widths, heights, borders, spacing etc. to keep everything consistent. You should do the same for elements you create.
    We're also making use of calc(). This is another CSS function that allows math operations to be done. Instead of having to hardcode numbers for positions, sizes etc., we can now use calc() to do it for us based on some other values (often CSS variables).
    CSS Variables for theme settings
    We are deprecating the usage of the {theme} and {hextorgb} tags for color-type theme setting keys (but not for non-color settings or when you need to pass a specific hex code in).
    Instead, color-type theme settings will automatically have a CSS variable created for them, named --theme-setting_key, where setting_key is the key of the setting as defined in the AdminCP. The variable will be a triplet representing the color, for example 255, 255, 255. Therefore, this value can be used with both the rgb and rgba CSS color functions.
    Here's an example. If in the past you'd wanted to use the area_background theme setting in your CSS, you'd do background: {theme="area_background"}. Or if you want some opacity, you'd do background: {hextorgb="area_background" opacity="0.2"}.
    In 4.5, the correct way of using these will be: background: rgb( var(--theme-area_background) ) and background: rgba( var(--theme-area_background), 0.2 ) respectively.
    We're doing this now because it will open up some exciting functionality in future. To be clear, any existing usage of {theme} and {hextorgb} will continue to work fine in 4.5, but we encourage you to move over to the CSS variable approach.
    Hardcoded hex values
    In 4.5 we have largely removed all hardcoded hex colors from our CSS files, and adjusted styles to use theme setting values instead. This will make it much easier for admins to fully colorize their theme without hardcoded colors messing things up. I encourage you to update your app's CSS to follow this approach.
    Font sizes
    We've moved font sizes to a fixed scale. These have been implemented as theme settings so they are customizable. However, rather than use the theme setting value directly, you should make use of the new {fontsize} plugin. This plugin ensures the global scale is applied to any values passed in, allowing 'large print' versions of themes to be easily created. You should use the {fontsize} plugin for font sizes both when you use one of the theme settings and when you use specific pixel values (e.g. {fontsize="72"} - for 72px text)
    When used with the {fontsize} plugin, the type scale keys are:
    x_small (12px) small (13px) medium (14px) base (16px) large (18px) x_large (20px) 2x_large (24px) 3x_large (30px) 4x_large (36px)  
    While we've used flexbox in some places in previous versions, 4.5 makes much wider use of it and also introduces a new family of classes. If you aren't familiar with flexbox, I highly recommend this CSSTricks article for a primer on it. Essentially, instead of positioning elements using floats/clears/etc., flexbox treats the container as a flexible box with properties for controlling how elements inside of it as laid out.
    4.5 has a number of new classes that are essentially just convenience for the usual CSS rules.
    ipsFlex (sets element to display: flex) ipsFlex-ai:start, ipsFlex-ai:center, ipsFlex-ai:end, ipsFlex-ai:stretch (ai - values for align-items property) ipsFlex-as:start, ipsFlex-as:center, ipsFlex-as:end, ipsFlex-as:stretch (as - values for align-self property) ipsFlex-jc:start, ipsFlex-jc:center, ipsFlex-jc:end, ipsFlex-jc:around, ipsFlex-jc:between (jc - values for justify-content property) ipsFlex-fd:column, ipsFlex-fd:row, ipsFlex-fd:column-reverse, ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse (fd - values for flex-direction property) ipsFlex-fw:wrap, ipsFlex-fw:nowrap, ipsFlex-fw:wrap-reverse (fw - values for flex-wrap property) ipsFlex-flex:10 - sets flex-grow: 1 and flex-shrink: 0 ipsFlex-flex:11 - sets flex-grow: 1 and flex-shrink: 1 ipsFlex-flex:01 - sets flex-grow: 0 and flex-shrink: 1 ipsFlex-flex:00 - sets flex-grow: 0 and flex-shrink: 0  
    All of these classes have md and sm prefixed versions too, and this opens up the possibility of having different layouts on different device sizes in a way that's much easier than the hoops you'd have to jump through before. For example, to create some elements that show as a row on desktop but collapse to a column on mobile, you'd just apply ipsFlex ipsFlex-fd:row sm:ipsFlex-fd:column. The sm:ipsFlex-fd:column class overrules the ipsFlex-fd:row class on mobile, adjusting the layout. (Note: flex-direction: row is the CSS default direction anyway, so you can actually leave out ipsFlex-fd:row - it's implicit. I included it in the example for clarity.)
