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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. No, not at all. You would just post up on the community in our support section instead of ticketing. If a ticket is then needed for private access for example, we can take that to email and assist. You will have seen this happening more and more lately, and this will continue. Support has not gone away, its simply done in a different manner.
  2. I have your ticket there now, Adriano. You just need to respond to that and we can get them sorted for you
  3. You would add any items you wish to your toolbar. Take a look at the following guide for this. You may wish to add ckeditor plugins to facilitate this, which is what has been done above
  4. I see you have already had one sent to our developers there, so hopefully we can get that resolved for you.
  5. Have you applied the latest patch within your support area? If not, please apply that and test again. There was a patch release directly related to custom profile fields.
  6. No problem at all 🙂 Glad to hear thats sorted for you
  7. That isnt something that the software provides at present time, and I believe it would require 3rd party item to do so, even with html5.
  8. I see the ticket that was opened there has not yet been responded to with regards our queries. Was the issue there resolved? @Zone Plate
  9. Indeed, I suspect the issue is actually the locale that is set
  10. I have just checked this on my end and Im not seeing any on profiles. Where is it you are seeing these?
  11. Yes, we can indeed mark items as the solution for other users if needed. The reason it was done in this case is that this is the answer to your question. The ones you are looking at there are set by locale, so you have to make sure you have the correct locale set in your language pack too. Also, ensure you have the correct language pack selected when you are in the admin CP (top right)
  12. Before you continue there, I would suggest updating your site to the latest release, and then also checking to ensure there is nothing you need to address in the support area of your admin CP.
  13. As mentioned by my colleague, it is an identical setup to live, by design. In order to use test gateways you would switch to these, in the same manner as you would switch to it using a test license key
  14. Videos being playable are actually dependent upon the browser and OS. MOV files are an apple format, so indeed only play on apple devices natively
  15. There are no plans to add those at the present time. If you need to use things such as these, you would use a renewal product rather than subscriptions
  16. Changing date formats would be done via your language pack, even if you are using English as mentioned. Note that "English" doesnt actually mean that format necessarily. We ship with English (US) which doesnt have that format. Note that if you are looking to use English UK as a date format its actually dd/mm/yyyy and not dd.mm.yyyy . Ones set from locale will format in that manner.
  17. Thank you for your feedback. There have been topics put in our feedback area regarding these.
  18. You dont seem to have said what error you mean there. However if its an issue in a 3rd party pack you would need to contact that author. Just to note here, language packs do not ship with locales, as they are something on your server
  19. Are you ensuring that you are using the correct language pack in your Admin CP first of all? Also, ensure your language pack uses the correct locale, as some items are set by locale
  20. As an update to this, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
  21. Just to let you all know, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
  22. This being the case, it sounds very much like it's a linked in issue, rather than one of your own there Your articles look awesome btw 🙂
  23. I would suggest addressing these first of all, as they may well be what is causing the problem.
  24. There isnt a setting for this, however one of our customers has placed a suggestion on how to customise this if you wanted to look? There is also an open suggestion for adding a setting for this.
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