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    13. reacted to CoffeeCake in Location of "Edit" and "Report" links on the new 4.5 theme   
    After converting our community to 4.5, we received almost unanimous feedback that the moving of these links was a crime against humanity. I'll be posting a free plugin on the Marketplace that restores all that is right in the world.
  2. Thanks
    13. reacted to Morrigan in Ability to multi-quote selected text   
    Sometimes you want to reply to specific text, you highlight, you quote but you may want to do that multiple times or over multiple pages and at the moment that is basically impossible. It would be nice to be able to multiquote specific text.
  3. Thanks
    13. reacted to BankFodder in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    Well it would still be interesting to know the answers to the to the points which I made in my previous post – two posts up from this one as I don't have a number to refer to. It's the post that I made one hour ago – although of course this will change as the thread gets older so for the avoidance of doubt, to the question I asked in this post:
    but here's a suggestion which maybe will satisfy everybody.
    I also hadn't realised that the dates were clickable although that wouldn't be necessary for the suggestion below.

    As clearly the date of each post is logged somewhere, how about actually having the date and time each post was submitted.

    This would allow people to refer exactly to the post that they made – whether it is a member view or a moderator view. At the moment, there is a certain amount of "visual clutter" which might interfere with focusing on content.

    Instead of using "posted two hours ago" or "posted August 28" which is actually visually cluttering and is also using information which is quite unnecessary because it is so obvious -  such as the word "Posted", how about replacing that with simply the date and time that it was posted.
    So that when you see "Aug 28, 14.31", it becomes obvious that the post was submitted on August 28 at 2:30 PM and therefore it becomes very easy to refer to whether you are a moderator or a member.

    That means that you could say something like – "if you go back and check my post about eight pages ago in this thread dated Feb 10 23.49, you will see that I've already described what happened…", Then this will provide a precise reference for everybody, no misunderstanding and also it will have the advantage of removing visual clutter because unnecessary words such as "Posted".
    It will have been replaced with useful and functional information and also it will be several characters shorter than the current "visual clutter" because the month names would have been shortened to their traditional three letters and the word "Posted" would have been replaced altogether.

    If this is felt to be to "legacy" then there can be a setting somewhere to make this a matter of choice so that the nay-sayers will be able to dispense with it altogether but those in favour will be able to decide to use the system.

    I know that I have posted the above suggestion in a slightly mocking manner – but if you can get over that and treat this as a serious suggestion then maybe you'd like to let us have your comments. It seems to me that this is a way forward.

    If you wanted you could also give an option to decide whether to have a 20 4 o'clock or 12 o'clock so that the date might say "Sep 14, 10.31pm" if you prefer- although the AM/PM would just make things longer and for Europeans would be unnecessary visual clutter.
    Of course it would mean at some point that one would include the year that the post was made – but this would probably be a bit shorter than what is being used at the moment and at least the visual clutter would have a purpose.
    2019, Aug 14, 20.21
      I think that it is important to distinguish between useless visual clutter and useful visual clutter.
    I would add, that simply having a generalised date of posting is generally speaking quite unhelpful. With lots of threads, there can be a flurry of posts the same date so simply saying - if you look at the posts which were made on August 28 – when there might be 10 or 15 posts, it is pretty nebulous – and August 28 really becomes visual clutter without any particular purpose. Having a specific time makes it very useful.
  4. Thanks
    13. reacted to Yamamura in So much empty space...   
    I totally agree. The default skin in 4.5 is absolutely terrible. Huge elements, padding, empty space, thin and faded text, low contrast, and more. It's no surprise why more and more people are choosing to use XenForo, Discord, etc., over IPB. I don't know who made the new skin, but it feels like a beginner freelancer from Dribble made it.
    But why did they need to move the follow button one line down? If the follow button was positioned on the same line as the title, as before, there would be no useless empty space.
    One more example:

    It takes up a lot of space, but none of it is needed there.
    You just entered a topic and want to reply right away? Not! You just entered a topic and want to create a new topic right away? Of course not!  Who cares who is the author of the topic and when it was created? Nobody! For example, I have active topics on my forum that are already 12 years old. Why should I constantly show who is the author of these topics if they have not visited the forum for 10 years and everyone has already forgotten about them?? Nobody cares who is the author of the topic. This information is completely meaningless and useless. One more example:

    Am I exactly in a place for people to communicate? Because on my screen I see only a white space and a couple of lines of text. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Thanks
    13. reacted to Interferon in So much empty space...   
    This is really excessive.

    It looks even worse if your forum background is set to white.

