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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. Create your custom file and place it in your community root. Then add following to your constants.php file. define( 'UPGRADING_PAGE', 'file.html' );
  2. This is a IPS core database table! (In theory, any table starting with core or YOURPREFIX_core belongs to the core! 🙂 That's also why we're trying to enforce that plugins have their own database table prefix instead of using core/forum/downloads/etc...
  3. I would suggest to take a look at the official google docs for paywalls and oaywalled content https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/paywalled-content?hl=en
  4. It depends on your configured logging error level. You can define it by clicking on the settings button at the top on this page.
  5. Is this a custom theme? If yes, make sure it is up2date and that it has the necessary code in place.
  6. Something like following code should work. protected function getAllowedCssClasses() { return array_merge(parent::getAllowedClasses(), ['MVN_infoboxes_container','MVN_infoboxes_container-left'....]); }
  7. Seems reasonable! I have posted this to our internal tracker.
  8. IPS\Text\Parser::getAllowedCssClasses() can be hooked to add the additional css classes. Would be much user friendlier 🙂 Also if you're up to suggestions, I would open all the links in your ACP instructions/descriptions in a new window/tab. It's quite annoying and distracting it if opens in the same window before one e.g. copied the classname.
  9. The instructions to manually add the css classes are unnecessary, you can literally create a hook and programmatically whitelist them. I’ve also put on my todo list to see if one could literally create avoid the manual down and upload, it shouldn’t be hard to “fake” the request.
  10. Do you see any errors in your system log/ server error log?
  11. Following 3 tables contain all PM related data
  12. There's a setting which controls the prune timeframe in your ACP => Members => Member Settings ( Profiles ) It sounds like you enabled this?
  13. The members widget contains already settings for todays / this months birthdays.It's not really exactly what you want, but better than nothing. Just a small hint because I noticed recently that many people weren't aware of this:)
  14. Sorry for the confusion, I was only looking at the missing emojis. Stuart mentioned that this is an issue with Windows ( Windows 10 21H2 )
  15. Edit: Ok can't test it on windows, only MacOS
  16. Are you still seeing this? Works fine for me in Safari, Firefox and Chrome
  17. Is the content visible to guests? As far as I know the icons will only appear for content which is visible to guests.
  18. OK here we go:) you can't rely on IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone being valid and usable inside new \DateTimeZone() So before you pass it, making sure that it's valid should fix the bug which people are facing. if( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone and \in_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone, \IPS\DateTime::getTimezoneIdentifiers() ) ..
  19. BTW, small suggestion for the uninstall code: \IPS\Db::i()->dropTable('tbbut_groups'); \IPS\Db::i()->dropTable('tbbut_members'); Wrap these 2 calls into a try-catch IPS\Db\Exception block so that the uninstall process doesn't stop if one of the tables is missing.
  20. I guess the above error was still not fixed? Just found this on a CiC clients system DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone () #0 /var/www/html/1/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(130): DateTimeZone->__construct('') #1 /var/www/html/1/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\forums\hook2769->get_bumpLimits() #2 /var/www/html/1/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(7567): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get('bumpLimits') #3 /var/www/html/1/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_core_global_plugins->tbButBumpButton(Object(IPS\forums\Topic))
  21. We have several clients on the cloud with thousands of logged errors
  22. Wouldn't this show Cloudflare as the source? At least that's what I get when the crawler hints are enabled.
  23. Final should be ready by end of the week:) The package size was also succesffuly decreased again:) (If you have SSH access and composer support, you could run composer update to remove everything unncessary) There's also something else coming:)
  24. I'll create a ticket to take a look at this.
  25. IPS won't send any requests to IndexNow suggesting to index such an URL. I guess you mean to add an no index directory to the robots.txt file?
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