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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. By "subscriptions", do you mean renewable products or are you using the Subscriptions functionality? Products can be grouped together (including renewables). Subscriptions, you can only "own" 1 at a time.
  2. Is it something you're actively able to reproduce?
  3. Subscriptions are a less-featured version of Products. This is not something which is purposely done but can, of course, request it in the Feedback forum.
  4. Sorry, I did not understand that. Could you please rephrase?
  5. You have it configured to show events near you by default. I have none:
  6. You can limit payment methods to a certain region but you cannot limit a subscription to a certain region.
  7. In the screenshot, are you viewing by events near you? If so, these would fit that filter and viewing by location merely is removing that filter and showing all.
  8. MANAGER is not an administrator so would be able to be banned. This likely stems from your terminology understandings. Keep in mind an administrator is someone who can access the ACP.
  9. You can post the display name or user ID here. We do not need access information as we are on cloud. We just need to review the permissions. I have disabled my messages.
  10. Could you please provide example user's on your community which are configured in this manner? We can then see what you have exactly configured. This may be easier than trying to eliminate terminology here and what you may have restricted.
  11. Unfortunately, this is not something which I can reproduce. When logging in as a moderator under the ACP, I am able to switch these notification settings. Refresh the page, still logged in as the moderator. Then switch back to our administrator account and login as a new moderator. Do the same action, refresh and try again. All acting as it should and keeping the session. I would advise clearing your cookies and local storage on your browser if you continue to have issues. However, make these changes via the user's profile in the ACP is the way to make these changes as an administrator. You will not want to login in as every single user 🙂
  12. Please be advised I have tagged a developer to this topic for further review.
  13. Already, there is confusion because moderators do not have access to the ACP. Thus, you are providing more access to these users.
  14. PHP 7.4+ uses PCRE2 validation. Have you tried scaling back the value which you are inserting? Does the validation work with just "fa-solid"?
  15. Could you please provide an exact example of what a particular user is attempting to do to another user and where they are doing? We can then review your settings and let you know if it is intended or not. We are still lacking who/what/when/where so answering your question about inconsistency or resolving it is not possible.
  16. By chance, are you logging in as multiple users? If so, you would first need to log out as that will destroy the cookies/session set and then allow you to login again as another user.
  17. I would not advise using the Achievement system for reward points that they can spend. The system isn't really built to do that.
  18. If you allow your moderators to warn other staff members or flag them as a spammer then they would be able to potentially ban them, again if you allow that via warning or flag as spammer. However, access to the ACP should only be given to those who need it and you all out trust. Not every staff member. Anyone in the ACP can ban anyone (except themselves).
  19. Could you please let me know what exactly you are changing? Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this when changing a notification setting myself. This also can be done via the ACP so there is no need to login as the user as well.
  20. Until you publish your app, you can only access it via test users. You would need to publish the app in Google's API console website in order for non-test users to access it. It's worth mentioning that these providers do change frequently and while our guide may not match 100% (we will update it), the idea is there and it should still function.
  21. We can enable the betas on Cloud for your package but it is with the understanding that the betas may not be perfect and a resolution to the issue may not be resolved right away like a general available release would.
  22. This will be in 4.7.15 which had a beta released if you would like to test it.
  23. You would want to contact the author if you are unsure how to find their resources. My guess is that they didn't make a transition to hosting this on their own or have been MIA for a while if you are struggling to find it. Keep in mind any change is going to be different than what you had before. Nothing will be easier than point and click of the Marketplace but the simple solution is to always contact the author if you don't know where to go.
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