    We've added new spacing classes for padding and margin, to allow for atomic classnames, device prefixes and modifiers.
    ipsPad, ipsPad_double, ipsPad_half, and all of the ipsSpacer_* classes are now deprecated. You'll still see them in our templates and they'll still work in yours, but don't use them in any new work - you should use the updated classes below.
    The padding classes are now named ipsPadding:
    ipsPadding, ipsPadding:none, ipsPadding:half, ipsPadding:double - apply padding to all four sides ipsPadding_vertical, ipsPadding_vertical:none, ipsPadding_vertical:half, ipsPadding_vertical:double - apply padding to top and bottom ipsPadding_horizontal, ipsPadding_horizontal:none, ipsPadding_horizontal:half, ipsPadding_horizontal:double - apply padding to left and right ipsPadding_left, ipsPadding_left:none, ipsPadding_left:half, ipsPadding_left:double - apply padding to the left side (RTL aware) ipsPadding_right, ipsPadding_right:none, ipsPadding_right:half, ipsPadding_right:double - apply padding to the right side (RTL aware) ipsPadding_top, ipsPadding_top:none, ipsPadding_top:half, ipsPadding_top:double - apply padding to the top side ipsPadding_bottom, ipsPadding_bottom:none, ipsPadding_bottom:half, ipsPadding_bottom:double - apply padding to the bottom side These classes have md and sm prefixed versions too, allowing you to apply different padding depending on the device size.
    One side note here: with the old padding classes, padding was simply halved on phones with no opt-out. That's not the case with the new family - if you want half-padding on mobile on an element, you should apply sm:ipsPadding:half in addition to the normal ipsPadding class, for example. This gives you much more control than you previously had.
    Margins follow basically an identical pattern to padding, with the same variation of classes, except the name is ipsMargin.
    Another new family of classes is ipsGap. These classes are used when you want spacing between elements. In the past, you'd have to use :last-child or :first-child to exclude an element, or loop over the elements in the template to leave off a class. If elements wrapped to a new line, putting spacing between the lines was tricky too.
    ipsGap solves this by applying even spacing between elements, then applying a negative margin on the whole container to bring it back to the starting position.
    The classname is followed by a modifier, which is a number from our spacing scale, e.g. 1 is 4px spacing, 2 is 8px spacing and so on.
    ipsGap:1 (1-5 available) - applies both horizontal and vertical spacing around each element in the container ipsGap_row:1 (1-5 available, as well as 0 to remove) - applies vertical spacing on each element in the container Notice ipsGap_row also supports the :0 modifier. This allows you to have horizontal-only spacing - simply apply ipsGap:1 ipsGap_row:0.
    Be aware that using both ipsMargin (or custom styles that apply a margin) and ipsGap on the same element can cause issues. You may want add a wrapper element to handle your margin in this situation.
    We've also added a class family to add light grey 1px borders to elements - used commonly as dividers between some parts of the page.
    ipsBorder - apply border to all sides ipsBorder:none - remove border from all sides ipsBorder_vertical - apply border to top and bottom ipsBorder_horizontal - apply border to left and right ipsBorder_top, ipsBorder_bottom, ipsBorder_left, ipsBorder_right - apply border to a particular side These classes have md and sm prefixed versions too, to control borders shown on each device size. This is particularly useful if you apply a border to a flex child which is in a row on desktop but a column on desktop, for example - you will be able to easily control which side the border appears on once collapsed.
    "Pull" class
    To better display content areas on mobile, a class named ipsResponsive_pull has been added which 'pulls' a box on the left and right sides on small devices. It's intended to be used on boxes (normally with the ipsBox class) that you want to take up the whole screen width on mobile, allowing better usage of the available screen space.
    Template changes
    We've worked to keep template changes as minimal as possible, but in an update the size of 4.5 there are still quite a number of changes. Whether these impact you will depend on if you've modified the template (for theme designers) or rely on a particular selector for theme hooks (for developers).
    One area that has received fairly big changes is the post/comment templates. We have redesigned the headers and footers of these templates and moved some elements into a separate parent element on mobile devices.
    As usual, full template changes will be available once we've released betas.
  5. Like
    GTServices reacted to bfarber in SEO issue   
    It looks like if the link has a role attribute of any value except space it should pass the audit.
    Can you confirm if you change onclick to something like role="navigation" that it also resolves the concern?
