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Taxonomy for categories and tags and MORE


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Hello I would suggest a improvement for categories and tags introducing  taxonomy concept:

1. assign a basic structure, not a simple tree but a network model


A network taxonomy organizes content into both hierarchical and associative categories. Categories can be linked to any other categories. And relationships among items can have different meanings, including semantic ones.

2. extending it on posting new content

3. custom fields relationship useful for feedback/survey

4. define upsell, alternative, raccomanded content

5. multiple author/group for single posts/comment (relationship with other members share same/similar content)

This could improve the understanding of the order of things inside the community with some schema visualization and a genuine growth of it

Benefits: increase findability of content, great addition to Zapier @Matt, multilingual community thank you for it


some articles:






Edited by BomAle
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Can this be accomplished using the database feature of pages? I'm not sure if there's one to many links supported...

Never mind--this is for categorization and tagging of content, such as forum posts. 👍

I got lost in the pictures. Think it's a great idea!

Edited by Paul E.
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The idea is also make a way for users to improve such network with itself contribution:

1. flag content as related to others (partecipating and responsible for success of community, not as facebook and other social "passing the buck")

2. new and old content is a old concept, I want a better strategy for a future where there is a "order of things" (history relevance) where all content transform (a better communication tool for "humannes", social posting syncronization where community interact with others like "who tell about us"... promoting content bring our content outside but do you know who tell about you around web? i would know if outside I have a some friend we want know)


Edited by BomAle
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  • Italian Films (myweb.site/index/italian-films) child of Films and Italian taxonomy
  • content filter: forum cats[1,2,3], clubs [1,2], tags['film'], topic [33,35],
  • people interested: member [1,2,3], groups[15], pfields [1 in it],
  • following notification based on last update or change history
  • summary/stats:
  • last update (cached page with task background for scan each X time)
  • suggestion insert
  • semantic schema json-ld with link to structured data markup helper
  • external sources, advertising purpose...


The major benefit to a central objects table is that, by having a supporting table of object synonyms and keywords, one can provide a standard Google-like search mechanism across the entire system where the user can find information about any object of interest without having to first specify the category that it belongs to.


For primitive beings like us, life seems to have only one single purpose: gaining time. And it is going through time that seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that aim, the mass of the cells that make up earthworms and human beings has only two solutions. Be immortal, or to reproduce. If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing, the cell will choose immortality. In other words, self-sufficiency and self-management. On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable, they will choose to reproduce. That way, when they die, they hand down essential information and knowledge to the next cell. Which hands it down to the next cell and so on.

Thus knowledge and learning are handed down through time. Morgan Freeman (Lucy 2014)
Edited by BomAle
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