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Mark H

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Everything posted by Mark H

  1. Something had to have changed on the server level for that error to show with no changes to the install. In any case, I'd ask your Host if they made any changes, such as upgrading PHP, MySQL, etc. And we can look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section.
  2. A followup note: Be sure you remove that line from constants.php when you are all finished, if you added it as above.
  3. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you mean. You can flag as spammer, or warn, from the member's post by hovering over their avatar, and in the popup clicking on the button that's titled: "..." above the "Ignore" button. In the popup, choose the action you want, flag or warn. (And with the new version, you can also choose to send that member an Alert from the menu.) Or was it perhaps something else you meant?
  4. Yes, publishing is done by a system task that runs periodically. (It's either 5 or 10 minutes.)
  5. Those 5 items must be fixed by your Host, in either the server-wide php.ini file, or in an account-specific php.ini file as an override in your server account. They may need to recompile PHP to add some missing Extensions. Once that has been done, reload that page and check to see if the red items are now green.
  6. It's possible this is being caused by a 3rd-party item, yes. If you disable all 3rd-party apps and plugins (temporarily), does the same problem occur?
  7. The missing items shown in that screenshot are almost all default PHP Extensions. While your host may be technically correct that PHP is "active and working", that does not mean it is working at a level needed to run our software. If they continue to insist that the problem is not with them, I would look for a new host. All of those items must be in place, and only your Host can do that.
  8. Please visit the ACP -> Languages page. Your one language pack has been customized, as it says to the right of the entry. That pack will not be updated as part of a software upgrade since it is flagged as customized. You'd need to contact the person who customized it originally, and have them update it. You can also create a new English pack, set the locale as US English, then set it as the default pack (disable the original temporarily) to see if those errors continue. If they stop, then the issue was the customization to the original. But if they continue after the above has been done, please let us know.
  9. There is no effective way to recreate a database table with its data still intact. The only recommended and safe way to restore, is to restore the entire backup.
  10. That is almost certainly being caused by your customized language pack. The only one you have in place at the moment has been customized in some way, and is likely missing strings or existing ones have changed. You'd need to contact whoever customized that pack and get an update for it.
  11. A quick followup for those watching... this issue was identified, and will be fixed in an upcoming release (and should be included in the next beta release).
  12. Thank you, I've opened a ticket for this issue. Someone will contact you via that ticket when they are able.
  13. It appears your site has at least one update or patch pending. Please visit your ACP -> Support page and check for a box with an orange alert about an update, then process it. Does the same problem happen? If it does, please then disable all 3rd-party items (apps, plugins, and themes), then trigger an email notification. Does the same behavior then happen?
  14. I'm surprised that one missing file would trigger the behavior you saw. Do you happen to know the name of the file? (This may benefit others in the future.)
  15. Mark H

    Webp Compression

    Yes, it's recommended.
  16. From that description, it's possible you are being attacked, yes. This is something you should ask your host to check, to see if you are getting flooded with requests.
  17. Do you have access to phpMyAdmin? If so, use it to view the database and in the list of tables, check the "Overhead" column. The value there should be zero most times. (MySQL should recover that overhead automatically, but it sometimes doesn't.) If the "Overhead"value for your table is 13 GB, that's something your Host needs to address. You can run an "Optimize" on that table to get back the space temporarily, but long-term is something your Host needs to fix in MySQL so it recovers it automatically on a timely basis.
  18. If you are using version 3.4.5 now, and it is (or was) working properly, then you can upgrade to current version. There are some considerations outside of the software which you need to be aware of, though. The server must be compatible, and if it's using PHP 7.3 now, your host will need to switch to PHP 7.4 or higher along with the required PHP Extensions, then a manual upgrade can be done. Please see this Guide we have prepared: starting in the section titled, "Unsupported Legacy upgrades to Invision Community". EDIT: I should add, depending on the size of the existing install this is not a trivial job. You need knowledgeable staff on hand to assist if needed, as you will very likely be required to run SQL queries manually, for example.
  19. Possibly. Use the Live Search for: tasks Choose Tasks from the list then find the task(s) associated with pruning, and run manually. Note that this may take some time, and if it times out, you can run it again or wait for the system to run it.
  20. I think a more important item to check first is what the error is saying; the email error logs table is growing rapidly. At 13 GB, that may indicate you have repeated email send failures. Have you checked the content of one of the log entries? ACP -> Support page -> "System Log" and "Error Log" buttons. Also check ACP -> Email Settings -> Email Error Logs button, in upper right. As to your second question, pruning is done by a system task, it's not instant.
  21. I do see that happening, yes, and if you click the small "phpinfo" link in the upper right of the second screenshot, it reports the same thing. Is the ips4.php file on the second screenshot, a file that you just downloaded from the Marketplace and uploaded to your server?
  22. Coupons can only be used for defined Products in Commerce, unfortunately. If you'd like to see that capability added to a future version, please make that suggestion in our Feature Suggestions section.
  23. Yes, as @teraßyte mentioned, those are published by a system task and don't run at exactly the "publish time". The entries can be published up to ~ 10 minutes past the time set. (This also assumes you have regular enough traffic levels to trigger system tasks, or that you have setup the cron method to run them.) And it appears yours were published now, so you should be good to go.
  24. Q&A is a good feature, yes. Make sure to create questions whose answer(s) are specific to your community. Don't use math equations or "What color is the Sun" type questions, as it's often humans doing the registration itself, then turning the account over to a bot to post spam, and they know the answers already. There are apparently also sites that keep lists of answers for common questions, so be sure to change your questions regularly for maximum benefit. 🙂
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