  6. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from cocoliso in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    Be cautious when NOINDEXing topics in masses. 
    If you made a mistake NOINDEXing a topic that has been indexed for years, it may take a while for Google to reindex (1 to several months). What's worse is that you may end up with a lower rank. You are forcing Google to recrawl/reindex the page. Older topics will get hit the hardest.
    With that said, there are some pages you can safely NOINDEX. I would start with Profile pages. They suck up your crawl rate. NOINDEX inactive accounts and maybe accounts that have 10 or less posts. You can already do this with IPS.
    If you have RSS generated pages, you may want to consider removing them as well. These are just copied content from external sites. Not useful in terms of Organic Search unless they have lots of comments. Manually review any that have lots of comments.
    A great way to do this is to review your Analytics > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels > Organic Search > Landing Page data. Check how much traffic a page has been bringing in the past 7, 30, and 180 days. You may be surprised to find out that some "thin content" pages are actually bringing in traffic. Compare the numbers with other pages on your site.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are comparing the right numbers. Organic Search is all about USERS not Pageviews.
    NOTE: Most sites really don't have an issue with crawl rate.
    For sites that migrated to IPS (ie. vbulletin to IPS) the biggest issue occurs with change in URLs. This affects topics, images, and profiles. 
    The bigger your site the longer it will take to climb back up.
    Many site owners don't realize how much traffic Image Search brings in until it's too late. If I remember correctly, IPS doesn't offer any redirects for attachments/images with migration. They only offer redirects for topics/forums. However, if forum URLs lack forum ids* (which some vbulletin SEO tools offered) than this is something that IPS doesn't offer out of the box. You will need custom code for this.
    * domain.com/forum-name/
    Before you mass NOINDEXing, I recommend the following...
    Check URLs in Analytics that may be affected. DO NOT NOINDEX BLINDLY.
    If you NOINDEX 5,000 topics that generated an avg 10 USERS per week. Than you are looking at 50,000 USERS lost for the week.
    Let's say your site has an avg 1.5 Pages/Session. That's equivalent to 75,000 pageviews lost for the week.
    Have ads on the site? The avg is 3 ad slots per page. That's 225,000 impressions lost for the week. 1 million impressions lost for the month
  7. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    It's actually possible but you will have to edit your postContainer template.

  8. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Sonya* in [Question] Advertising Newer Communities   
    Starting a successful forum these days is not easy. But, it is doable when site has a focus (niche).
    1. Create CONTENT. You need content to keep readers coming back for more.
    Create different types of CONTENT to grab different kinds of people. Here are some ideas...
    Discussions FAQs Images (eg. to share, download, create a story, etc) Articles News etc 2. Differentiate your site from your competition. First impression is important.
    3. Invite people via social, email, word-of-mouth, etc. 
    4. (Onboarding) Create a helpful "Welcome Email Message" for new members. You can use this opportunity to help them take action (make a post), to inform, etc.
    5. Stay active on your site and with members.
  9. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Fosters in [Question] Advertising Newer Communities   
    Starting a successful forum these days is not easy. But, it is doable when site has a focus (niche).
    1. Create CONTENT. You need content to keep readers coming back for more.
    Create different types of CONTENT to grab different kinds of people. Here are some ideas...
    Discussions FAQs Images (eg. to share, download, create a story, etc) Articles News etc 2. Differentiate your site from your competition. First impression is important.
    3. Invite people via social, email, word-of-mouth, etc. 
    4. (Onboarding) Create a helpful "Welcome Email Message" for new members. You can use this opportunity to help them take action (make a post), to inform, etc.
    5. Stay active on your site and with members.
  10. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Durango in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    The issue here is that Google will still go to those pages crawl and at some point index. This process takes away from indexing more important pages in a timely manner. (They will continue to revisit the page; Otherwise, comments would be ignored.)
    This affects people with lots of pages especially if you just migrated to a new system or rebuild your sitemap. You want to help Google as much as you can. It benefits you the most.
    (I removed my previous comment that was here as I believe it will just confuse more than help)
    The goal is to get Google to index/rank your quality pages faster asap.
  11. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Maxxius in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    The issue here is that Google will still go to those pages crawl and at some point index. This process takes away from indexing more important pages in a timely manner. (They will continue to revisit the page; Otherwise, comments would be ignored.)
    This affects people with lots of pages especially if you just migrated to a new system or rebuild your sitemap. You want to help Google as much as you can. It benefits you the most.
