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  1. Agree
    aia reacted to NexusMods in Cannot moderate private messaging abuse   
    Hi there,

    We unfortunately have come across some abuse of the private message / conversation feature.

    What happens:
    Users can message each other, then block the others / themselves from a conversation. As the conversation then has no participants, it's deleted and we have no trace, making it difficult to moderate.

    Expected behaviour:
    When there are only two participants, users shouldn't be able to remove the other member (to cause the deletion), or there needs to be some way of verifying that the PM did exist as a forum admin.
    How to reproduce:

    Here is the steps to reproduce from our team:
    Log into AccountA - send a PM to AccountB Within the PM UI, select AccountB from the list of participants and select "Remove from conversation". Delete the message from your inbox as AccountA. Log into AccountB - see that this PM "never existed" but you still have an email confirming it was sent to you.  
    The class / method in question is

    If you need any more information, please let us know.
  2. Agree
    aia reacted to David N. in Direct iphone photos to ips upload?   
    The ideal solution would be if any photo/video format could be converted on the fly to something useable, the way Facebook does it. 
  3. Agree
    aia reacted to NightAngel in View images directly in .avif format   
    Hello !
    In future releases, will it be possible to display .avif images directly in messages ?

    At the moment, the .avif file is displayed as an attachment, even though the system saves it perfectly and my browser (obviously) supports this format.
    I think that allowing this format in the Gallery application (as well as in the others, I haven't checked) would be a good thing.
    That'll be all! 😜
  4. Agree
    aia reacted to Vodafone CZ in View images directly in .avif format   
    currently all browsers support avif by default already, so maybe its the right time to add support into invision community apps 🤔
    and not only by showing avif images directly in posts, but i cant set avif images as grid card images as well 😞

    and also image settings should be improved 🤔 theres quite a big difference between same quality value accross different formats - and avif is missing there as well

    i also use some external images embedded in a code and with same level of visual quality i squeezed them with avif from 2,6 MB to 0,6 MB which is quite significant saving 🤔
    and not speaking about all images in theme resources which still use almost 30 years old formats, mostly png 🤐
    so please, do something about it 😔
  5. Like
    aia reacted to KT Walrus in Why is this site so sluggish lately?   
    Yes. This site has been slow to load pages regardless. But with a browser, you get feedback. With the PWA, on iOS, at least, you get almost no indication that the request has been made and the PWA is waiting for the response from the server. 
    So, I end up clicking multiple times, probably making the server even more overloaded. 
    I’m hoping Invision devs are spending a lot of time using the PWA to test and develop v5 and the PWA will be more reactive. 
    That is, I’m hoping the PWA is a high priority for v5, instead of an afterthought as it is in v4. 
  6. Agree
    aia reacted to KT Walrus in Why is this site so sluggish lately?   
    I have transitioned to using mostly the PWA on my iPhone to keep track of v5 progress. But the PWA doesn’t give feedback to me when I tap on a link like the browser does. So, the PWA has been especially frustrating to use when clicking on a link takes 3 to 15 seconds to load the page. Last night I got a few page loads that timed out after 30 seconds or so  
    I’m hoping that v5 will make the PWA on iOS much more reactive and responsive so at least I do not feel the need to keep tapping a link multiple times due to zero UI feedback. The PWA should feel more like a native app, but right now, it feels more like using a poor browser. 
  7. Like
    aia reacted to dutchsnowden in Multiple tags browse?   
    I did not change any query string manually. What are you saying? Are you saying it is a bug in here:

    And search ignores ALL or ANY setting in this search page? The ACP setting should be for general queries as default search for multiple terms, but I used THIS page, where it is clearly specified ANY or ALL (AND or OR).
  8. Agree
    aia reacted to Percival in A (very) brief look at Invision Community 5   
    Wow. That's a big price increase for those who use forums app only. 😮
  9. Like
    aia reacted to Dll in A (very) brief look at Invision Community 5   
    One thing that jumps out is that your choice of music hasn't improved with the new version. 
  10. Thanks
    aia reacted to Grafidea in [Suggestion] SVG support - V5   
    Hi! It would be nice if the V5 version supported the graphic format - SVG everywhere. It's a vector format that looks good virtually anywhere and doesn't lose quality! Currently, it is missing from logos, custom forum icons, favicon and many other places. It's about handling .svg graphics as well as svg code.
  11. Agree
    aia reacted to Clover13 in PWA swipe down page refresh   
    One thing I notice with PWA implementation that is immediately apparent and differs from a native app, is the lack of a swipe down refresh for the page.  I can see it being confusing for members on the PWA but it never gets updated automatically or with a swipe, you rather have to navigate specifically to a link or click the site logo at the top to re-navigate and reload the site.  Would be good to add this capability in the future as it will make the PWA behave more native-like.
  12. Agree
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in [Suggestion] rel=nofollow for quote link   
    As in the title, something should be done with these links so that the robots do not waste time crawling and following them

  13. Like
    aia reacted to Retrime in Roles Immunity   
    I was trying to find if it was already suggested but I didn't find anything. I'm sorry if it was already suggested.
    Actual roles immunity system is sucks (there is no immunity system actually). You can only mark role as administartor and prevent other roles to touch it. But I think it would be better if you be able to sort them via drag & drop system so it would be working like immunity system (just like in Discord). So if you have high role you can only touch all roles below your highest role. You can't ban, edit content, do other moderator actions if user have higher role than yours. It would also be sort mechanism for sutff like forums permissions, staff page etc.
  14. Agree
    aia reacted to AngelsWin.com in There is no way to refresh the forums page/thread when you're in the recommended "Standalone" mode   
    Kind of defeats the purpose to use this if you cannot refresh a thread you're in via the standalone app. The browser mode works, but then is it really an app and it opens a new tab every time you click on a new notification. 
    Would love for this to be an enhancement request to have a refresh button in Standalone mode. 
  15. Agree
    aia reacted to The Old Man in Search fails to find results in your REST API documentation   
    The search facility here doesn't appear to find any results in your documentation, even when narrowing the search down to documents or guides.
    I'm currently playing with Zapier and using the option to post an image from an RSS feed in a Gallery album.
    It results in an error message:
    The app returned "1G316/6".

