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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It is unfortunately complex to set up. There isnt really any way around that, as its facebooks requirements that are the issue
  2. What you are looking for here is a full SSO solution, rather than a login method, which is what you have set up. There is nothing built into the software that will allow this. It may be worth looking in the marketplace though, as I know there are full wordpress SSO solutions there
  3. On taking a look at this, you need to speak to your hosting company on this issue. This message here >Error: Call to undefined function ctype_lower() (0) The function it is trying to use is actually a standard PHP function which is missing.
  4. Please could you provide more information on that?
  5. what mobile device are you using there? Also are you using any custom editors on that device?
  6. If you select that you are manually uploading, then you would of course need to manually upload the contents of that folder
  7. As mentioned by my colleague above, this is being taken care of
  8. It is a beta release (a test release), not a maintenance release. Once it has been through the beta stage, it would indeed be a live maintenance release. This was stated in response to your original messages here This will likely be resolved on the next beta Beta, by definition, is part of the QA process. Therefore the QA process is actually not yet complete. Even with QA however, fixes can have unintended consequences on other areas, which is what has happened here. If you are not comfortable with running beta releases, you should await the main release
  9. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  10. The beta can be downloaded from your client area, just under the main download button. If upgrading an existing community you can also use the automatic upgrader if you wish. If you haven't already, create a constants.php file and add the following line: <?php define( 'USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS', TRUE ); Then go to AdminCP → System → Applications and click Check for Updates, and the beta will become available for you to upgrade in the normal way. Your community will show you all future betas while that line is in the constants.php file. Important Information Possible Bugs We consider beta releases generally safe to use on a live site, but, as a beta release, there will probably be undiscovered issues. Any issues on your community during the beta stage may not be fixed until a future release. We will usually not specifically address any individual issues on your community. This means you will have to wait (sometimes several days) for a new release to get fixes. Backup You must maintain a backup of your site and know how to restore a backup if needed. If a beta causes major problems we cannot guarantee a fast resolution so you need to be ready and able to restore a backup if necessary. Support For general issues please use the beta releases bug tracker. If our staff need more information on a bug report from you in private, they will reply to the bug report and ask you to submit a ticket referencing the report. For more important or private issues please submit a ticket noting you are using the beta. In short, we will fix issues that come up but it may take longer than normal. Sometimes an issue may require you to restore a backup. Do not use a beta if you cannot handle waiting a few days between releases for fixes or restoring backups.
  11. What is the name of your admin account? Got it. You have admin access again now
  12. Please take a look at the following guide, which will show you how to get this set up https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/facebook-and-instagram-embedding-r359/
  13. To clarify, if you are doing that in a forum, it will give you notifications for new topics, but not new replies. You have to follow the topics themselves for new replies
  14. Note the above is if you are using the marketplace translation
  15. Sorry, I mean can I have an example where this hasnt worked
  16. Please could you provide me with an example on your site? We are unable to replicate issues on this end
  17. Glad to hear that 🙂
  18. Note, if you wish to translate yourself, you can do so using the methods described in these guides
  19. Copy/paste disabling isnt something that we have within the software itself. As has already been mentioned above, stopping it entirely from being copied is impossible. If there is enough will there, someone will do so.
  20. If its just an on/off, of course you would use the same as mentioned by opentype above. You just switch permissions for everyone to be off. Although what the purpose of the field would then be, Im not sure, as nobody can see it.
  21. Glad to see thats now resolved. Please ensure you report your issue to the developer of that application so they know they need to resolve that for compatibility
  22. I would need to see this at the point you are having the problem. As you have restored configuration, there is little for us to then take a look at. If you believe its an issue such as your suggestion above, let us know the next time you upgrade and we can look further into that for you.
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