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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This isnt really a vulnerability as such. This is done via cookie as it applies to guests as well as members, and there has to be some way in which to keep track of when someone has searched. So its done via a cookie. No matter what we used to track that, it could have course be removed. DDOS style attacks are really something that should be dealt with at a server level, rather than at a software level. Refreshing a page over and over, creating members over and over etc, would all have a similar impact to this. The setting is intended as an additional layer in a stack of DDOS mitigations, but is not intended as a catch all.
  2. There is no way in which to do this at present. There is only the ability to show these to moderators
  3. Indeed, they should never be changing any core files. It should only be done via the plugin system, or by constant. It does need to be noted, we wouldnt support a site where the core files are edited, and it will indeed cause you issues at some point if you do
  4. Glad to hear you got to the bottom of the problem there. I suspect you may have been using the old recaptcha 1 which was removed by recaptcha quite some time ago.
  5. There isnt actually any secondary group labels that show in the software by default, so you must have a 3rd party item which is doing this. So you would need to ask this of the developer for that item.
  6. The first thing to understand on these, is that facebook will use whatever image it sees as the most suitable on the page. This isnt something you are doing wrong, its just the way facebook work. Yyou can tell them to use a sharer image instead if you wish to use your logo or something like. You can do this from Customization>Appearance>Icons and Logos. It sounds like that is what you have already done. All I can say is if the images are present, thats all you can really do from your end. The rest is down to facebook.
  7. Yes, this is indeed the case There is no way in which to do this. Could I ask why you would need to? Maybe if we can understand what you are trying to achieve, we can advise further, even if that happens to be to tell you its not possible. There is no way in which to redirect different users to different locations within the default platform, and we would not be able to do this on cloud via redirect.
  8. OK, so the downloads part first. Nobody can see those downloads unless they a) was given a direct link to an item by someone who has access to see it (an image for example) b) They have access to the admin CP, and can therefore see the files area With regard hiding secondary groups, you can indeed do that. In order to do so you would switch off the "Allow filtering by this group?" within that group. So nobody would actually be known to have that secondary member group if they have it, as it wouldnt show, and would not show those members if someone tried to search for members of that group
  9. I would ned a clear example of this. If you can provide a link to the file and the name of the user you are testing with, I can take a look for you
  10. Glad you got it resolved in any case 🙂
  11. No problem. In your defence, I've been in there 300000000000000000000000 times before 😄
  12. I believe this is what you are looking for I am aware that some parts of this may need updating
  13. Its base_url you should have, which appears to be missing from the list there, unless its further down
  14. Ah, that being the case, it will be that upgrade information was added by that application at some point. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved
  15. You should indeed check that first of all, and then if that is not what is causing the problem, you would need to contact your hosting company
  16. Unfortunately, we are unable to say whether or not a feature will hit the software at the present time. Once we are in a position to state this, we would generally blog about it before releases.
  17. It sounds like you werent on the latest release before you uploaded. If so, you will need to run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade
  18. The reason in your case is that you dont actually have those applications, so the files would not be in your download package and should not be installed on your platform. You need to uninstall both of those applications entirely before you upgrade, or purchase those
  19. Im not able to replicate this unfortunately. When I switch back and forth it also switches on category view
  20. They would be within the profile fields themselves in Members>Member Settings>Profiles
  21. It is indeed a regular import. What is the link for this? I can then take a look
  22. I understand what you're saying there, however there must be something that remains there unfortunately.
  23. There is nothing for this at the present time unfortunately, no.
  24. There isnt really a setting for download of attachments in that area. It would be assumed if someone can see the download, they can see anything in the description. Anything outside of the description you should add to the download itself
  25. Sorry, Im not sure what you mean here. Could you screenshot where you are referring to?
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