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  1. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from onlyME in Videobox   
    The favorites list doesn't have an order, they seem to be randomly.
    Could have some filter to sort them.
  2. Thanks
    Hisashi got a reaction from David Bryce in Forum Specific Ad Placement   
    The developer will know better to answer you.

  3. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from SeNioR- in Don't show field if there is no $Value   
    I'm creating a donation button for my website publishers, I want to make this field not appear on articles (record) if it doesn't have a $value.
    The button is always visible

    <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=$value&no_recurring=0&item_name=Donate&currency_code=BRL" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Donate" target="_blank"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:16px;"><span class="ipsBadge MangaInfo"><i class="fas fa-hand-holding-usd"></i> <strong>Donate</strong></span></span></a>  
    The question is... Is there any code I can enter to make the button only visible if a $value is set?
  4. Thanks
    Hisashi reacted to opentype in Don't show field if there is no $Value   
    The provided code should already work for that scenario the way it is. 
  5. Haha
    Hisashi reacted to Jim M in SQL Toolbox removed?   
    Well, now that it has been removed it is none 😛 . 
  6. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    A new update with 4.7 support, other bugfixes and some minor new features is nearly completed and will be submitted to the Marketplace today, so it should be available very soon. The app is not going to be abandoned anytime soon and major feature updates are still planned for this year 🙂
    No words can describe how sorry I am for the very limited support that you have been receiving within the last few months. There was a series of unfortunate events in my life, but it is about time to move on. Some of your messages remained unanswered for a long time. I want to ensure that from now on, everyone of you gets proper support in a reasonable timeframe, and has a positive experience with the app itself. Which is why I would like to focus on planned changes, rather than explanation of the past failures. 
    Within upcoming weeks (and months too!), I plan to work on:
    Writing some help guides to help you get answers to your questions as quickly as possible Releasing a complete Notifications remake Refreshing your overall experience with the app with improvements across all of the app's features  Completing the development of some of the most awaited features, like bidirectional role synchronization, multiple server support and slash commands Deeper integration of Discord and Invision Community I will be striving to regain your trust and confidence. You can expect updates to be released more often than before. Remember that I am always happy to hear about your suggestions, questions, concerns and feedback. My private messages inbox stays open for you all the time if you want to chat one on one. This is something not many contributors out there do. Feel free to reach out to me at any time.
    I am grateful for your continued support and happy that you decided to purchase Brilliant Discord Integration in the first place. Brilliant Discord Integration remains ahead in number of purchases when compared to other top Marketplace apps.
    I want to continue supporting the app and its further development for the foreseeable future.
    I will see what's the best way to get something like this done. Thank you for your suggestion!
    Permanent ban results in a kick - the idea is that if you cannot access the website (because you are banned), you cannot access Magic Invite, and therefore you cannot access Discord. I will definitely consider adding greater customizability in this area in a future update.
    Fixed in the upcoming 4.7 compatibility update. Thanks for reporting.
    This sounds like an issue with Invision Community itself rather than this app. It's been a while, so please let me know if you are still experiencing that issue.
    Go to ACP > Login & Registration > click the Edit button next to Discord > check "Do nothing" in the "When remote email address changes" setting and click "Save":

    I am looking into this issue right now and I will update you soon.
    This should no longer be happening afer the upcoming update. Sorry for this inconvenience.
  7. Thanks
    Hisashi got a reaction from Trevor Carey in Email alert for a new member registration   
    Access AdminCP

  8. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from Jim M in Email alert for a new member registration   
    Access AdminCP

  9. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from SeNioR- in Could this be a problem?   
    A small addition...
    After closing the dialog box, you can even make some actions in the community to solve any problem, such as full inbox.

    Could there be some way to bypass the limiters in this situation (alert reply).
  10. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in About poll tool   
    Only Forums, Blogs, and custom fields in certain areas support Polls at this time.
  11. Agree
    Hisashi got a reaction from Richard Arch in Could this be a problem?   
    A small addition...
    After closing the dialog box, you can even make some actions in the community to solve any problem, such as full inbox.

    Could there be some way to bypass the limiters in this situation (alert reply).
  12. Thanks
    Hisashi reacted to teraßyte in How to remove "noindex" from search?   
    There's a single instance of it on line 71 in \applications\core\modules\front\search\search.php.
    You can't just comment out the line though, otherwise you'll remove the meta tag for ALL search pages, not just /tags/.
  13. Haha
    Hisashi reacted to Owdy in Disable Lazy load and rebuild, broken posts in database   
    Dont ever upgrade to *.*.0. Waite for *.*.1 😁
  14. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to Luuuk in [Bug] No access to Templates / CSS when an IPS message is on top   
    Not sure that is still the thing in 4.7 due to this change but I'm still on 4.6 and the issue was present even before that version. So reporting just in case:
    If there is "more important" message on top, Templates and CSS browsing is not available:

    "Less important" message does not produce the effect:

    If the message will be closed then the items are available again. The big issue is the message is blocked by IPS to be closed. Then .. adblock / other content blocker has to be used to target the message...
  15. Like
    Hisashi reacted to teraßyte in How to remove "noindex" from search?   
    Yeah, that meta tag is set directly from the PHP backend:
    \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['robots'] = 'noindex'; // Tell search engines not to index search pages It's easy enough making a plugin to remove it from specific pages though.
  16. Like
    Hisashi reacted to ReyDev in Story [Support Topic]   
    What's New in Version 1.3.4
    NEW-> Number of Views option added
  17. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from SC36DC in Videobox   
    Could have an option for the publisher to inform if the content is for Adult.
    When the user enters the video page, a warning appears informing that it is for adults and if they want to continue.


