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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. What parameters would you need?
  2. The issue is/was that the broken tag configuration is already stored in your database. I have fixed it a while ago but it came back( probably again from a 3rd party app) so now each further rss import will use the broken configuration. We can fix this for you but please don’t install any 3rd party applications which could cause this again.
  3. This should be possible with the pages application and few custom output templates .
  4. Can you confirm that "Allow the topic starter to mark solved?" is disabled? If you don't see it, could you first toggle the "Enable Solved?" setting, so that the second option gets visible? If it is enabled, please disable it.
  5. Thanks. The issue with the broken images when json decoding fails was fixed for the next release, but we haven't noticed the issue with the serialized data from IPB3.x. I have logged that to our bug tracker.
  6. What aws client and guzzle version are you using in your app @Jon Erickson?
  7. It seems like your cli is using another php version than the Webserver
  8. This sounds like an issue with a WAF (Web Application Firewall). I would suggest to contact your webhost to see if something is blocking the request.
  9. The upcoming release will include a feature to NOT update the URL when the topic title changes, which has the benefit that the old url is kept instead of having a 301 redirect to the new URL ! Unfortunately it's a global setting, so in the first version it won't be possible to set if it should be changed or not(like there are legit reasons where you would want to change it), but it's on the TODO list for one of the upcoming releases. I don't remember who requested it via PM, but here we go:) Happy New Year!
  10. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  11. The content isn’t archived immediately after changing the settings, instead there’s a background tasks which will iterate over your content meeting the criteria for archiving and archive it
  12. Make sure you’re using the same PHP version for the Webserver and CLI if you’re using cron jobs to run tasks
  13. You could use https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.iterator-to-array.php to get an array from the iterator
  14. There's a known issue with the incompatibility with the IPS cloud, that said, the issue was identified and it seems that I've finally fixed it, but it needs some further testing to make sure that it won't happen again. A new version resolving the issue should be released next week! I'm really sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.
  15. That’s a 3rd party task. Are there any incompatible apps or plugins installed ? edit: just saw your reply. Glad to see that you found the issue.
  16. We're going to add a noindex meta tag to this page, so it won't be indexed anymore with a future release.
  17. We're creating a ticket (AKA you'll get an email to your client email address ) when we reject a submission, which happened in your case on Nov 28, 3:04am.
  18. The file was submitted on Saturday and just reviewed. I think that's more than reasonable!
  19. The problem for Chris were many very old orphaned posts which we removed for him via a ticket.
  20. That’s an issue with a 3rd party app! Disable all your 3rd party apps and plugins to resolve the issue. Then make sure that you have the recent version installed
  21. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/members/GETindex are the only methods, which are available ! Unfortunately there's no way to check the IP at the moment. If you need this, you'll need to implement your own endpoint for this!
  22. The content for the activity stream comes from the search index. Does the search return anything?
  23. My app includes indeed guzzle too. "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~5.3.3||~6.0||~7.0", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.8.4||^2.2.1", Once SEO essentials is disabled it works? edit: This looks more like an issue with the cloud shared library and not with this app! I’ll take a look:) var/www/sharedresources/awssdk/Aws/Handler/GuzzleV6/GuzzleHandler.php(40): GuzzleHttp\default_user_agent()
  24. Yea, this way it overwrites the old file so the deprecated code won’t be on the system anymore, while deleting it from the package keeps it on their system for everybody who’s upgrading.
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