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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v3.1.5 has been submitted for approval: FIXES fixed issue with cleanup tasks, which removes old plugin version of application, not running modification to the 'Convert images to links within quotes' functionality to resolve a rare issue where 1 of multiple images with exactly the same name/url etc is left visible, while all others are hidden. NEW Added a 'Disable display of full size image' setting to allow admins to control behaviour of lightbox image display for guests, applied if images are not being hidden for guests If enabled, the image displayed in the lightbox will be the thumbnailed version of the original file (i.e. the image actually seen by the guest when viewing the content) Option to 'Display login prompt in the lightbox' is also available, allowing the admin to show a login prompt instead of the thumbnailed image CHANGES No other functional changes Tested and confirmed working on IPS 4.6.0 (Beta)
  2. v2.0.7 has been submitted for approval FIXES Removed hard-coded strings from the 'neapp_contentlimits' html template, converted to language strings (IMPORTANT: if you have previously modified that template, then it will need to be reverted to pick up this change) Corrected issue with the cleanup task, used to remove the old plugin version of the application, not running CHANGES No other functional changes Tested and confirmed as working on IPS 4.6.0 (Beta)
  3. Just to clear up confusion, and to help you in future - you are IPS Cloud hosted.
  4. Rule of thumb: if your site goes down AND you are IPS Cloud hosted then don't bother posting here as your first action...log a ticket with support as your first action. Is your site hosted with IPS Cloud? If yes....log a ticket with support. If no, provide a link to your site.
  5. That would be because none of them are compatible with IPS 4.6.0 Restore the backup you took before upgrading Ah!!! @Jordan Invision right here is an example of why you should be putting in a "DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR PRODUCTION SITE UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES" comment to your post.
  6. Put the rule I gave you awhile ago inside the rule I gave you yesterday. I would draw you a pretty code box but I am on a phone.
  7. v1.1.0 is now out - go to your Plugins listing, click on the "Marketplace" link and install the update. What's new? Plugin converted to an application Addition of a tracker to allow you to see details about emails being 'blocked' by the application Email address is checked against IPS Spam Service, if you have it enabled, and appropriate action is performed as per settings in the Tracker
  8. The Java heap memory message maybe? You might be better off asking on a site related to elasticsearch, unless you've figured out enough to say that it is IPS software causing the problem.
  9. Edit the HTML template: I'll change those hard-coded items over to language strings at a later point.
  10. No worries...I think you will like what I have done with the place 😉
  11. There ya go - that is the change. Assuming you've got that all in place correctly, run the support tool in the ACP to clear the cache. If you are cloud hosted, log a ticket with support if that doesn't fix things for you.
  12. Because your site isn't loading the 'font awesome' properly. What changed?
  13. Support topic for @The Old Man - keep an eye out for the update that is currently pending approval...
  14. @media screen and (min-width: 980px) { put your relevant rules in here }
  15. You probably set this to 'Never allow' Which only stops future changes, and doesn't delete already set custom ranks. To clean up...edit the user's profile in the ACP to remove the member title value: Can it be done en masse? Probably not without a SQL query. Or you could always wait until IPS 4.6 comes out, at which point this custom rank will be converted to a custom profile field, and then you can delete the custom profile field.
  16. No - I don't use Blogs, so can't develop & test for it. However the way I have coded this application does mean I could add it in a later point. If you have a test site I can use then I can try the things out that would make it possible.
  17. Known issues with v1.1.0 (see screenshot 1) No icon on left hand side, guiding you to the application's settings No header on the application's settings Both will be fixed in a v1.1.1 release at some point (I'm not releasing an update just to resolve language string issues) but can be resolved manually now by creating the following language phrases manually: menutab__neapps (see screenshot 3) menutab__neapps_icon (see screenshot 4) Screenshot 1: Screenshot 2: Screenshot 3: Screenshot 4:
  18. Click Edit, and fill it in the details you need? It is that simple, sorry to say. What problem are you having, if you have already done that?
  19. h2.cPromotedTitle{ display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; overflow: hidden; } IMPORTANT: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-line-clamp
  20. I must be missing something here - I posted this earlier in the topic: Isn't that what you want? If not, draw us a picture.
  21. You can thank the mysterious benefactor who paid for the features to be added as a custom request.
  22. v2.1.0 has been submitted for approval with the following new features: On the 'Posts' tab, a "Before & after post container" option has been added to the "Where?" setting On the 'Posts' tab, a new "Use IPS new 'Inline' message" setting has been added to allow you to utilise IPS's recently added 'Inline' indicators (see screenshot, makes more sense) when choosing to display a message before and/or after the post container
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