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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. We have removed the session id from the ACP urls, meaning that you have to make sure to use CSRF protections in all your methods which change a state! We also advice to use \IPS\Request::i()->confirmedDelete() in all your methods where you're deleting data! One of the few examples from the MP reviews is this code: protected function approve() { if ( !\IPS\Request::i()->id ) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'node_error', '2myApp', 404, '' ); } $a = \IPS\myApp\Item::load( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $a->open = 1; $a->save(); /* Log History */ \IPS\myApp\History::addEntry( 'foo', x, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name ); \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( '.' )); } Once an administrator with a valid ACP session calls the url, he would automatically approve the advert, meaning that any member could post an encoded URL (or use one of the other methods which I'm not going to mention here ) to lead the admin into the trap! To prevent that this happens, you have to utilise the CSRF key and to check in your method if the key is valid, before anything else is done!
  2. Your cron task is quite confusing and introducing unncessary overhead. foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'contenthistory_visits' ) as $row ) { \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'contenthistory_visits', array( 'ch_date<?', \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P' . \IPS\Settings::i()->ch_prune_logs_days . 'D' ) )->getTimestamp() ) ); } What's the point of the foreach loop? There's really no need to iterate over all the rows in contenthistory_visits, you can just run the query which you have inside the loop.
  3. Our zapier Integration will of course include support for databases, records , comments and reviews. BTW, you’re already able to use our REST endpoints in combination with Zapier Webhooks to run operations with records, comments and reviews. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api
  4. That’s the Post before Registration follow up
  5. You can just create your own robots.txt file and upload it via FTP to your host, or if you’re using CiC, just create a new page called robots.txt
  6. Please submit a ticket so that we can take a look at this.
  7. It’s not enough to include the init.php , you also need to initialize the dispatcher .
  8. Just to clarify. You were already able to accomplish this within forums since IPS 4.0 (probably even before) The change in 4.5 covers now also club forums. So, as Club Owner, when creating a new forum feature, you see now a new setting for this
  9. Hi, that's possible with the forum application:) When creating or editing a forum in the ACP, you have following setting under the "Forum Settings" tab, which controls this
  10. IPS 4.5 will include a new option for advertisements allowing you to define to not show the advertisement on such pages.
  11. Don't forget that Records "doesn't exist", it's just a virtual class used to create the real implementation aka Records1, Records2 ( the Database ID is attached to the classname), this means you need to use the proper record class name. Instead of \IPS\cms\Records it's going to be \IPS\cms\Records1 ( replace 1 with your database id )
  12. 1. The installation is an exclusive feature provided by a custom application here on invisioncommunity.com which is the server-side backend of the new ACP MP installation feature in 4.5 . It would be pointless to provide this in the downloads app product for others;) You'll still have your "Download" Button. 2. There's still a download button
  13. That's a simple widget using our new Page Builder - Text Widget 🙂
  14. BTW, we have a recovery mode which will disable all 3rd party apps and plugins and which will literally fix 99% of the issues after an upgrade 🙂 https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#recoverymode
  15. There's indeed already a plugin for creditor https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/table
  16. That's an issue with a 3rd party application or plugin which added a custom column to your forums_posts database table called charmod_name
  17. There's no sidebar widget for this in the core! They can update their status from the create menu or from their profile once they activated the status updates!
  18. Well, looking at the code you're using which is clearly out of our framework( AKA it's not going to use an IPS app) , I'm not sure what you're expecting to get returned from : \IPS\Request::i()->app. It's clearly not an app;) But if everything else (the constats) is set correct at least the session should work. <?php define('IPS_ROOT', __DIR__.'/include/subdomains/community/'); require IPS_ROOT.'init.php'; \IPS\Session\Front::i(); echo \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name;
  19. [12-Jun-2020 04:28:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Module 'redis' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Seems to be an issue in your php conf where the module is loaded twice? That's something your webhost should be able to address
  20. The error means that there's an issue with the SQL connection. Have you changed any details? Have you deleted any databases?
  21. I can confirm any_time(which I have fixed for 4.5), but nothing else from your list was duplicate for me.
  22. What do you mean with “haven’t done anything?” It’s normal if they’re not shown in the frontend because the permissions aren’t set yet. Do you see any imported members and forums in the ACP or are they missing there too? Please submit a ticket if they’re missing there, if not, please just review the forum permissions 🙂
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