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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. You have to override the constructFromData method to set your custom values
  2. Any self hosted client tried it with todays beta?:)
  3. This should be resolved in the upcoming November release. BTW, we have released the first beta today, so if you want to give it a try...
  4. You can probably use the BULK_MAILS_PER_CYCLE constant to define how many emails are processed per cycle. It's not exactly what you were asking for, but it should work;)
  5. Are the data stored to autothreadgen_gallery_addon ? Are you actually loading the data from autothreadgen_gallery_addon and when the object is loaded? Without seeing the full code I can only guess..:D
  6. Thanks. This should be fixed in our November release:)
  7. Are there any errors logged in your System Log?
  8. After seeing gallery_threadgen_addon I have a minor suggestion => Please use your own database table prefix! It's going to be much easier for you (but also for our staff to not mix up any 3rd party database tables with our own! We have also covered this in our guidelines YEP;)
  9. That's managed via the "Zone Editor" ( the icon is in the last line on your screenshot) https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/domains/zone-editor/
  10. This means the internal IPS Advertisement System ( https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/monetization/internal-advertising-r57/ )
  11. That's inside the google API settings https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard
  12. Did your domain or path change when moving to the new VPS? If yes, did you update the google auth details?
  13. IPS 4.6.8 is going to remove following extensions: core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Applications.php core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Profiles.php So if your 3rd party applications or plugins hook into any of these files, please be warned. Everything else 3rd Party related from our changelog: I'm really excited about the last point. Now you're be able to set a member group as not deletable, to prevent that a group which is used for member promotions, or which is literally essential for your 3rd party code can be deleted by the admin. /** * Can this group be deleted? * * @param \IPS\Member\Group $group The group * @return void */ public function canDelete( $group ) : bool { return TRUE; } Just a short update after a while:)
  14. You could either take a look at the core_members database table or the system/Member/Member.php class to see all the available fields. The lazy way would be probably Member::logged()->apiOutput() , which would return an array with following data: /** * Get output for API * * @param \IPS\Member|NULL $authorizedMember The member making the API request or NULL for API Key / client_credentials * @param array|NULL $otherFields Array of additional fields to return (raw values) * @return array * @apiresponse int id ID number * @apiresponse string name Username * @apiresponse string title Member title * @clientapiresponse string timezone Member timezone * @apiresponse string formattedName Username with group formatting * @apiresponse string ipAddress IP address used during registration * @apiresponse \IPS\Member\Group primaryGroup Primary group * @clientapiresponse [\IPS\Member\Group] secondaryGroups Secondary groups * @clientapiresponse string email Email address * @apiresponse datetime joined Registration date * @clientapiresponse string registrationIpAddress IP address when registered * @clientapiresponse int warningPoints Number of active warning points * @apiresponse int reputationPoints Number of reputation points * @apiresponse string photoUrl URL to photo (which will be the site's default if they haven't set one) * @apiresponse bool photoUrlIsDefault Indicates if the value of photoUrl is the site's default * @apiresponse string coverPhotoUrl URL to profile cover photo (will be blank if there isn't one) * @apiresponse string|null profileUrl URL to profile * @clientapiresponse bool validating Whether or not the validating flag is set on the member account * @apiresponse int posts Number of content item submissions member has made * @apiresponse datetime|null lastActivity Last activity date on the site. * @clientapiresponse datetime|null lastVisit Last distinct visit date on the site. * @clientapiresponse datetime|null lastPost Latest content submission date. * @apiresponse int profileViews Number of times member's profile has been viewed * @apiresponse string birthday Member birthday in MM/DD/YYYY format (or MM/DD format if no year has been supplied). * @apiresponse [\IPS\core\ProfileFields\Api\FieldGroup] customFields Custom profile fields. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, only fields the authorized user can view will be included * @apiresponse [\IPS\core\Achievements\Rank] rank Rank * @apiresponse int achievements_points Points */
  15. Unfortunatly I can't think of any other way.
  16. Weird, may I ask what browser you were using? It's working for me also with safari on the iPhone.
  17. If you're not seeing this, I would check your browser console and contact their support https://zapier.com/app/get-help?from_url=https%3A%2F%2Fzapier.com%2Fhelp
  18. Zapier should show all available variables once you click into the editor
  19. Custom Pages related js & css templates aren't stored in the default IPS template storage, so \IPS\Theme and the template output helper won't work here. Instead you'll have to use the \IPS\cms\Templates class where the load method accepts either the ID or the key as first param.
  20. What have you tried till yet? It's a simple method which returns true/false depending on your condition in this method.
  21. Set the type to "Other/Manual" and then use following code: <?php $options = ['fa-angle-up' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>', 'fa-chevron-up' => '<i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i>', 'fa-window-close' => '<i class="fa fa-window-close"></i>']; return new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio("core_theme_setting_title_{$row['sc_id']}", $value, FALSE, array( 'options' => $options, 'parse' => "raw" ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'theme_setting_' . $row['sc_key']); Result: You could also use the IPS\Helpers\Form\Custom form field type which allows you to literally customize the whole output...
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