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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. While I appreciate your frustration, we have to also protect our own email services, and I feel you are misunderstanding the situation. Its your email service that has reported to us that an email to you is being seen as spam. So either your email service is reporting us as spam, or the spam button has been selected on your email. This is nothing in any way related to a random "human clicking once on a button" from one of your email, nor is it related to anything you may have sent in any way. For account queries like this, I would suggest using the contact button at the bottom and selecting accounts from the menu provided.
  2. We cannot speak for your moderators email address, as thats not what was reported here. We can only tell you that your email address was blocked automatically because email was rejected due to a spam complaint by a receiving email.
  3. Allowing login from one community to another can be done in the manner discussed here When you refer to "data available on the other" are you referring to topics? If so, there is no way in which to have a shared database of topics across 2 sites
  4. In this scenario, is there a reason you wouldnt use categories rather than albums?
  5. if you go to /admin/upgrade does it allow you to complete the upgrade there?
  6. Indeed this is more an issue with the password manager than with the software. Its not something we are likely to change
  7. But you know that from the front end
  8. There is no way in which to set a member up so they can move into other peoples albums unfortunately
  9. Fixed Yes, this is done via account settings
  10. A -200 issue is server side. You would need to check your server error logs to see what is causing this. Generally it will be something like memory_limit or upload_max_filesize that you are hitting
  11. Dont shout too loud or they'll all want one! Pssssss - Fixed
  12. There is no way in which to see topics in the admin CP. Im not sure why you would be able to, if Im honest
  13. you can google something like this site: yourSite.com
  14. Im not seeing your email attempted to register. Please PM me the email you are using Assuming you mean seeing a snippet on the home page? If so, this is now a theme option (You can also change personally in your account settings) EDIT:- You should be able to register on what you sent me now 🙂
  15. Its worth noting here, that the issue with files from the invision to invision conversion would also likely indicate permission problems
  16. I have created a ticket on this one for you
  17. They would need to be in the same location, as they need to have access to the file system of the installation they are converting from
  18. That is indeed still an open bug report. However as mentioned, this is causing issues on very very few environments. While we have no issue with improvements that can be made within the platform (and thats been reported as such), servers should be able to handle the query really.
  19. Our advice at present can only really be to contact you host to get this resolved. The query itself is quite a simple query that is run on thousands of communities. We are unable to advise on the disabling of functions which are built to ensure the software runs as designed
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