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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. What version of PHP is running on the new server? What version of IPS are you using?
  2. By putting the colour in to the html code... <span style="color:green"><strong>Group name</strong></span>
  3. Turn off Redis usage on the source site, via the ACP and make the provided changes to the constants.php; move database and content to the new server.
  4. Log a ticket with IPS support
  5. The update for this one is next up - I'm looking for 2 testers, out of the existing purchasers, to try out the new application version of this one and possible assist with extending its functionality further through the suite. Send me a PM if interested.
  6. This should do it... ul.ipsDataItem_stats li:nth-of-type(2){ display:none; }
  7. You don't need to do anything...geolocation is a feature within IPS4 which requires an active IPS4 license to work. You have that.
  8. Go to your ACP, type 'topic summary' and enjoy...
  9. He would be if it was available to install. Also if he wasn't on Cloud, where you can't turn on In_dev. And also because of the last paragraph of the description of the app.
  10. Look at the 2 buttons beside the 'start new topic' button.
  11. What you should do is make sure the 3.4.x version is working first on the server before you upgrade. Then drop the new version files on top, run the upgrader. One change at a time.
  12. As per the first reply - use the results filters to achieve the goal: Search for all accounts Click on the 'Spammers' filter in the results Click the 'Prune Members found' button Confirm the prune. Screenshots... After search, but before filter, clicking 'Prune Members found' results in: After clicking the filter, clicking 'Prune Members found' results in: Click Continue and the accounts will be marked for pruning and cleaned up via the background tasks.
  13. It's a group permission, so edit a group...
  14. Probably cms -> global -> records -> youtube But the custom field will pick up whatever settings you've applied to it - so edit the field and see if you have added the height/width parameters and modify them to suit if you have. And if you haven't, then try adding them and setting them to a value of your choice.
  15. Forums -> front -> index -> forumRow Remove: {{if $forum->redirect_on}} &nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>({lang="redirect_hits" pluralize="$forum->redirect_hits"})</span> {{endif}}
  16. A thread can only exist in one forum, so you can't pin that topic in multiple places. What you can do though is put the topic in one forum, and pin it..then move it to another forum, and "leave a link to the new location". Repeat the move to other forums and so on. Then set the 'Delete Moved Links' setting in the ACP to 'Never'
  17. Yes it does, just tried it - pay attention to the choice you have when you do it... What's your actual reason for asking the question?
  18. Merge the user account with another. What's your actual reason for asking the question?
  19. Opportune time to add tags functionality back to this forum, to indicate current state of the idea. 'Planned for future version', as an example.
  20. Nathan Explosion replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What does your application state - Custom or MarketPlace? If it says 'Marketplace', and it is doing what you say when you click to update, then log a ticket with support. If it says 'Custom' then either: contact the developer to obtain the update to then manually upload it or log a ticket with support to request assistance with converting the app from 'Custom' to 'Marketplace'
  21. Text - no problem at all. But then have to handle all the other elements that can be added to a post...images, links, videos etc. Already regretting taking a look...parking it for another time.
  22. What I posted is what should be used. _processLogin = the NAME of the button on the login button on the login page. usernamepassword = the VALUE of that button elSignIn_submit is the ID for that same button - if you do what you are suggesting it is telling Google to add set the value of _processLogin to elSignIn_submit, which is not going have any effect. The crawler probably tried to login and got a CSRF key - you can read the full background to all this information in
  23. Sorry, I'm out - can't help further based on just text, I'd need to be hands-on to assist and I've not got time to do that.