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    SC36DC reacted to Nathan Explosion in Google Workspace SMTP Help   
    OK - use an app password for the account, instead of using the actual password for the account (pretty sure that the 'Learn more' on that error probably leads you to https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en)
  2. Like
    SC36DC reacted to TheJackal84 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    thats what I mean but with gifts, it would encourage them more, use the gifts as achievements also what are only awarded when the goal gets reached

    you can also award points or a shop item though it don't have to be a gift
  3. Like
    SC36DC reacted to TheJackal84 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Here's where I am at the minute with it

    Milestone goals allows it to only award once so you can do some good ones

    I will be adding a couple more of my apps

    Added lots more to each app ( You can see all in image 2 descriptions of the app select bit )

    finish up by either awarding points, a shop item or a profile gift, WIth the milestones and profile gifts options you can do some cool mixtures like adding a section of profile gifts what have a lot of topic / post count gifts / images / awards and then not allow them for sale in members shop so the only way to get them is to reach the goals awarding them and when awarded they automatically show in their profiles, I will also add some member stuff like overall rep, has a avatar, has a cover photo and so on
  4. Thanks
    SC36DC reacted to AlexWebsites in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    Currently since there is no API connectivity native to IPS as a sending method, you need to use SMTP https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-smtp.html
  5. Like
    SC36DC reacted to IceCore in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Welcome back @TheJackal84!
    Good to hear from you!
  6. Like
    SC36DC reacted to annadaa in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    it would be good to add it because it remains very interesting that the articles can be accompanied by comments. Member shop thus proves to be a beautiful application committing members to participate and making the community interactive and lively.
  7. Like
    SC36DC reacted to AlexWebsites in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    Is anyone interested in having this developed? I don’t see it as part of 4.5, so we’ll need a plug-in.
  8. Like
    SC36DC reacted to AlexJ in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    How did you configure Amazon SES? Any tips?  How much it would cost for sending 1200 emails/day
  9. Like
    SC36DC reacted to Makoto in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    Thing is my sender reputation with Sendgrid was a solid 98%-99% and I still had issues. May just be bad luck on my part, but two weeks with constant support tickets coming in about Hotmail clients not getting validation e-mails made me cut ties only two months after signing up with them.
    Amazon SES is definitely cost effective and their deliverability rates may be better, I don't know. It's really hard to find good data on raw delivery rates between these services outside of what's anecdotal.
    GSuite I think is amazing for standard notification e-mails for medium to large forums but definitely is not a solution if you need to batch out 10k+ e-mails in a single day.
    That said, I do 100% support adding native Amazon SES integration into IPS, as it is a very reputable solution especially for corporate/enterprise clients and does deserve its own spot beside Sendgrid.
  10. Like
    SC36DC reacted to AlexWebsites in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    Would be great to have an option for using Amazon SES API like sendgrid or when sparkpost was available. I’m using Amazon SES over SMTP, but I believe using their API would be better.
  11. Like
    SC36DC reacted to _Vault_ in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    I’m switching to SES now as well, because the email costs at Sendgrid and others are too high for a non-profit community.
    IPS should really look into supporting SES via API. Right now I’ll use my own VPS/Postfix Relay to get it running and to keep latency low.
  12. Like
    SC36DC reacted to AlexWebsites in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    Any chance this makes it into 4.5.X roadmap?
  13. Like
    SC36DC reacted to jaeitee in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    SendGrid is hardly a stellar alternative https://www.facebook.com/SendGrid/ just look at the complaints all similar, no response from support.
    Here's the status of 1 SendGrid account linked to a community with around 4,000 members.  1 day to go and still unable to upgrade an account, stellar service 🙂  /s

