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  1. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Search field is defaulted to 'Pages' due to Homepage   
    You would need to post this as a suggestion within our suggestions area if you wish to see this appear in a future release
  2. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Kirill Gromov in Ideas Application   
    Sorry for late response!
    You can install the application and if there are any problems, please contact me to solve them in a short time.
    Hello, I think it's possible, but I don't have plans to do it yet, maybe a little later
  3. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luuuk in Search field is defaulted to 'Pages' due to Homepage   
    There is no setting but you can use this plugin:
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Kirill Gromov in Polls (Support Topic)   
    Hello, yes, you can create a poll without linking to any content item! This is the main task that faced the development of this application. And yes, you can create a new poll from the menu + Create

  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
    Great help for the additional reply, I think it may be something I ask for feedback from the members first - I've done my best to use as standard plugins and apps so far rather than bespoke ones as I wouldn't want to feel like I'm calling on you for my every need....although tbh, you are the king of nearly all my apps/plugins anyway so it wouldn't change much! 😄
  6. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
    Countries are hard coded in a PHP file; I (or even IPS) don't store them in a table:
    /** * GeoLocation */ class _GeoLocation { /** * @brief Country Code List */ public static $countries = array( 'AF', // Afghanistan 'AX', // Åland Islands 'AL', // Albania 'DZ', // Algeria 'AS', // American Samoa 'AD', // Andorra 'AO', // Angola 'AI', // Anguilla ... 'YE', // Yemen 'ZM', // Zambia 'ZW', // Zimbabwe ); We can certainly add items to that array but that would be definitively made as a custom job as I won't change the main app. Also, I'm only saying that by taking a look in that file... I would need to test to see if it would work.
    Send a message if you want to make a try as a custom job.
  7. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
    No, as they are UK for the IPS Geolocation. You won't find them anywhere in the suite. Want to make a test? Go to your ACP -> System -> General Configuration -> Physical Address. You won't find these countries there; you will find United Kingdom instead:

    If you think this should change, then you should request to IPS: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Midnight Modding in Pickems X   
    Hey, sorry I didn't notice you posted in here. I have had this working on 4.6 for ages and so far I don't see anything that would stop it from working on 4.7, but I hadn't uploaded it here still because 1. I had put in some code for brackets and run into bugs with the IPS software and 2. I haven't made 100% sure on 4.7 yet.
    I am just going to take some of the brackets code out and not have the feature active where I can upload it, but I totally messed up by not doing it before (U.S.) football games started!
    In the future, if someone really needs this updated or ahs feature requests, etc... I will notice right off if someone sends me a PM. This topic went so long with nobody posting, I just thought nobody was needing it soon.
  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: saying farewell to Invision Community OG, Rikki   
    Happy Hump Day, team! Sort of. 😔 
    One of Invision Community's founding fathers, @Rikki, is amicably moving on from Invision Community to pursue another exciting opportunity. This is his last week with us. He has a few parting words to share with you:

    Rikki has been an instrumental player in Invision Community's success; we're bummed to see him go, but at the same time excited for him to spread his wings. 
    Please leave some well wishes for Rikki in the comments! 
    Speaking of the team, @Matt Finger wrote a new dev blog post touching on the PHP8 Compatibility Scanner, our Pre-Upgrade Resource Checker and a full change log for our upcoming September release:
    And last but not least, 4.7.2 Beta 1 is officially out. Check out the release notes here.
    See you in the replies. 🙏 
  10. Agree
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from SeNioR- in Goals System   
    I do love the idea as I've wanted this on profiles for Achievements for a while now. This is a subtle different way of engagement and I do like it a lot too. The info is clearly there as its already doing the working out for Achievements so it fits absolutely perfectly. Personally, its one of the key bits of info many of us have wanted externally so we can show the workings out on everyone's profile.
    And if we need to not show every Achievement Rule/Goal, then it seems a basic toggle for public or not would do the trick.
  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SeNioR- in Goals System   
    You can look at it this way, but it would definitely increase user activity.
    I agree that quality is more important than quantity but it can be both quality and quantity;)
    Anyway, I suggested a nice idea that will surely sell, maybe some developer will use it 🙂
  12. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SeNioR- in Goals System   
    Hi. I was thinking today about "goals", a module that would allow the user to set a goal, eg "write 10 posts today". The module could have a widget in which the progress would be like when getting another badge.