  6. Thanks
    13. reacted to CoffeeCake in Searching for members name should return exact matches 1st   
    When I search for a member's display name in the ACP, if there are many members that have that portion of their name within either their e-mail address or display name, I only see the first 50 matches and in almost all cases, never see the exact match appear. To clarify, from the search bar at the top of the ACP.
    Please return any exact matches at the top of the list. Reporting this as feedback, yet since I can't access the member I need to access, I'm wondering if it's a bug. To find these folks, I have to go to the member list and use the search on the right hand side to limit and scroll through all results.
  7. Like
    13. got a reaction from Malwarebytes Forums in Seperate limits for positive and negative reactions   
    Also, I would love to see limits for the number of reactions of the specific types given to one user within some defined period, i.e.:
    Maximum number of positive reactions allowed to give per user [value] per [period] Maximum number of negative reactions allowed to give per user [value] per [period]
  8. Like
    13. got a reaction from Dayton28 in Seperate limits for positive and negative reactions   
    I would love to see separate limits for positive and negative reactions in the IPS:

  9. Like
    13. reacted to Jordan Miller in Ban members from downvoting   
    Hola! So I've encountered something interesting. 
    We have a warning points system.
    If a user reaches 5 points for example, they are restricted from posting for 24 hours. 
    Problem is... they retaliate by going on a downvoting Reputation spree and downvoting other members incessantly. 
    I don't want to necessarily ban them from visiting, just posting.
    I'd love to see an option to stop members from also being able to use Reputation. Thoughts?
  10. Like
    13. got a reaction from alexxis in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    For IPS 4.4, changed this:
    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li> to this:
    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'>#{$comment->$idField} <i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li> In this template:

  11. Like
    13. got a reaction from Haku2 in Flag as Spammer [Bug/Issue]?   
    I hope this will be fixed in the future. We need this feature working this way.
    This flaw is the reason why the "Flag as spammer" feature is completely disabled on my communities. It's too dangerous since its irreversible.
  12. Thanks
    13. reacted to James101 in Flag as Spammer [Bug/Issue]?   
    IPB has an option to flag a user as spammer from the front end through user profile. This hides all user posts/topics. However, when unflagging the user as spammer the topics/posts are still hidden and need to be manually approved again.
    Is this a bug or can anything be done to fix this?
    Thank you.
  13. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in php-vips support for images   
    Any news on this?
    JFYI: I'm one of these clients who does not have it installed because there is no reason to install while IPS does not support it. Your move must be first.
    Also, as a step even further, it would be good to integrate the support of https://imgproxy.net/ (https://github.com/imgproxy/imgproxy)
  14. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in Expand ignore feature   
    Our users also complained on this. +1
  15. Agree
    13. got a reaction from ptprog in Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text   
    We know, and we don't need it all. At all 🙂
    The only thing we need is a widget where we could use HTML. It has to be a core functionality. It's logical and obvious.
    It's a weird way to try selling the "Pages" app. It causes distrust and disappointment, not sales. 😥
    Please, discuss it internally. I'm sure the Pages app will not suffer from moving such a small feature to a more logical place - the core.
  16. Agree
    13. got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text   
    +1 for moving this feature into the core. In our case, we don't need pages app at all. Just one widget is not a good reason to buy something you don't need.
  17. Thanks
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in U2F Support (2FA)   
    Here are some related posts and topics on these forums:
  18. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in U2F Support (2FA)   
    +1 vote for the suggestion to support U2F in the IPS core. It is supported in all modern browsers now.
    Also, U2F is widely adopted and supported by companies and governments. It's already implemented in Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, GitHub, GitLab, Dropbox, and many other internet giants.
    U2F is much more convenient to use compared to all currently supported 2FA methods.
  19. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in Limit the maximum height for the embeds and uploaded videos   
    The maximum height for the embeds and uploaded videos must have a limit.
    Here is why.
  20. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    Such restrictions do not benefit the community. An open community is a very cheap, stable, and efficient way to product promotion and user retention. It's funny (and sad at the same time) what IPS still hasn't figured it out.
    The client lounge could be read-only for not active clients. Contributors section, the same way, could be read-only for those who did not contribute yet, as it has some topics which are useful for those who are just on the way to contribute.
  21. Like
    13. got a reaction from MeMaBlue in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    Yet another thing causing a big disappointment about IPS is the strange restrictions on the content on this website.

    Thanks. I hope you will add a way to rebuild old content (including user profiles, signatures, etc.) and change existing images from HTTP to HTTPS where it possible.
  22. Like
    13. got a reaction from rodege5389 in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    I hope so 🙂
  23. Like
    13. got a reaction from SeNioR- in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    For my communities, I fixed this issue showing the unique ID of the post. You can see it in action here.

  24. Like
    13. reacted to Dean_ in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Thanks, that what I was trying to find...

    I was going to make a separate topic, but since we're all talking about it here. This isn't a good move if it's true? I thought it was a glitch on my side and I left it as was renewing anyway.

    Not to be 'that person' but if you force us to have an active licence in order to keep 3rd party apps/plugins up to date OR purchase then, I won't be using the marketplace and will source the files outside like I do already with a couple that I own. This has its own inherent problems, but I only buy from long standing developers.
  25. Like
    13. reacted to Square Wheels in Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file.   
    This is very disappointing.  I suspect it will affect developers too.  That was one of the best parts of IPS for me, the active developer community.  It's not likely I will switch as I am pretty invested in IPS, but as others have pointed out, forums are dying a slow death, this is not helping.
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