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  1. Haha
    aia got a reaction from TDBF in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
  2. Like
    aia got a reaction from AlexJ in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  3. Like
    aia got a reaction from BomAle in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  4. Like
    aia got a reaction from Felipe13 in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
  5. Like
    aia got a reaction from SUBRTX in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  6. Like
    aia got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
  7. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  8. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  9. Like
    aia got a reaction from Unienc in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    For me, it is not important which editor to use, but how exactly it will be customized by IPS.

    The main thing I hope for is that IPS won't carry over all the same bugs that they added to the current editor and haven't been fixing for years. Such as the complete inability to delete mentions in mobile Chrome, for example:

    As well as get rid of additional overcomplications, such as replacing existing editor functions. For example, fast and easy URL embedding on clumsy and slow:


  10. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from Thomas P in MS IE warning   
    The easiest way to filter all ancient browsers from the IE epoch is just checking if CSS or CSS.supports are missed, because it present in all modern browsers and Edge 12+.
    if (typeof(CSS) === "undefined" || typeof(CSS.supports) === "undefined") { // Here you can do whatever you want to the visitors with ancient browsers from the IE epoch console.log('Your browser is out of date'); }  
  11. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in How do I know if a website is using 4.4 or 4.5?   
    .htaccess rule for all xml and json files:
    <FilesMatch "\.(xml|json)$">     Order Deny,Allow     Deny from all </FilesMatch>
  12. Agree
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in How do I know if a website is using 4.4 or 4.5?   
    You can block access to .json files via htaccess
    <Files "*.json"> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all </Files> or only for "versions.json"
    <Files "*versions.json"> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all </Files>  
  13. Agree
    aia reacted to xtech in How do I know if a website is using 4.4 or 4.5?   
    In important rule of (cyber) security is: don't expose more than what is strictly needed.
    I would deny the access to that file.
    What's the point of letting anyone to know what is the version you use? To know if a certain exploit can be used or that a vulnerability is present? You certainly don't want to provide rogue actors that valuable information.
  14. Agree
    aia reacted to Greek76 in IPS spam service is harmful   
    I had to disable it completely. It was automatically flagging friends of mine as spam. I even complained about it in the around a month ago.  
  15. Agree
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in IPS spam service is harmful   
    I'd say that there is likely a 50/50 split between spam registrants that are simply trying to create a profile with links in an attempt at SEO or link count nonsense as compared to those that actually attempt to post.
    There is a need to be able to moderate links in profile fields. We turn off profile viewing to guests as one way to mitigate against this, but it's less than ideal.
  16. Agree
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in IPS spam service is harmful   
    Thank you for this. We operate a site that is similarly sized to the one you are associated with, and have had similar suspicions.
    We had far better success at addressing the issue by focusing our efforts on the source of registrations. For us, the majority of spam registrations came from particular network segments once we looked at the ASN associated with known spam registrants. We used our CDN's firewall feature to handle those registration attempts and have quite significantly reduced the number of spammers getting through. It's mostly a rare occasion now.
  17. Agree
    aia reacted to Colonel_mortis in IPS spam service is harmful   
    I run a large site, so I have a lot of legitimate members and receive a fairly significant number of spammers. I turned it off (but continued to collect members' spam scores) several months ago, due to the volume of requests by legitimate people who were being caught by the spam filter. I've run some statistics based on registrations over the past month, comparing whether they have been flagged as spammer (which is very closely correlated with whether they were actually a spammer (this may not be true - see my post later in the topic)) and the code that the IPS spam service gave. The results are:
    +-------+------+----------+ | FASed | code | count | +-------+------+----------+ | 0 | 0 | 77 | | 0 | 1 | 5657 | | 0 | 2 | 3 | | 0 | 3 | 5 | | 0 | 4 | 147 | | 0 | null | 233 | | 1 | 0 | 3 | | 1 | 1 | 616 | | 1 | 2 | 13 | | 1 | 3 | 75 | | 1 | 4 | 155 | | 1 | null | 2 | +-------+------+----------+ Breaking this down:
    12% of registrations are spammers 6% of registrations receive a spam score > 1 4% of registrations receive a spam score of 4 So far, these numbers don't seem unreasonable. However,
    If someone receives a spam score of 4 ("user is a known spammer"), they have 51% chance of actually being a spammer A precision of 51% is totally useless.
    If someone is actually a spammer, they have a 28% chance of receiving a spam score > 1. That's a pretty shoddy recall too.
    If I set my site to reject members with a spam score of 4, I will lose ~150 members to the spam filter each month; even if I use 2 as the threshold instead it will still only reduce spam by 28%. That's not an OK trade-off to me.
    You may say that the answer to this is to set accounts to require admin validation instead when caught by the spam filter, and that's not unreasonable. However, I'm not logged into ACP every day, so I suspect this would result in the loss of a large portion of the potential registrations who will just go and ask their question on a different forum because they didn't want to wait. Furthermore, it's often not possible to tell whether the account is legitimate just based on the registration info, so that 28% hit rate is going to drop quite a lot more.
    I appreciate that catching spam is a very hard problem. However, I believe these number demonstrate that the current system is not fit for purpose, at least with the level of confidence that you currently assign to it ("member is a known spammer" in the config page is a long way from the truth, and "certain spammer" from your marketing materials is an outright lie).
  18. Agree
    aia reacted to Ilya Hoilik in Add translation into existing language   
    Hello! The problem is you can't add a third-party translation of a third-party application into the existing language already installed from the acp marketplace. This is very annoying especially for non-English communities with third-party applications or even custom self-made applications. Users can't combine multiple language packs into one single language.
    I told support about the issue and just got an answer from @Daniel F that "the feature is working as intended and we have no plans to change the behaviour". Yeah, I think it means "we do not want to make your community solid and clean". Why you can't just make a good software for everyone, not only for English-speakers?
    And I'm silent about problems with update check of languages, uncomfortable 'translate' page, glitchy 'out of date' filter and so on. Uploaded my language pack March 22, 2015 and it is on #1 place by reviews, views and downloads (previously #2, but German was deleted). And I got 'oh, sorry, it is not in our priority'. That's very encouraging! Awesome, thanks!
    I really hate doing this (mean mass-ping), but... @Matt @Lindy
    Thank you for your time. Hope we will be able to improve current situation.
  19. Agree
    aia reacted to Joel R in We need webp NOW   
    1. Webp is not a niche image format anymore. Full stop.  While I could understand that argument in 2015,  webp is now almost universally supported by all browsers: 
    2. The grand irony - or perverse absurdity - is that my own website delivers images as webp via my Cloudflare.  I literally have users who have downloaded my site's images, but can't upload them back to my site! That comes across as distinctly discrepant.  
  20. Like
    aia got a reaction from alexxis in Get rid of unnecessary duplication of elements   
    The interface has unnecessary duplicate elements in some places. It would be great to get rid of this duplication and thereby simplify the interface and make it more clean and readable.
    Here is some examples:

  21. Like
    aia got a reaction from alexxis in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    For IPS 4.4, changed this:
    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li> to this:
    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'>#{$comment->$idField} <i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li> In this template:

  22. Like
    aia got a reaction from kmk in Shortlinks   
    Some time ago, I described how I solved this problem for one of my communities.
  23. Confused
    aia reacted to Ramiru in Option To Disable AJAX   
    I've tried the demo to test some Mathematics. I used MathJAX and CKEditor Mathematical Formulas. Here are the problems I encountered so far:
    When replying to a topic, LaTex is not formatted correctly until the page is refresh. When using the Fluid view, switching to different forums will disable the MathJAX formatting. It needs refresh so that it will format correctly. When viewing a user's content/activity, switching between Topics/Post will also disable MathJAX. I think the reason why it lost MathJAX formatting is because of AJAX. I have already disabled the AJAX Pagination but the problem is still there.
    So, I would like to suggest to have an option to disable AJAX functionality in all or specific areas.
  24. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    For my communities, I fixed this issue showing the unique ID of the post. You can see it in action here.

  25. Like
    aia got a reaction from Eric BXL in Preview button   
    It was discussed a lot when "preview" button was removed from IPS at all in 4.0.x and we all asked to bring it back. Two main points is:
    While editor is called "WYSIWYG", it's actually not, in a lot of cases. Ability to quickly check how the message will look on different devices is useful.
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