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  1. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Site offline   
    Could you please clear your browser’s cache and try again? It may have been a brief issue but your browser has since cached the reply. 
  2. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Allen Bradford in Site offline   
    Is someone from Support going to chime in here with what’s going on?
    I understand it’s the weekend but my Board and apparently others are down with a blank screen and a redirected URL to some Admin/Install URL. 
  3. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Randy Calvert in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    The product is real and it's coming.  I've been fortunate enough to play with the early alpha version and it's chugging along very nicely.  The new editor is sweet and the UI update is slick.  There are certain areas still under heavy development.  It's not ready for prime time yet, but I've seen many bugs squashed and lots of great polishing being done to the stuff they've already announced.  
  4. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Grant_B in My site (and this site) are slow, about 10 seconds to see a topic?   
    We saw a repeat of these issues at 5pm and 9pm (UK time) yesterday 26th - did anybody else experience the same?
  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Marc Stridgen in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    We're still testing with a few people as of yet. We get you are excited. We are too 🙂 

  6. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to superaven in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    Wondering if maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel yet? Unsure how development cycles like this work, but guessing if development and testing on v5 isn't winding down, we might not see it in May either. Anyhow, holding my breath for some news, if not a release announcement soon.
  7. Like
  8. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from sadams101 in PageSpeed Insights SEO Issue: Links are not crawlable   
    Referring to the topic "Links are not crawlable" and toggleQuote is Creating Errors in PageSpeed, you can also improve the spoiler code.
    ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler'>&nbsp;</a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); to
    ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler' aria-label='{{#lang}}toggle_spoiler{{/lang}}>&nbsp;</a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); Temporary JS fix:
    {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id and \in_array( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controller, array( 'topic', 'page' ) )}} <script async> $(document).ready(function() { $('.ipsQuote_citation a.ipsPos_right').remove(); $('.ipsSpoiler_header a[data-action="toggleSpoiler"]').attr({ 'title': '{lang="topic_approve"}', 'aria-label': '{lang="topic_approve"}'}); $('.ipsQuote a.ipsTruncate_more').attr({ 'title': '{lang="expand"}', 'href': '#', 'onclick': 'return false;', 'rel': 'nofollow'}); }); </script> {{endif}}
  9. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Vakarian96 in Club Database Permissions   
    I have another problem.
    If I have a public club in which I create a database for club moderators only, then anyone (including users who are not members of the club) can read the database. 
    If I revoke the rights in the ACP in the database permissions, they can no longer access it, but they see it permanently under unread content in the activity feed.
  10. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to sadams101 in PageSpeed Insights SEO Issue: Links are not crawlable   
    Can you please look into a fix for this issue, which affects both Mobile and Desktop versions of any forum post that includes a quote (this happens on nearly every thread in my forum).
    Example URL:
    View Issue on PageSpeed Insights:
    Links are not crawlable Search engines may use href attributes on links to crawl websites. Ensure that the href attribute of anchor elements links to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. Learn how to make links crawlable  
  11. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in My site (and this site) are slow, about 10 seconds to see a topic?   
    Glad to hear things have improved.
  12. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to David N. in My site (and this site) are slow, about 10 seconds to see a topic?   
    My site is very slow right now, it takes about 10 seconds after I click on a topic name to see the topic. Clicking the notification bell doesn't display notifications. I see the progress wheel turn and nothing. 
  13. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Sonya* in Upgrade - Manual action required - Version 4.7.16   
    Auto-upgrade can fail if you are on PHP 8.2 or higher. Check your PHP version and downgrade to 8.1, if it is not.
  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Clint Davis in Upgrade - Manual action required - Version 4.7.16   
    I just ran into the same issue. PHP 8.1 will be end-of-life in 6 months. Will this issue be resolved before then?
  15. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from tnn in PHP 8.2 Thread   
    IPS v4 will not have support for PHP 8.2. The End.
  16. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Marc Stridgen in URL Site Previews...   
    Its not something we have at present on the new editor, but its certainly an interesting idea. 
  17. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to Ocean West in URL Site Previews...   
    If you ever use Slack when you place a URL to an external site sometimes it will auto show a preview. 
    Is this something that on the roadmap or apart of the new editor? 

  18. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    To be clear, we have no plans to remove jQuery from 5.0.0. We expect to begin a fairly lengthy migration process over several releases where we'll start rewriting our UI and utility classes to use native.
    That said, I do not think it is critical to remove jQuery to improve page speed scores. We can probably get away with using jQuery slim, which is about 23kb of data sent once, and then your browser caches it. 23kb isn't insignificant but then a single image added to a page will negate any savings. Removing jQuery now would add further stress onto third party developers and delay v5 by 6-9 months given the huge amount of JS we are using for really little gain.
    Anything significantly new is using native.
    Here's the result of running Lighthouse for mobiles on my development install running with IN_DEV on (so no caching, no compiled or minified CSS, hundreds of script tags, etc). I would expect that to hit high 90s when not using IN_DEV mode.

  19. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to ghinton in PHP 8.2 Thread   
    Glad to hear as PHP 8.1 does not support ImageMagick, but PHP 8.0 and 8.2 do, so that issue might need to be addressed for people not upgrading to v5
  20. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to taz.de in PHP 8.2 Thread   
    just to let you know: for us and especially our admins, it would be helpfull if you could synchronize the supported php version with the one supported by the actual stable debian packages.
  21. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to sadams101 in PageSpeed Insights Fix Needed for Link Back to Original Post in Quotes   
    Can you please add this to the next update?
    The following errors are generated by Google PageSpeed Insights for all links back to the original post in quotes:
    Links do not have a discernible name Link text (and alternate text for images, when used as links) that is discernible, unique, and focusable improves the navigation experience for screen reader users. Learn how to make links accessible. Examples of such links can be found on this page:
    and if you look at the "Accessibility" are for either Mobile or Desktop here you will see the details:
    I suspect that this involves adding text like "Go To Quoted Post" in a JS files, or perhaps a PHP file.

  22. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to tnn in Unrecognised field 'interactionStatistic' on User Profile   
    It may be that the numbers are missing quotation marks. 
    issue is: 
    - Unrecognized field "interactionStatistic"
    - Validation: Not Started
    Possible Cause:
    "userInteractionCount": 3557 
    "userInteractionCount": 14299
    "userInteractionCount": "3557" 
    "userInteractionCount": "14299"
    (note quotation marks around the numbers.)
  23. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from tnn in Unrecognised field 'interactionStatistic' on User Profile   
    Hi. I know it's just a warning but... I'm reporting it as a bug. The warning applies to the user's profile.
    Example Code:
    "interactionStatistic": [ { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "http://schema.org/CommentAction", "userInteractionCount": 3557 }, { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "http://schema.org/ViewAction", "userInteractionCount": 14299 } ] }

  24. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Ehren in Disable scroll for mobile menu   
    Thanks for the suggestion. This has already been addressed in v5, but I’ll keep this in mind for v4 🙂  It’s bugged me in the past too. 
  25. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Marc Stridgen in spam posts   
    This is done from your file system, not your admin CP. So you create a file in the route directory named constants.php and add this
    <?php define('DISABLE_MFA', TRUE); This will disable the google authentication you are struggling with, so you can log in
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