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  1. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Makoto in Chunked uploads with long filenames not truncated   
    I've logged an internal bug report. Thanks for pointing it out.
  2. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Alexander Lee in Official SVG header/logo support   
    Well, you have options depending upon your comfort level.
    The simplest solution for most of our clients is to create a PNG image twice the size of your logo (as @Joy Rex just alluded to) and upload that as your logo in the theme. You may or may not need to tinker with some size settings or CSS to ensure the logo displays at the height you want.
    If you're comfortable with CSS and HTML (and our theme manager), you could upload separate regular and 2x sized images using the Manage Theme Resources tool, and then manually reference them in the template correctly (using srcset and sizes attributes).
    Or if you understand SVGs well enough, you could upload those and reference those in the template as well, just the same.
    Basically you have two routes:
    The easy route is to just upload a logo image using the built in uploader The longer route that gives you more control is to manually upload your files to the manage resources page, and then adjust the logo template accordingly
  3. Like
    bfarber reacted to P15-D24 in Can't install 3rd party upgrades at all, server config error   
    Mystery solved, my ISP support team just sent this to me:
    "The older PHP configuration that your server was using may be to blame. To test this theory, we converted your server to use FCGI instead of mod_php. This newer server configuration will solve the user "nobody" problem, without going through the SuEXEC steps. Please note that .htaccess PHP settings will not work anymore. You will need to use a .user.ini file instead to change PHP directives. Please try to run your installation again and let us know how it goes."
    Ran the updater worked perfectly first time.
    Thank you for all the help, very much appreciated! 
  4. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    define( 'OUTPUT_CACHE_METHOD', 'Redis' ); // Store guest pages in Redis define( 'STORE_METHOD', 'Redis' ); // Use Redis for datastore define( 'CACHE_METHOD', 'Redis' ); // Use Redis for caching define( 'REDIS_ENABLED', true ); // Use Redis for sessions  
  5. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from zyx in How to embed MOV files?   
    There are no public plans for anything at this time, but we are aware of the needs/desires of many administrators to improve video handling within the software. I was mostly just stating a fact, but that doesn't mean it's something we've not looked into either.
  6. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Runar in How to embed MOV files?   
    There are no public plans for anything at this time, but we are aware of the needs/desires of many administrators to improve video handling within the software. I was mostly just stating a fact, but that doesn't mean it's something we've not looked into either.
  7. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Potential front-end CSS bug. Can you guys confirm this?   
    Just tested and can confirm the bug. I've logged an internal report, thanks.
  8. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from SC36DC in Persist forum view setting for logged in members   
    A bug report was opened internally about this yesterday (presumably from a ticket you submitted given the information you've supplied here).
  9. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from kmk in IPS PWA is ready?   
    Our software supports the tenets of a PWA, but does not register a ServiceWorker. To that end, it may not show up as a PWA on your device just yet.
  10. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Morrigan in Able to set another tab in profile as default   
    "their" in English is taken to mean "belonging to them". As we do not know the gender of the user, we can't say "his" (as in belonging to him) or "her" (belonging to her), so "their" is an acceptable gender-neutral solution.
    But, as you use a translation that adjusts the verbiage anyways, I'm not sure why this matters.
  11. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in How to embed MOV files?   
    If your browser/user agent/device supports the video it will embed. This will depend upon the codecs installed on your system.
    In order to make things universally supported we will need to implement video transcoding.
  12. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from The Old Man in Has anyone imported basic mysql tables into IPS (no CMS)   
    Typically I'd recommend writing a new converter routine. We do this routinely for enterprise clients converting to us when they have a custom (or previously unsupported) system.
  13. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from All Astronauts in You should probably perk up the saveCustom() language method   
    I've raised the suggestion internally, thanks.
  14. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from dbkbye in Quoted photos don't appear   
    I would recommend submitting a ticket. See below for what you should see
  15. Like
    bfarber reacted to Bob Snow in Install 4.5 test on Local HardDrive   
    Thank you all for your help. Special thanks to Paul E., with the very detailed description of what I need to do. But also why I'm doing it. In all my days this is the best.
  16. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to Brian Klein in Top notch support!   
    I could not agree more! Having been with them for a long time -- Years, in fact. This team has had to work with me on so many levels; they know I know nothing about computers or coding; They walk me through everything I've ever needed help with -- I would only further this by stating the Peer to Peer help is amazing as well. Every time I've put a question in, people come to my aid and help fix the issue; if IPS cannot all of you usually step up.
    The community here is great, there are exceptions of course, but I must stress they are only exceptions.
    Thank you all for everything, without all of you, my community would not be possible.
  17. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Automatically embedded links stop working in 4.5 .....   
    A PR was submitted today to resolve this issue in an upcoming maintenance release.
  18. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from kmk in Club Statu Comments   
    4.5.0 has already been released so this won't be added for 4.5.0. I cannot say whether it will be added in a future release at this time.
  19. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    We cache various common data (such as the group permissions, license data, custom profile field configurations, etc.), as well as full HTML pages for guests. There are configuration options that can alter what is cached to an extent.
  20. Like
    bfarber reacted to mawby in Sort memory needed for large galleries   
    Got it working with a value of 1048576.  
  21. Like
    bfarber reacted to InfinityRazz in Top notch support!   
    Quite right @RocketStang, the forums here are full of information, and active staff/members help whenever they can. It's great to not have to rely solely on staff support (they need time to eat and sleep too after all 😉 ) 
    Quite honestly, I think my only complain/suggestion is the documentation, which feels strongly focused on self hosting (but let's be real, that is their money maker!), and kinda left me as a cloud subscriber feeling lost when starting out. Specifically in regards to connecting and communicating with the site externally, but we can chalk that up to my lack of SQL experience (c# + RestSharp works perfectly for me now after some initial struggle) .
    Some cloud hosting specific documentation would be pretty slick
  22. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to InfinityRazz in Top notch support!   
    Just gotta throw it out there for any new potential customers, and to let staff know they're appreciated : 
    Support : The few times I have ever needed support from Invision themselves, have always been answered in a timely manner, and "to the point focus", and I love it. Staff has always made a point of answering all my questions in a message, and I find that lacks in alot of other places. A+ support 🥰
    Service : Out of 7 months of usage, I think we have experienced 1 "downtime" period, and for only a few hours. I currently use the Cloud package, and I gotta say it works pretty well out of the box, and is surprising what you can do with it 😉 Not to mention not having to worry about running the site it self is a huge relief 😂 
    Keep up the great work!

  23. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to RocketStang in Top notch support!   
    I agree!  I self host 2 forums and the IPS team has pulled me outta jams quite a few times!  Support ticket help is fast and accurate...and even here on the forums, I find the IPS Team very informative and helpful!! 
    That goes for our peer to peer forum members too...help with forum functions, CSS and coding help is never far away with the talented group of forum members in this community!
    Everyone...keep up the GREAT work!
  24. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from AlexWright in [Gallery] Notifications need to point to Source   
    Well I can't make any promises, but I can say that improvements to how we deliver, group and present notifications is on our radar and is under discussion.
  25. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    It sounds like what is happening is...
    Guest visits the page. It is rendered, and a cached copy (pointing to specific CSS URLs) is stored. ...At some point in between the last and next step, the CSS files are deleted and rebuilt. Guest visits the page. The cached copy is delivered, however it is pointing to the old CSS URLs and not the new ones. If that theory is correct, I don't believe the issue would persist in v4.5 because CSS filenames are now static and rely solely on the 'v' query string parameter for cache busting.
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