    Searching produced 0 results:

    So I thought I'd check out the out REST API docs and I found it in the error section:

  16. Agree
    aia reacted to Interferon in Mark private messages as unread   
    A lot of times someone will send me a private message. I open it, and it turns into something much more detailed than I want to deal with right now. I can't answer right away, but if I leave the window I am likely to forget about the message completely. In situations like this it would be helpful to be able to mark the message as "unread" or some equivalent state, so I still have a little red notification reminding me to deal with it later.
  17. Agree
    aia reacted to Thomas Hop in Multi language for form select box options   

    I would like to know if my suggestion has any potential of making it to development. I do think it is a must have for a multilingual forum. In any case i hope to see a reply so i can inform my client.
    Thanks in advance
  18. Agree
    aia reacted to Thomas Hop in Multi language for form select box options   
    I am currently missing a feature when creating a field for “Profile Fields” . I would like to display the field in two different languages depending on the selected language.
    The form field name has the possibility to display another language but the options of the select box does not. Is there a way to display a different language in the options of the select box when another language is selected?
    Example below:
    When dutch is selected on our forum:
    The Field name = Geslacht
    The select box should show options:
    - Man
    - Vrouw
    When english is selected on our forum:
    The Field name = Gender
    The select box should show the options:
    - Male
    - Female
    I tried to place a language string in the options field but this does not work.

    Is there a possibility this can be added in the future?
    Thanks in advance,
  19. Agree
    aia reacted to beats23 in iPhone notifications, web app and more   
    Would it be possible to have a notification in mobile safari telling folks they can save the site to their home screen for a better user experience? I think most folks won't know that they can save the page to their home screen to have an app experience.
    Example like what a real app does.

  20. Agree
    aia reacted to Grafidea in Footer to the bottom of the page.   
    It seems to me that on every page the footer should stick to the bottom of the page? Not as it happens on the contact or login subpage.
  21. Haha
    aia reacted to Grafidea in IPS Cloud - downtime on 21st March   
    Hi, I would like to point out in advance that I am starting this topic to hear the official position of IPS, not to make fun of etc. You constantly negate external infrastructures in favor of your cloud. And how will you explain your TOTAL DOWNTIME 12h 42m in the last 7 days? I would like to add that my dedicated server has had 100% UPTIME for a year. But if I was paying that much money for a cloud and seeing a 500 error for 8 hours, I would have given up on the service pretty quickly. Now let's imagine that during downtime some big business forum has important Live Topics?
  22. Agree
    aia reacted to Ibai in Text truncation from backend   
    Hi there,
    From the beginning, I always see a tiny glitch when browsing downloads or articles list. When the text of these items is very long, the "$file->truncated()" function seems that is not working very well, and loads the raw text (without HTML tags) and then, the frontend does the truncation.
    What happens is that there is usually a glitch: while all the content is loading, until the "on.load" event, the text loaded is VERY long and eventually, this "onload" is fired and it is truncated.
    In addition, this makes the site to download a very big HTML that afterwards is cut.
    We could optimize this load, using a real truncation function.
    I always change that function to sth like this:
    <div class='ipsType_richText ipsType_break ipsMargin_bottom:half' data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type="remove" data-ipsTruncate-size="2 lines"> {{$num_char_total=strlen($file->truncated());}} {{$real_truncated_text=($num_char_total<400)?$file->truncated():substr($file->truncated(),0,strpos($file->truncated(), ' ', min(400,$num_char_total)));//el strpos es un truco para ir por palabras, cogemos la posicion del primer espacio tras 400 caracteres}} {$real_truncated_text|raw} </div> As you can see, I always try to cut the original raw text to 400 chars (avoiding to cut a word in the middle).
    Do you think this would be a good idea to have it as standard?
  23. Like
    aia reacted to Ibai in Add width and height to reactions   
    Another thing I always change in every template I customize is the size of the reaction icons. This is sth suggested and reported by PageSpeedTest.
    You can find in reactionOverview template bit, for instance:
    <img src='{$reaction->_icon->url}' alt="{lang="reaction_title_{$reaction->id}" escape="true"}" loading="lazy"> I always change for the folloging
    <img src='{$reaction->_icon->url}' alt="{lang="reaction_title_{$reaction->id}" escape="true"}" loading="lazy" width="28" height="28"> There is another template bit to change: searchReaction.
    Any chances to have this as standard? Do you think it's a good idea?
  24. Like
    aia got a reaction from MeMaBlue in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    Yet another thing causing a big disappointment about IPS is the strange restrictions on the content on this website.

    Thanks. I hope you will add a way to rebuild old content (including user profiles, signatures, etc.) and change existing images from HTTP to HTTPS where it possible.
  25. Thanks
    aia reacted to PatrickRQ in [Suggestion] Revolut Pay gateway for Commerce   
    Revolut becoming very popular way of getting pay. It is beating alternative for PayPal in aspect of fees while keeping even better Customer experience because it is very simple way of paying. While PayPal is only financial institution, Revolut is a bank already, so you have real bank account that allows you to take card payments, wired payments, payments on @nickname, or payment for mobile number. It is a way quicker than PayPal and way more modern for now days. IPS, @Matt, @Lindy, please consider a gateway for Revolut Pay: https://developer.revolut.com/
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