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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This would likely be mod_security or another security module blocking usage of this on your server. Please contact your hosting provider for assistance in either disabling this or allowing the software to perform these actions which it's blocking.
  2. You are on our Cloud, you will not be able to see the PHP version and there is no need to as we handle this 🙂 . You have a few different third party applications/plugins that require upgrading. Please ensure everything is compatible and try again. If you still have an issue, I would recommend disabling third party applications/plugins as you have a few which interact with the member code.
  3. Have your Notification Settings changed in ACP -> notification bell (top right) -> Notification Settings? Would need "A new member has completed registration" set to "Yes" for email.
  4. Could you please clarify what emails you're not receiving? When sending a test email to myself, I received it without issue. Both errors there can be ignored as that is from close to a month ago and has been resolved. It will soon be purged from your System Log.
  5. Glad to hear you at least have access. Would recommend purging any cache if you're using a CDN or anything like that.
  6. These are just individuals attempting to access things which do not exist. I am not having any issue accessing your community so this sounds like something local to your computer having issues accessing. Have you tried a different browser?
  7. Anything which is not able to connect to the software itself would be hosting issue. That warning is from the browser stating it cannot connect to your server. You can try clearing cache, etc.. to see if this is a local issue to your computer. That may help.
  8. This would be a hosting error you need to contact your hosting provider about.
  9. This would indicate the folder is not writable, not the files inside it. This is likely unrelated to changing the permissions on files in the logs folder as that would not take down your site. I see that you restored from a backup as your community is running currently. I would advise taking things one step at a time. Restoring your images in the uploads folder first and then moving towards an upgrade. Lean on your hosting provider as much as possible for any changes to the file system as they will know what to do in these cases (and if you have support with them the best route). Also, any file uploads which you may need to do (such as a manual upgrade)
  10. Could you please list any other functionality you find? This will help us verify against what we find. Thank you. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. Could you please let us know what the users were doing at the time which they encountered this? This is typically our firewall blocking the user for an action we deemed unsafe or suspicious. However, it could be in error so we want to double check what is happening.
  12. This is our firewall which should not block you simply for performing an upgrade. Was there anything which you were doing prior? Please note I completed the upgrade for you.
  13. This would need to be done on our end. We have received your request and will accomplish it as soon as we can. Please note that it is the weekend so requests may be slower than normal business hours.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean. Our password reset would work on any account, regular user or admin. Please note, I am not trying to be dismissive or rude here, but these situations typically are caused by either a browser password manager overriding your credentials with old ones, accidentally inserting an old credential, wrong email/display name, etc... Which is all understandable these days as we have millions of credentials to manage. However, I do want to be clear, the system merely does not change your password without some action on your part. With that said, if you would like us to try to change the password on your account and then try a little later to access again, we can do that. Please let us know.
  15. Glad to hear that the issue is resolved for you 🙂 .
  16. Try to reload the upgrader by going to /admin/upgrade
  17. Can ignore that. It was sent in error.
  18. As my colleague mentioned, what you need here is a dedicated web administrator to assist you moving forward. This is really beyond our scope of support as what you're facing here really isn't a direct issue with the software. If you can't or don't want to move to our Cloud, the next best option is to hire a provide off the list here to assist you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  19. You're more than welcome to provide this in our Feedback section 🙂 .
  20. Our advice would be to upgrade as soon as it makes sense to do so for your community. However, if you are worried about potential bugs, then you would need to weigh that with security, etc... of the latest release. TBF to our dev team, we patched the bugs the OP were referring to quickly before and including in the security release of
  21. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  22. We would need to know what exactly you are performing, e.g. the exact zaps and steps. I would also recommend disabling any third party applications/plugins while attempting this.
  23. As you changed servers, I would recommend checking your email settings ACP -> System -> Email Settings. Please work with your hosting provider to ensure those are correct. This would be on your server, not in the software. I would suggest asking your hosting provider if you are unsure how to move these files from your old server to the new.
  24. Could you please clarify what is not working properly for you? While I do not see some images, they are rendering 404 not founds, that would be a server check to ensure the migration went properly. If that is the issue you're referring to, have you check with your provider that the images exist on your server in the same location?
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