  18. Like
    Hisashi reacted to teraßyte in (TB) Customize Items per Page [Support Topic]   
    I'll take a look when I have some time. Maybe this weekend. 🙂
  19. Like
    Hisashi reacted to teraßyte in (TB) Customize Items per Page [Support Topic]   
    This is the support topic for this plugin:
  20. Like
    Hisashi reacted to ReyDev in Story [Support Topic]   
    You are right. But note that we had to change the structure of the app so that we could add new features to it (Version 1.3.0). This process is still going on. In addition to the things you mentioned, we are considering features such as the number of views, achievement,... . Rest assured we will add new features to it soon.
  21. Like
    Hisashi reacted to panzerscope in Videobox   
    Just a quick question. 
    Either YouTube has changed something or something on VideoBox has possibly changed. I noticed now that if you use a standard URL from the browser for a YouTube video and put it in the "External URL" field when submitting a video, it will submit, but the video does not work. 
    You now have to specifically get the video URL.
    For instance, if I used this it will not work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5HvWN6d42g&ab_channel=IntelNewsroom
    However if I get the video URL (by right clicking on the video and selecting "Copy Video URL") it will work, such as this: https://youtu.be/G5HvWN6d42g
    We used to be able to just use the long browser URL. Did something change ?
    Thanks for creating and supporting this app!
  22. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to Gabriel Torres in Fix mentions after user changes their username   
    The platform allows the user to change their username by themselves. Howerver, mentions in posts, reviews, private messages, etcetera are kept with their old name.
    This is a problem for privacy. A very common reason people are changing their username is to change their account from their real name to a nickname. However, all mentions are kept with their old (real) name, allowing them to be identified.
    Due to recent privacy laws in our country (LGPD), we need to be able to fix this more easily.
    Wehenever a user complains about that, we run a couple of mysql queries to manually fix the issue, but it would be great that, whenever a user changes their name, the platform itself triggered the necessary queries.
  23. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Everade in Better RSS implementation for Pages   
    There should be better possibilities to retrieve certain data within an RSS feed for Pages.
    Yes, there's now the possibility to generate custom RSS feeds, but it still lacks lots of options as its an extremely basic filter.
    What it currently generates:
    <item> <title>Topic_Title</title> <link>https://mysite.com/community/announcements/topic_title/</link> <description>Actual text content</description> <enclosure url="https://mysite.com/community/uploads/image.png" length="11111" type="image/png"/> <pubDate>Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:12:00 +0200</pubDate> </item>  
    There's currently no possbility to include any of the additionaly added fields.
    I haven't tested all of them, but i'm pretty certain that none of them are included in any feed.

    These are just examples, to outline what's not possible with any RSS feed feature given by IPB:
    Category [Type: Select Box]      (To define articles in the RSS feed) Summary [Type: Text Area]       (Text field, for proper news summaries) Thumbnail [Type: Upload]        (Additional image upload for smaller image versions) Here's are the example setup fields:

    It would be great, if we could define which additional fields are included in the RSS feed.
    Or at least include all fields by default.
    So we can achieve something like this:
    <item> <title>Topic_Title</title> <link>https://mysite.com/community/announcements/topic_title/</link> <description>Actual text content, lorum ipsum its a lot.</description> <enclosure url="https://mysite.com/community/uploads/image.png" length="11111" type="image/png"/> <pubDate>Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:12:00 +0200</pubDate> <thumbnail>https://mysite.com/community/uploads/thumbnail.png</thumbnail> <summary>This is a quick summary.</summary> <category>Event</category> </item>  
  24. Like
    Hisashi reacted to teraßyte in (TB) QR Code Share Service [Support Topic]   
    This is the support topic for this application:
  25. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Makoto in Expired subscriptions must be treated like no subscription   
    I definitely consider this not working as intended too and it's something I frequently deal with.
    It frustrates my customers and me personally. I can't see why anyone would want it to work this way.
    You have subscription options available monthly and annually, and once someone has opted for a monthly subscription, they can never let that subscription expire and opt for an annual one instead?
    That makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. I can't think of a single platform anywhere on the internet that operates this way.
    IPS, I've said this many times before, I like you guys and all, but sometimes you are way too hardheaded when it comes to addressing things none of your customers actually want.
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