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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release.
  2. You're able to see the current pages keywords and the avg position where it ranks on Google. In a future release we'll log the keywords and use them to generate automatic/semo automatic internal links to get even a much better boost
  3. You'll have to contact tapatalk for support with their app!
  4. I'm confused. Are you saying that Zapier isn't receiving any data? This sounds like an issue with your ActiveCampaign step and not IPS, since there are clearly data received from IPS (based on the screenshot with the IPS step)
  5. That’s an issue with the music box app. you’ll need to get the new files or get the author to resolve this to proceed with the upgrade
  6. A client upgrading his community and 3rd party apps has run into an issue which bricked his upgrade process. Please take a look at the upgrade file in upg_200029, it seems there's an infinite loop being generated.
  7. There's some weird loop in your queue which a) results in following error log: and b) actually much more worrying: It somehow ends in a loop re-adding the same people over and over again to the list, which actually resulted in an attempt to send 200 000 emails in the last few minutes. Client has version installed
  8. That's the documentation of the payload and not a webhook.
  9. I'll need to take a look at this, which one of your communities is affected?
  10. Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release.
  11. This looks like some broken HTML code resulting in the sidebar being moved to the footer.
  12. Are all the 33ktopics visible? It really shouldn't be that slow, are you running it manually? I have sent you a PM with instructions to delete all the background tasks.
  13. You can use already use the stock replies for this.
  14. Yes, unfortunately this affects only new tickets created after the upgrade.
  15. Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release.
  16. The November release is available for everybody with an active purchase:) It includes a brand-new analyzer overview page which is going to include all your public pages and the SEO test results/ healthcare. This is an experimental feature right now, because it still needs some optimizations for really big boards, but it was well tested with one community with almost 1 000 000 posts. Another minor but important feature is the UGC attribute which will be added to any new links in your content. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/qualify-outbound-links Full Change Log:
  17. You can create and manage the categories in your ACP!
  18. Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release ( this time for real). Somehow 50% of my previous fix weren't merged properly.
  19. I've had a similar challenge, that's why I created an app for member segments to have more control of this. That said, do you really need that many groups? Do you need a group for every scenario with the active and inactive subscriptions?
  20. The problem is that it’s trying to access a not existing array value. What’s happening inside the wpdata hook?
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