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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. To be fair, none of the form element templates shows the prefix, it's always shown as part of the row template, which wraps the form element, so the proper fix here was to remove it from the number template.
  2. Thanks, I can confirm that we fixed this bug in our next maintenance release. ( I have applied the patch to your system to confirm that nothing else is broken) so you should be fine now. Please keep in mind that because of these changes, your support tool will show now that some original IPS files were customized!
  3. That's known and fixed for an upcoming release, the issue is that we can't reproduce the second issue with being able to lock all topics and not only the own.
  4. Hi, we’re planing to add further webhooks, but unfortunately we don’t have any public roadmap yet.
  5. I'm glad that you replied here. We have replied to the ticket on Oct 3 and got the reply and another reply on Oct 12 which was the last one from you.Since then none of our replies was delivered successful. Marc contacted you on Oct 24 which resulted again issues I've just sent you a PM to see what 's going on with the ticket
  6. I’ll take a look at this and your zapier issue
  7. The first issue was fixed for an upcoming release and I can't reproduce the second on my installation. Are you seeing this on your community?
  8. 3rd party apps have a way to modify the secondary groups even for new uses
  9. You can add the following to your constants.php (create one starting with <?php and a newline if you don't have one yet): \define( 'EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', '/dev/null' );
  10. Yea, just remove this part: foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'cms_database_fields', array( 'field_type=?', 'CountryFieldCvh' ) ) AS $countryField ) { $field = \IPS\cms\Fields::load( $countryField[ 'field_id' ], $countryField[ 'field_database_id' ] ); $field->delete(); } then it should work 🙂
  11. I guess the CMS table is hardcoded in the uninstall file. Could you post its content here? If you're not sure about the path => /home/dzxlgzyz/public_html/forums/plugins/cvhcountryfield/uninstall.php
  12. DEBUG_LOG will enable debug logging, which isn't related to any error logging!
  13. Your webhost will know where they're located and how you can access them
  14. It doesn't matter if there's a backslash or not 🙂
  15. Have you applied all patches? I think that we patched this one last week
  16. We're already supporting rel=preload
  17. There's a file in the marketplace which allows you to have one for registered vs guests, but I'm not aware of one for each group. ,
  18. That's not related to Google Analytics:) Google Search Console is something own. Quote from another site: Here's my public roadmap https://github.com/users/DanielFatkic/projects/6 As you see, there's a task to improve the frontend experience and to integrate it better into the Live Editor in IPS.
  19. This was fixed for an upcoming release
  20. There's now a ticket about the other issue because I'll need to take a look at this.
  21. Not really. It's also not critical and the file isn't needed at all! It's just a broken link to the manifests.xml "file" in the frontend.
  22. Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release.
  23. You're able to see the current pages keywords and the avg position where it ranks on Google. In a future release we'll log the keywords and use them to generate automatic/semo automatic internal links to get even a much better boost
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