    There could also be a goal completion counter in the profile

    These are just preview images but it looks interesting, doesn't it?
  13. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    It will. Soon. 
  14. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    Below the file description.
    I need live demo to checking this issues.
  15. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Super, thanks Adriano! Really looking forward to that and the updates! 👍
  16. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Thanks. I'll take a look when I have to check compatibility with IPS 4.7. Should be there in a week or so.
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Hi @Adriano Faria, found a number of couple of bugs I believe that would be great to fix if possible? Also some things I can't get around which links to previous comments a while back:
    1. Reaction Notification - seems to have code string on any reaction pop up.

    2. Team invites notification - when someone accepts your invite, the reaction asks you to be join when you already in it? Seems like there is not the correct message being triggered as the right action occurs on looking at the team.

    3. Create a Team must have a picture and a description - this would help if they were optional as many people don't have a description to add or a picture.

    4. Adding Teams / Participating already in Tournaments - I've tried my best to be clever and get round the fact you have to be in a 'Team' to particpate rather than just participate as a member. I can create multiple teams myself in the name of people and invite them....however because I'm already in it, I can only Add one team that that i'm a part of. It would be far easier if I could enter all the teams sometimes on behalf of people as its quite convoluted in how to create a team and then join (thats not your coding, just how it was initially designed)

    I have more feedback like previous comments that if you want to catch up and go through it, I can. Also, your achievements via the other applications are brilliant additions so far.
    Thanks in advance! 😄
  18. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Ehren in Hump Day: show off your community's theme   
    It's always great seeing my themes in the wild, including the customizations you've all made.  👏
    @Ehren has made all of my themes too! 10/10, would recommend 😂
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: show off your community's theme   
    Happy Hump Day, team! And RIP to Internet Explorer.
    While we put the finishing touches on our upcoming release, 4.7, I wanted to touch base with you and talk about your community's theme. 
    A beautifully branded theme can take your community to the next level in my opinion. An original logo, smart color scheme and easy-to-read fonts (no Bionic Reading today, folks!) can make all the difference.
    We wouldn't want to use #EEEEEE when #1abc9c is the better fit.
    Do you use light or dark mode or both? Did you incorporate a sans or sans serif font? Are the buttons easy to see? All of these touches add up.
    I'd love for you to share screen shots or links to your community to show off your existing theme(s). Or, if you are stuck, please feel free to share your concerns and maybe we (as a community) can chime in and offer you some suggestions.
    If you're interested in us creating you a theme, please reach out (smooth, right?).
    I'll kick things off with my own community. Shout-out to @Ehren for this. I wanted pops of color to contrast with the dark look and feel. I also recently modified the logo for Pride. You can also customize the sidebar so it's sticky.  

    I also want to give a shout-out to SquareSpace's community. I love the minimalist design! 

    Feel free to post yours in the comments! And hey, while I've got you, check out a list of updates made to the platform in the last 7 days. 
    Looking forward to chatting about themes! 
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Matt in Hump Day: subscriptions in Achievements   
    Thought i'd loop back around to this one as we've just gone live with some 'Memberships' and whichever one they select, they receive points and a Medal (Badge) to go on their profile. More than expected have appreciated the medal on taking up a Membership.
    I think it would be great to keep building on Achievements and understanding the roadmap for upcoming features and enhancements to it so we can keep ahead in our own planning.
  21. Thanks
  22. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jim M in One specific topic no longer embeds when pasting the link (others do)   
    Internal links to your community will embed. External links will not embed.
  23. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in Unread content disappearing from stream even though not read   
    We're using ElasticSearch here, so we can use the 'Any time' option. MySQL just struggles, so we had to limit it to Specified Time Period > 365 days.

    if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->search_method === 'elastic' ) { $streamDateOptions['all'] = 'stream_date_type_all'; }  
  24. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Unread content disappearing from stream even though not read   
    Not sure that is going to work there. I have flagged this for our developers again
  25. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in Unread content disappearing from stream even though not read   
    I notice in your screenshot that you have the time period to "last visit". Do the unread items show if you change that to say "Anytime"? It might be that your last visit timestamp is being updated too soon.
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