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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. No worries - the following will hide it....the '6 indicates the 6th 'row in the list...modify if your entry is a different row in your listing, body[data-pagecontroller="notifications"] ul.ipsDataList_clickableRows li:nth-of-type(6) { display:none; }
  2. Go to your app listing....if the app says 'Marketplace' then updates need to be from there. You use of 'upload' implies you are actually uploading the tar file, which is only possible with 'Custom' apps in the app listing.
  3. I know you are, hence why I mentioned it. If that isn't what you are talking about then provide a screenshot of it.
  4. Manage the sidebar, remove the block.
  5. v1.0.1 has been submitted for approval: FIX: minor language string modifications NEW: addition of a 'Notes' field for placeholders, allowing you to place reference information about the placeholder itself NEW: addition of custom CSS functionality, per-placeholder, to allow you to style the placeholder text NEW: display settings added to allow truncation of the 'Placeholder text' and 'Notes' content in the ACP CHANGE: 'How to use' information updated
  6. Interesting...my manual quote stayed in the content when you quoted the post. Maybe it already works as requested?
  7. Done - functionality will eventually end up in the IPS 4.5 compatible version of this, but is available as a separate plugin right now for anyone who has purchased it already (send me a PM and I will send over the xml file for "(NE) Embed 'captivate.fm' podcasts")
  8. Let me break this down easily.... If you quote this post then this quote will be discarded... But if you quoted this post then this quote wouldn't be discarded... @Colonel_mortis - feel free to step in if I am getting the wrong end of the stick here.
  9. Nope. You are probably thinking about this debacle ("Quote embedding") which was possible if a user quoted a post with a quote in it.....and so on.
  10. Working on this one for @AlexWebsites
  11. The template you would need to edit it is forums -> front -> topics ->topic. Search for the following in there: {{if $topic->canEdit()}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' data-controller="core.front.core.moderation"> <span data-role="editableTitle" title='{lang="click_hold_edit"}'>{$topic->title}</span> </span> {{else}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <span>{$topic->title}</span> </span> {{endif}} Within that, you can add in the following items to display information about the forum: {$topic->container()->metaTitle()} {$topic->container()->metaDescription()} Example - replacing the above with the below gives you the result in the image: {{if $topic->canEdit()}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' data-controller="core.front.core.moderation"> <span data-role="editableTitle" title='{lang="click_hold_edit"}'>{$topic->title}</span> <br> <span>{$topic->container()->metaTitle()}</span> <span>{$topic->container()->metaDescription()}</span> </span> {{else}} <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <span>{$topic->title}</span> <br> <span>{$topic->container()->metaTitle()}</span> <span>{$topic->container()->metaDescription()}</span> </span> {{endif}}
  12. There isn't much you can do other than change your share image to adhere to the WhatsApp requirements which is to use a square image.
  13. Jordan...going back to the original request....at the base of the suggestion is the knowledge that when you quote somebody, it is placed in a quote. If someone then quotes that post, then the post is removed - see? I quoted your post above, and the prior quote isn't included. Take that further...
  14. v1.0.5 is currently awaiting approval (no v1.0.4, by the way) FIX: Fixed possible error when manually deleting individual entries in the User/Group listing FIX: Fixed possible error when manually deleting individual entries in the Tracker NEW: Addition of ability to display custom messages to users when the action is to show the site as offline NEW: Addition of a new annoyance - rotate the screen by a number of degrees
  15. 😄 I'm adding to that functionality in the next version too:
  16. Which was deprecated with the release of IPS v4.3, almost 3 years ago. .
  17. Maybe/maybe not. If you want to trigger a rebuild, turn off(or on, depending on current state) lazy load and a rebuild will take place. Will it work for your issue, no idea.
  18. {lang="acp_version_number" sprintf="\IPS\Application::load('core')->version"} By posting this, that doesn't mean I advocate you actually using it and exposing the details to the front-end.
  19. Provide the HTML that you are inserting into the content, or provide a link to the post. Also, provide your settings so I can see what it is that you trying to have hidden.
  20. Which is currently possible.
  21. So the site off-line? Already there. If you are requesting something different then what is the difference between that and your suggestion?
  22. So are you suggesting that if the user accesses a specific forum out of your list of forums then they may or may not see a message?
  23. You don't have to use the settings if you don't want to 😉 Ability to turn the site off-line is already there, so please elaborate on your 'forum is temporarily off-line' suggestion.
  24. Any ideas on additional 'annoyances' that can be added for the next version? For example (and I'm trying to figure out a way to allow a free value to be added...a 1 degree skew looks fun):
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