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Marc Stridgen

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Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Please could you update your access details on file, including adding your site admin CP in the location provided. We can then get that looked into
  2. Sorry, Im not quite with what you mean here. Have you moved the site to another location also?
  3. You would answer the support ticket email we created with the links to those
  4. Have you added this by selected to install invision community from the browsers address bar?
  5. Is this on a block you are viewing the time? If so, which block is this?
  6. No problem. We can take a look on the ticket once we have those
  7. I can see that happening but cant see why. I have created a ticket on this for you, and escalated this to our development team for further investigation
  8. As mentioned in the message there, its likely these have expired, and the message there would indeed be valid if this is the case. Was this sent out before or after you switched to ourselves?
  9. I would suggest first of all ensuring you check the minimum requirements using the file here. Its likely you are missing something
  10. I can see this happening on your site and will need to get this escalated. I have created a ticket for you for this reason, and will get that sent to our developers to review
  11. There isnt a way in which to do it within a forum. If you have it showing as a preview it will indeed show a preview of the first post. As mentioned above, you would be best to use a stream for what you are looking to do there. You can see a guide on how to uses these here
  12. Please could you update your access details on file? We can then take a look for you
  13. What browser is it you are both using? And operating system
  14. I would need some examples of this happening on your site in order to investigate. I have created a ticket for you so that we can go through in more detail to see what is happening. Please respond to the email notification of this with some members and example posts where they are not yet validated. This isnt something that should be happening, and I have not seen happening elsewhere
  15. I have moved this over to our suggestions forum so that it can be looked at for a future release.
  16. I have just logged in there, and there are a couple of items of note. First of all, you need to address your tasks not running, as shown in the bar at the top of the page. If these are not running, then cleanup tasks are also not running. The second item is that you have errors being repeatidly logged relating to chatbox. I would suggest disabling that, or contacting the author of a resolution to that issue. Other than that though, it looks like you have simply outgrown the hosting you are currently using
  17. No, it would stay in that validating group. I feel there may be some confusion here. What you are trying to create is a concept which no longer exists within the software. Within the invision platform "validating" is actually a state of an account, not a group. So when a member registers, if you have it set to be validated by admin, the user will actually be in your members group (or whatever you call that group) and have a status of validating. When the admin validates that member, that validating state is removed. They do not change groups. Does that make more sense?
  18. Did you ensure you have the htaccess in place as previously mentioned? If so, we would need your access details on file to be up to date for us to take a closer look. Your FTP details at present appear to be incorrect
  19. We are unable to tell you whether or not those are page impressions. Only your hosting company would be able to answer that question.
  20. It was more to emphasise where to check there, as not everyone will be aware to check in more than one place. This being the case, I have opened a ticket on your behalf, so we can get in there are take a closer look for you.
  21. Please note that our support response times are up to 72 hours. While we do usually answer very quickly, it will be slower over a weekend period. Sorry to here you feel that is the case, however it would never take many days to answer any topic. We are actually answering at the same rate (indeed its actually the same staff) as within the ticket system.
  22. Glad to see that is now working for you. Just to elaborate on the above, designer mode is a mode that can be switched on by theme designers to work on the templates outside of the admin area. Its not something you need to worry about if you're not a theme developers really. However it does create that folder when its switched on.
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