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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. Do you mean webhooks or php classes? php class: \IPS\forums\Topic\Post webhook event=>
  2. It will be available on https://ic-essentials.com within the next 2 weeks. Just need to test it myself, fix any open bugs and import the purchases.
  3. You can see them on the "My Purchases" page. https://invisioncommunity.com/marketplace/previous-purchases/
  4. Not really. You’ll also need to update the search index
  5. I'm doing it via https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/6-seo-essentials/?do=getNewComment , which is my own 3rd party application, but you can also add the meta tag via the live meta tag editor The advantage of the 3rd party application is that it allows you to have also few rules to automatically add content to the no index table and the second and more important advantage of the app: It will also take care of the sitemap and not include any content which is flagged to not be indexed.
  6. Hi, I See you found the "confusion" with the constant. The REDIS_ENABLED constant controls the "Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead" setting and not if Redis is enabled or disabled globally. Where is Redis running? Is it running on the same server as your web and mysql Server? What are the specs? Is Redis configured properly?
  7. There were few changes which will affect own REST API endpoints.🫢 We'll cover this in an upcoming dev blog entry 🙂
  8. There's a good article about this https://yoast.com/update-or-delete-old-content-on-your-site/ It's primarily for blogs but you can also see it as inspiration for forums.
  9. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry, I thought it would be logical that it should be something related, so I didn't mention it.
  10. If it's REALLY SPAM or some offtopic stuff, I'm flagging it as no index. If it's something helpful but outdated, I'm deleting it, but not without creating a redirect to the new helpful content! It's IMO going to harm you a lot if you delete a topic that ranks very high for your relevant keywords, especially if you're also getting many visitors for it, either from the search engines, or other sites that link to it, so I'm always trying to create an useful redirect target for it.
  11. Does this also happen if you disable the itvcontact app/plugin?
  12. You can fix this by editing the applications/tcw/data/extensions.json file in the applications directory. Replace the files content with: { "core": { "Queue": { "legacyTopicFields": "IPS\\tcw\\extensions\\core\\Queue\\legacyTopicFields" } } }
  13. Have you set the moderator permissions ( ACP> members > moderators) ?
  14. The sitemap is built with a background task that runs all 15 minutes. This means that once you publish it, it won't be immediately listed in the sitemap, but it will appear once the sitemap is rebuilt successfully!
  15. Are you sure that you’re using Apache and not Nginx ?
  16. It was merged for the next feature release:)
  17. Absolutely not! Nothing on your installation will be changed, the only difference is the way how you'll install and upgrade them in the future.
  18. Yea, as @teraßyte said, I would go with clubs. Either private or not, depends on your setup and requirements.
  19. Why won't clubs work for you? This would be an easy way to avoid having that many groups.
  20. Are you still reproducing this? I've followed the instructions from the first post and I got the correct output. This is the generated redirect URL: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/528-invision-community-insider/?sortby=posts&advanced_search_submitted=1&csrfKey=547677829c1cd896fc01e8a4395737b9&topic_type=all&sort_by=replies&sort_direction=desc&time_frame=show_all&sortdirection=asc
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