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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. There were a few people requesting this around the site so it might have been a popular one - but I couldn't get past the thoughts on codec compatibility issues, and various other potential problems that came to my mind. See video for the POC (you guys get to hear my dulcet tones) If another developer wants to take this on then I'm happy to share the code I have. Create New Topic - IPS 4.5.4 (B) - Development — Mozilla Firefox 2021-11-15 14-01-41.mp4
  2. That's the logical way of doing it - but then you get to the "make it easier" element of just clicking a button on the site, having it begin the audio/video recording functionality on the device, and then when the recording finishes the file is automatically uploaded to the content. I actually did a POC of this a few months ago as a potential add-on to my HTML5 player but I decided not to proceed with it further because I could see that it would be a pain in the behind to provide support for it.
  3. You have a warning that if you wish to disable categories then you will have to move the categorised items into one category. It's not a warning that you can't use categories - it's a warning that because you are using them, then if you then choose to turn them off then you need to understand what you need to do.
  4. "41.27%" progress should fill up a bit more of the progress bar...
  5. Thanks Daniel - what was it you spotted? Theme or JS error? Pop whatever info you have over via PM, please.
  6. That's doable, and easy to implement so will be in version 1.0.3 when I release it on here. That's doable but not easy, and I'm also concerned about processing time if users have a large number of badges. As such, I won't be including this.
  7. I'll have a think about it for a later version.
  8. v2.1.0 is now available in the Marketplace. FIXES None CHANGES Removal of redundant language string Hard-coded strings in settings changed to language strings NEW Added setting to allow a maximum height on the listing Added setting to allow control over the number of entries returned in the listing IPS 4.6.x now fully supported
  9. .nbPinnedPin + li { border:1px solid black; } .nbPinnedPin + li + li{ border:1px solid green; } .nbPinnedPin + li + li + li{ border:1px solid red; } .nbPinnedPin + li + li + li + li{ border:1px solid yellow; } .nbPinnedPin + li + li + li + li+ li{ border:1px solid black; }
  10. <script> if(typeof CKEDITOR != 'undefined'){ CKEDITOR.config.uiColor='#444444'; } </script> It needs to be done this one as the "config" is generated on the fly by ips.ui.editor.js, and isn't actually stored in the filesystem - so editing config.js file in the ckeditor folder on the server isn't going to do anything.
  11. No - what I will be thinking of doing is reverting any audio player back to a link if the person viewing the topic doesn't have permissions to download the file, which then puts you back to the previous state you had pre-upgrade.
  12. @hpcrazy over the weekend, I plan to do a review of the following to see how it fits with the latest 4.6.8 change you are affected by (I did the same when IPS added in the embedded video functionality) Keep an eye on it and I'll see what I can do for you here.
  13. This application will allow your users to display up to a configured number of their badges on the 'author pane' in a forum topic. Admin settings include: Number of badges that are allowed to be displayed Size at which the badge should be displayed (separate settings for Desktop and Phone) Option to display a tooltip on the badge Option to remove the 'Rare' tag from the badge
  14. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/
  15. This plugin will allow you to have a different theme displayed when viewing a member's profile, based on a configured list of user accounts and/or a specific group, allowing you to display a "Memoriam" version of your theme if you wish. This is something I never even thought that I would make, and I really wish I didn't make it. On the evening of 18th October 2021 news reached me that Vic, a member of the site I run, had taken his own life. But Vic wasn't just a member of the site - he was one of the earliest people involved as a member, and eventually joined the team of 'Owners' of the site too. I'm still finding it difficult to put into words what he meant to me but Vic was brilliant, simple as that. You can read more about him over on the site if you wish, https://www.ynwa.tv/topic/163196-swan-red/ or you can watch him in full flow here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMeZ7bCNKWk Note: after IPS fees have been deducted, any money made as a result of selling this plugin will be donated to a charity which Vic supported: Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI) https://www.sari.ie/donate
  16. Place it where? Does $stats exist where you've placed it. Show more detail about what you are doing.
  17. FYI - with the release of IPS Community Suite v4.6.8, audio files attached to content items will now display an audio player automatically in the same way as video attachments display a video player. I have not yet tested out the first beta of v4.6.8 to see how it affects this application and how this application affects the new functionality. If any changes are needed in my application then they will be made in my own time once I've tested things out, and likely not while the beta process is going on for this new release. If you choose to upgrade to the beta of v4.6.8 and experience any issues, feel free to post the issue in here but do not expect a quick turnaround on a fix.
  18. It will allow you a little control over the default (which is a HTML5 player too) which is displayed for attached videos, but it's up to you to define better, as well as your requirements.
  19. Just send the links to the videos in via email...
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