    @bfarber it really is time to reassess SendGrid as being the sole API integrated mail platform for Invision. 
    Here's something that's now affecting the experience with the core Invision product. 🙂 
  14. Like
    SC36DC reacted to AlexWebsites in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    I use Amazon SES via smtp and the delay in replying to topics is what is frustrating. Would rather use their API. So bounces I handle with mail bouncer and if IPS had a default sending method to use the SES API, it would be on us to manage those bounces and our account with Amazon. Same with sendgrid, sparkpost (when it was available). I would say just incorporate the API sending method as an option, which would be very helpful. 
    I have a topic going here: 
  15. Like
    SC36DC reacted to jaeitee in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    60K Emails/Month on SendGrid $359.40 annually
    60K Emails/Month on SES $72 annually
    @Charles @Lindy there's a business case here for you to get it done 🙂 
     Undoubtedly a percentage of those savings for smaller communities on a tighter budget would lead to more plugins and community enhancement purchases. 
     So come on, which one of you is mates or shares a yacht with someone at SendGrid that you chose it over SES? 🤣
  16. Like
    SC36DC reacted to Chris027 in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    I used Sendgrid based on the recommendation of the IPS staff and because support is built into IPS. Unfortunately the price of Sendgrid is 10x that of Amazon's SES simple email service. 
    I just switched over to Amazon SES and am stuck using the SMTP route rather than via the API because there isn't native support via IPS like there is for Sendgrid. 
    I'd like to ask for or vote for IPS adding support for Amazon SES, just like it supports Sendgrid.
  17. Like
    SC36DC reacted to Steph40 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
  18. Like
    SC36DC got a reaction from Tripp★ in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I can't tell you how great it is to see you back online. I hope all is well with you.

  19. Like
    SC36DC got a reaction from Steph40 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I can't tell you how great it is to see you back online. I hope all is well with you.

  20. Sad
    SC36DC reacted to Jordan Miller in Instagram embeds not working   
    I miss Instagram embeds 😢 
  21. Like
    SC36DC got a reaction from SammyS in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I can't tell you how great it is to see you back online. I hope all is well with you.

  22. Like
    SC36DC reacted to TheJackal84 in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Will look into it mate
    Just checked this on my dev site and it works fine, mass awarded the points to a certain group and they all got awarded and logged
    Will check it out mate, hopefully all ready for next week
    Am working on it today, most is done just got to add some of my other apps to it
  23. Like
    SC36DC reacted to TheJackal84 in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I did update it to 4.5, just checked it and I did not mark it as 4.5 it's still sat on 4.4, I will only need to change the compatibility field to 4.5 but think it will need to be approved again, 2 minutes and it will get changed to 4.5
  24. Like
    SC36DC got a reaction from IceCore in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Not sure if anyone already posted about this, but I'd like to point out some issues with Members Shop and Downloads and request a fix.

    1. If you have files set to where they can be purchased with points from Members Shop, when you visit a page for a file in the Downloads section, even if you don't have enough points to download the file, or even if you have 0 points, the button still says 'Download this file'. Is there any way that the button could show different text, or even a red button if they don't have enough points to download the file to begin with?
    2. If someone does not have enough points to download a file, but they still click the 'Download this file' button, they will see my terms that I wrote first, then they click the 'Agree & Download' button, then they get the message 'You don't have enough Points to download this file'. So if something can be done, as I mentioned in 1., then this would save from people getting frustrated from having gone through those steps. ALSO, even though they weren't able to download the file, under File Information on the file's page, it still counts it as a download. So the 'Downloads' count increases even though they didn't actually download the file.
    As a test, I got to the 'You don't have enough Points to download this file'. page, I kept refreshing that page, and it counted each time as download.

    Now I want to try and figure out how to hide the 'Downloads' part under 'File Information' since it severely incorrect. If anyone know how to do this, please let me know.
    Thank you.
  25. Like
    SC36DC got a reaction from LuckyRiver in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I honestly do hope things are ok for TheJackal with whatever he has been dealing with in his personal life. I had a point back in the late 2000's when I was personally dealing with depression, and I had simply abandoned my website, and eventually lost it and and the domain name, since I had failed to re-register it. So I understand how things can get. Hopefully it is nothing as serious.

    Regarding all of his plugins, it would be nice to know there is a contingency plan, in case TheJackal decides one day that he can no longer maintain supporting all of his plugins. Possibly there is another developer he can connect with that could take over some if not all of his plugins?

    Please come back to us @TheJackal84, we all need you sir! 🙏
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