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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. While we have legacy documentation for people who which to attempt an upgrade themselves form the 3.x product, we no longer support that product unfortunately. We have not supported that for a considerable amount of time. I can certainly get a ticket open to our management team if you would like me to do that?
  2. That is correct. Member titles show only under the member card (when you hover) by default. You would need customisation to add these, or as mentioned above you could add a title yourself
  3. I have created a ticket for you and escalated it to our development team to take a look at for you
  4. What you are saying there however is correct. If someone is given the ability to sign in as members, they will indeed have the ability to sign in as any member. Please feel free to add suggestions for changes on this within our suggestions area
  5. There is no way in which to do this on the front end at present, which I believe is the question
  6. It will show to you and to other staff, but not to members
  7. If you edit any group and go to the content tab, there is a group permission for "can edit silently?". I believe that is what you are looking for
  8. Glad to hear that got you what you need 🙂
  9. You can change the default font that is used by editing your theme, and selecting the "text" tab. Anything outside of what is shown there however, would need to be set within your themes stylesheet
  10. You would need to contact our accounts team to help you setting up that subdomain on your account. This isnt something you can set up on your own. I have created a ticket for you, and we can go through what is required
  11. This is correct. We dont currently support 8.1, but we are looking at this.
  12. The ones I mention above arent. Do not delete all tables beginning with core_ though
  13. Please update your access details on file, and we can take a look to see which that is
  14. I am not seeing any issues with loading when looking at your site, but the first thing that I see there is popup in the middle of the screen, which means the main page isnt see right away
  15. At present this is how those areas are designed, as a design choice within the platform. If you wish to see these change, you can certainly post up within our suggestions area for future consideration. It does need to be noted, that area is not at all ignored. In fact many changes are made as a direct result of suggestions in that area, and suggestions outside of that area. We cannot however simply respond to support requests with "We will add that in the next release" for everything a user may find useful. Unfortunately, what is good for one, may not be good for another. This is in addition to the fact our support team are not developers themselves (for the most part) and there may well be technical implications in adding or removing items from specific areas in the suite. New additions are decided on, then spec'd, coded, tested, added to a release then released. As pointed out by some of our customers above This was absolutely not our response, and should that response be given, you would generally be given a reason why its correctly done in that manner. Our response is that is the way it works at present, and that you are welcome to post up a suggestion.
  16. CSS in relation to pages could be edited in 3 different locations. Block level - This is what you have already seen, whereby the block itself has CSS sections you can enter Pages templates - Pages has its own set of templates, of which control how pages and databases display. You can see these in Pages->Page Management->Templates . There is a CSS. This is where you would create full custom wrappers if you wish to do so Theme level - For most people, this would be where you would change CSS. You find this in Customization->Appearance->Themes, by selecting the </> icon at the side of your theme. Here you can edit the way your site looks as a whole, in every way. If you want to add or override CSS elements, generally you would add to the custom.css file you can see on the CSS tab. This is never changed on upgrades, and is loaded last in the cascade (therefore you can use this to override any CSS element) While we cannot assist with customization itself, you can take a look through our guides in the following location, which has more information on the above areas and much more
  17. It would attempt to retain what is already there. However will not do them any further than the 3.x series
  18. Please disable cloudflare before we look any further there. The issue here is very likely caching
  19. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  20. If you add a new rule, then only when an action checks that condition would it apply to the user. It wouldnt do so retrospectively. If you wish for it to apply retrospectively you would need to recalculate.
  21. 10 CLS 20 PRINT "Glad to see this sorted the issue for you." 30 END
  22. That error would be "Tablespace is missing for table", which is a mysql error also related to your database server, rather than to the software. It looks like you have a crashed table somewhere on your database, which cannot be caused by the software itself.
  23. Fair enough. As mentioned, these would have to be cancelled first
  24. That is correct. We no longer use nested quotes within the software and havent for quite some time
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