    (I removed my previous comment that was here as I believe it will just confuse more than help)
    The goal is to get Google to index/rank your quality pages faster asap.
  12. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from opentype in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    Be cautious when NOINDEXing topics in masses. 
    If you made a mistake NOINDEXing a topic that has been indexed for years, it may take a while for Google to reindex (1 to several months). What's worse is that you may end up with a lower rank. You are forcing Google to recrawl/reindex the page. Older topics will get hit the hardest.
    With that said, there are some pages you can safely NOINDEX. I would start with Profile pages. They suck up your crawl rate. NOINDEX inactive accounts and maybe accounts that have 10 or less posts. You can already do this with IPS.
    If you have RSS generated pages, you may want to consider removing them as well. These are just copied content from external sites. Not useful in terms of Organic Search unless they have lots of comments. Manually review any that have lots of comments.
    A great way to do this is to review your Analytics > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels > Organic Search > Landing Page data. Check how much traffic a page has been bringing in the past 7, 30, and 180 days. You may be surprised to find out that some "thin content" pages are actually bringing in traffic. Compare the numbers with other pages on your site.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are comparing the right numbers. Organic Search is all about USERS not Pageviews.
    NOTE: Most sites really don't have an issue with crawl rate.
    For sites that migrated to IPS (ie. vbulletin to IPS) the biggest issue occurs with change in URLs. This affects topics, images, and profiles. 
    The bigger your site the longer it will take to climb back up.
    Many site owners don't realize how much traffic Image Search brings in until it's too late. If I remember correctly, IPS doesn't offer any redirects for attachments/images with migration. They only offer redirects for topics/forums. However, if forum URLs lack forum ids* (which some vbulletin SEO tools offered) than this is something that IPS doesn't offer out of the box. You will need custom code for this.
    * domain.com/forum-name/
    Before you mass NOINDEXing, I recommend the following...
    Check URLs in Analytics that may be affected. DO NOT NOINDEX BLINDLY.
    If you NOINDEX 5,000 topics that generated an avg 10 USERS per week. Than you are looking at 50,000 USERS lost for the week.
    Let's say your site has an avg 1.5 Pages/Session. That's equivalent to 75,000 pageviews lost for the week.
    Have ads on the site? The avg is 3 ad slots per page. That's 225,000 impressions lost for the week. 1 million impressions lost for the month
  13. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Lucas James in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    Be cautious when NOINDEXing topics in masses. 
    If you made a mistake NOINDEXing a topic that has been indexed for years, it may take a while for Google to reindex (1 to several months). What's worse is that you may end up with a lower rank. You are forcing Google to recrawl/reindex the page. Older topics will get hit the hardest.
    With that said, there are some pages you can safely NOINDEX. I would start with Profile pages. They suck up your crawl rate. NOINDEX inactive accounts and maybe accounts that have 10 or less posts. You can already do this with IPS.
    If you have RSS generated pages, you may want to consider removing them as well. These are just copied content from external sites. Not useful in terms of Organic Search unless they have lots of comments. Manually review any that have lots of comments.
    A great way to do this is to review your Analytics > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels > Organic Search > Landing Page data. Check how much traffic a page has been bringing in the past 7, 30, and 180 days. You may be surprised to find out that some "thin content" pages are actually bringing in traffic. Compare the numbers with other pages on your site.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are comparing the right numbers. Organic Search is all about USERS not Pageviews.
    NOTE: Most sites really don't have an issue with crawl rate.
    For sites that migrated to IPS (ie. vbulletin to IPS) the biggest issue occurs with change in URLs. This affects topics, images, and profiles. 
    The bigger your site the longer it will take to climb back up.
    Many site owners don't realize how much traffic Image Search brings in until it's too late. If I remember correctly, IPS doesn't offer any redirects for attachments/images with migration. They only offer redirects for topics/forums. However, if forum URLs lack forum ids* (which some vbulletin SEO tools offered) than this is something that IPS doesn't offer out of the box. You will need custom code for this.
    * domain.com/forum-name/
    Before you mass NOINDEXing, I recommend the following...
    Check URLs in Analytics that may be affected. DO NOT NOINDEX BLINDLY.
    If you NOINDEX 5,000 topics that generated an avg 10 USERS per week. Than you are looking at 50,000 USERS lost for the week.
    Let's say your site has an avg 1.5 Pages/Session. That's equivalent to 75,000 pageviews lost for the week.
    Have ads on the site? The avg is 3 ad slots per page. That's 225,000 impressions lost for the week. 1 million impressions lost for the month
  14. Thanks
    GTServices got a reaction from Maxxius in Highlight : SEO Plugin > avoid Google Panda penalty   
    Be cautious when NOINDEXing topics in masses. 
    If you made a mistake NOINDEXing a topic that has been indexed for years, it may take a while for Google to reindex (1 to several months). What's worse is that you may end up with a lower rank. You are forcing Google to recrawl/reindex the page. Older topics will get hit the hardest.
    With that said, there are some pages you can safely NOINDEX. I would start with Profile pages. They suck up your crawl rate. NOINDEX inactive accounts and maybe accounts that have 10 or less posts. You can already do this with IPS.
    If you have RSS generated pages, you may want to consider removing them as well. These are just copied content from external sites. Not useful in terms of Organic Search unless they have lots of comments. Manually review any that have lots of comments.
    A great way to do this is to review your Analytics > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels > Organic Search > Landing Page data. Check how much traffic a page has been bringing in the past 7, 30, and 180 days. You may be surprised to find out that some "thin content" pages are actually bringing in traffic. Compare the numbers with other pages on your site.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are comparing the right numbers. Organic Search is all about USERS not Pageviews.
    NOTE: Most sites really don't have an issue with crawl rate.
    For sites that migrated to IPS (ie. vbulletin to IPS) the biggest issue occurs with change in URLs. This affects topics, images, and profiles. 
    The bigger your site the longer it will take to climb back up.
    Many site owners don't realize how much traffic Image Search brings in until it's too late. If I remember correctly, IPS doesn't offer any redirects for attachments/images with migration. They only offer redirects for topics/forums. However, if forum URLs lack forum ids* (which some vbulletin SEO tools offered) than this is something that IPS doesn't offer out of the box. You will need custom code for this.
    * domain.com/forum-name/
    Before you mass NOINDEXing, I recommend the following...
    Check URLs in Analytics that may be affected. DO NOT NOINDEX BLINDLY.
    If you NOINDEX 5,000 topics that generated an avg 10 USERS per week. Than you are looking at 50,000 USERS lost for the week.
    Let's say your site has an avg 1.5 Pages/Session. That's equivalent to 75,000 pageviews lost for the week.
    Have ads on the site? The avg is 3 ad slots per page. That's 225,000 impressions lost for the week. 1 million impressions lost for the month
  15. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from sobrenome in Google Tag Manager   
    I agree, it should be part of IPS.
    For those unaware, Google Tag Manager requires code in HEAD and a noscript tag in BODY (immediately after the body tag).
    Most big boards use Tag Manager. I've seen a lot of smaller boards using Tag Manager.
    (Google Analytics is part of Tag Manager. If you have an Analytics account than you have access to Tag Manager.)
    Tag Manager is the BETTER option as it provides admins with more tools without the need to add more code to the site.
     eg. event tracking, conversions, remarketing, facebook pixel, etc
    I use Tag Manager for a number of things.
    It allows me to modify how a Bounce is counted in Analytics. 
    Analytics now counts a bounce if USER leaves the page quickly (less than 1 minute). If more than 1 minute it doesn't count as a bounce.
    So instead of seeing bounce rates as high as 70% I see 10-29% bounce rates. This metric is now more useful to me.
    Why the change?
    Because most Users land on a page from Google or some other channel just to read the content on the page. Once they finish reading - they EXIT. 
    It's only a problem if the content doesn't grab their attention. If they spend more than 1 minute on the page I know that they are actually reading (consuming information). This is a good thing. It tells me they are likely to come back.
    Now, when I see a high bounce rate I know the contents of the page needs attention, shouldn't be promoted, etc.
    eg. I use Bounce Rate to tell me if my homepage layout is working. At 10% Bounce rate with millions of sessions per week, I can say with confidence that it is.
  16. Like
    GTServices reacted to Rikki in Make replying easier   
    Nice suggestions. I don't think the concept of replying directly to a post works so neatly on forums (well, Invision Community in particular) because our conversations aren't threaded. Instead you quote one or more posts - but your reply is still part of a linear conversation.
    That said, you're definitely right that having to go to the bottom of the page is a bit old fashioned and cumbersome. I think it could be made easier - for example, one idea would be to have a floating reply button or even reply box, available on a topic page at all times, so you can start working on your reply wherever you happen to be in the topic.
  17. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Dads 101 in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    I'll see what I can do for the next update.
  18. Like
    GTServices reacted to Dads 101 in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   

    Automatically add and remove members to clubs depending on their member groups.
  19. Like
    GTServices reacted to Dads 101 in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    Is there a way to show the description of the group somewhere here?

    Probably next to the group name or when one hovers over the checkbox
  20. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from Dads 101 in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    The IPS Groups system is POWERFUL. It’s the best way to reward contributors. But, it’s missing some features.
    For starters, allowing members to join certain Groups can provide you with additional data. It will also help members connect with like-minded individuals.
    When you provide a mechanism for members to join public groups you empower them. You give them the choice to choose what's best for them. This is one way to retain members and increase engagement.
    FEATURES in Members | Group Enhancements
    NEW: Option to edit the Public Name of each group. 
    The Public Name of a group is the name displayed on the frontend (to your users).
    Let's say you may want to break up your Members group into newcomers and active. 
    Normally, the community would notice two new groups when doing this but with GTMG they could still see 'Members' (Public Name for each group).
    NEW: Option to set a group as Secondary Group Only. 
    I have 20+ years experience in managing a forum. I can tell you from experience, adding new groups (and members to groups) can be a daunting task. The best thing to do is to CLEARLY separate your Primary from your Secondary groups. 
    Use Primary Group as the base when it comes to options and permissions. 
    Use Secondary Groups to add (options/permissions) to the base.  
    NEW:  Option to display multiple group badges in Profiles and Posts. 

    Group Badges will be a favorite in your community. The minute you put this up on your site your members will ask you “What are these badges?” and “How can I get one?”

    NEW: Option to hotlink badges in Profiles and Posts. 
    Link could go to a landing page explaining the group (selling its benefits, why it exists, etc) or you could link to the Directory or a Club. The goal is to inform your audience about each group.
    For example, we have a badge linked to the store (for premium group), another to our "group badges" page, and another linked to a  page for recruiting influencers.
    NEW: Option to create “Public Groups”. 
    This option empowers members to join the group(s) they best fit in. Members can join Public Groups via Registration and Account Settings. 
    It’s getting harder to get users to share personal information.
    I use Public Groups as a way to get information that I can use for business purposes.
    For example, if I ask members via Registration or Account Settings which military branch they belong to it will likely be ignored. But, if I create Public Groups for Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy they are more likely to take action. 

    NEW: Option to create a directory of your favorite Groups. 
    Directory can be a standalone feature or integrated within the Leaderboard page. 
    I personally use this to attract influencers. It’s sorted by activity so the more active they are the more eyeballs on them. This increases participation in the group.

    To help you with your Groups Management, we are providing you with the following additional features:
    Group Options (Permissions) Matrix - An efficient way to compare static values Sort Groups - Sort groups per personal choice. TIPS
    ✔️ It’s best to use small Group Badges when displaying multiple badges in posts.
    ✔️ Members will have questions regarding your Public Groups. The best thing to do is to create an information page and hotlink the badges to the page.
    ✔️ When you enable Directory, keep ‘Time Limit’ and ‘Page Limit’ low. On large sites, a high setting may cause the page to load slower.
    ✔️ Use the new groups to your advantage. Use Bulk Email to target specific groups. For example, you can onboard the New Member group.
    Backend (ACP)
    New Group Settings Public Name - Display different Group Name on the frontend. Description - Add a group description to use for Group Directory. Landing Page URL - Allows admin to hotlink Group Badge to a page. eg. directory or custom page Set As Secondary Group - Restricts group as secondary group only. Public Group? - Allow members to join group Show in Directory - Control which groups can be found in Group Directory. Sort Groups Frontend/Backend - Sort groups per personal choice. Compare Group Options Matrix - A quick way to compare static values. Frontend
    Members can join 'Public Groups' during Registration Members can edit 'Public Groups' in Account Settings Group Badges (multiple) in Posts Group Badges (multiple) in Profile Group Directory Can use as standalone feature Can integrate with Leaderboard Can choose default index group GETTING STARTED
    Install App Edit each Group in Members > Groups Public Name (required) Show in Directory Directory SEO Slug Group Description Group Landing Page URL Set As Secondary Group Only Set As Public Group Now, go to Members > [GT] Groups Settings. IMPORTANT: If you have a custom style some of the template changes may not work properly. If this happens to you just private message me and I will help.
  21. Like
    GTServices reacted to xert77 in PAGES - Confused by IPB & the staff   
    Before I complain, I want to start off with a nice note. Since joining IPB my users have loved the website, commented on how nice it works compared to VB & I have loved your support. When ever I have a bug or problem you guys usually reply pretty fast, sometimes during the night!
    But here is where I am confused, angry & very, seriously sad.
    I love IPB. I think it is one of the most solid products in the market, I think it is also the most professional both company wise (how you guys release things when it's ready & not before) and also product wise, it's very professional.
    For over a year now, I have STRUGGLED to get to grips with pages. I look at the documentation & it's longer than the bible & not very user friendly at all!
    For over a year now I have messaged support asking how to do things in pages & they say I have to come to the forums as it requires custom code! For simple things like adding the article image in the listing page!
    For over a year now I have Tried pages, given up... Tried again, given up. There is so much potential in pages - I have seen it on professional website (websites with coders & budget!) but people like me CANT use it.
    Why.... WHY can't IPB make pages easier. Why can't there be a wizard or Pre made templates!
    Front page templates... Do you wanna display articles like a blog (photo to the side with description beside), or like a polariod (image with description below), or like a grid. 1 main article & then smaller articles below etc. Joomla asks you things like... Display title, date, time, author. Main article: 0-10, Secondary Articles 0-10. Its so easy!
    Listing pages... Do you want to display the first image in the article, do you want to display article rating, do you want to display article sorting bar.
    Article pages... Have a page builder, similar to what you do with blocks. Where you can create fields on a preview page & move them around/edit them. Currently if I want an image uploaded in an article and displayed to the right of the content, I have to custom format it, look up HTML guides on Google etc.
    I just wish IPB could make pages & frontpage more like Joomla. Joomla frontpage is so easy. Then also keep the difficult custom options for people who are more pro & who know what they are doing.
    I am so annoyed by the fact I can't easilly create a beautiful looking frontpage & article area, that I am considering going back to another software. Your forum software is so easy to use, but pages is rocket science.
    Support won't help me, I have seen users here struggle to create things even when working together and helping eachother, and the only other option is to pay someone tons of money... Please consider making pages easier for noobs. PLEASE
  22. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from zyx in Moving files to amazon S3 broke them   
    TIP 1: If you are paying over $100 per month for S3 services you may want to consider a dedicated server @ $120 + Stackpath CDN @ $25.
    As your site traffic increases so will your S3 costs.
    You can sync your local static folders to the new server so that all images are copied to the new server. The CDN will then fetch the static files from the new server.
    TIP 2: If you stick with S3 make sure you use a CUSTOM DOMAIN so that all your static files are using a domain that you control - that you can move over to another service in case costs keep climbing. If you don't do this you can lose SEO from images, pdfs, etc that are currently driving traffic to your site when and if you decide to move to another service.
  23. Like
    GTServices reacted to Maxxius in BUG FOUND: Bulk Email Unsubscribe Members Found doesn't work   
    Well you see that at the moment my license is expired and I believe I won't receive the the help. However after I decided to make it anyway I got the answer I was expecting - that my license was inactive and then I posted the topic here.
    A day later I got answer from another person from IPS in that ticket which said:
    Hello, I have taken a look at this, and it looks to be resolved in the next upcoming release.  
  24. Like
    GTServices got a reaction from BomAle in Taxonomy for categories and tags and MORE   
    We used something similar in my vbulletin days. It was a plugin that allowed us to group tags (synonyms). LOVED IT.
    Even if they started small (with tags first) ... it will still be a HUGE win for us.
    I'm guessing Taxonomies will be available in IPS 5.0.
  25. Like
    GTServices reacted to BomAle in Taxonomy for categories and tags and MORE   
    Hello I would suggest a improvement for categories and tags introducing  taxonomy concept:
    1. assign a basic structure, not a simple tree but a network model
    2. extending it on posting new content
    3. custom fields relationship useful for feedback/survey
    4. define upsell, alternative, raccomanded content
    5. multiple author/group for single posts/comment (relationship with other members share same/similar content)
    This could improve the understanding of the order of things inside the community with some schema visualization and a genuine growth of it
    Benefits: increase findability of content, great addition to Zapier @Matt, multilingual community thank you for it
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