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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. When you have a section that has many subsections, it is impossible to go thru each section because it will collapse the tree each click and you have to find the section you were in and open in t again.

    it would be most helpful if there was a dynamic previous/next links at the end of the article on the content page 



  2. I have an RSS feed a community calendar the RSS includes urls to Meetup or other websites

    however the events in the calendar does not recognize the URLs and they are not clickable. 


  3. I really can't figure this out - I took the field member_title and cleaned up stuff in the database.

    I renamed the field label to "slogan" but I still see data in there that shouldn't be?


    I've done sql query on column member_title it does not contain any rows with "newbie"

  4. so I cleaned up the database and got reset a lot of old titles like "member"  or  "newbie" but this data is still being showed on the profile on posts.

    is this coming from another table and not core_members?

  5. On 5/10/2021 at 8:48 AM, Matt said:

    The 4.6 release now moves all existing custom titles to a new custom field.

    But now that it's in a custom filed how does one have to hack the system to surface that field under their username?

    Why does it need to be a "custom" field can't you appropriate a dedicated "User Title" field that maintains current functionality with out needed adjustments.


  6. The idea is kind of like payouts if you sell something in the marketplace after they sell something a request is made to admin for a withdraw and send the net proceeds ( Sales - Listing Fees - Merchant Fees ) 

    A gift card could work the same way to pay it forward thanking someone with a tip or help for a problem. 

    Ideally & alternatively if each user had ability to add encrypted their own PayPal, Vimeo, or Stripe account API & Account credentials, a user could send money directly to that party and we wouldn't necessarily be party to the transaction. 



  7. I don't sell merchandise so the point of gift cards really doesn't do much for me. 

    What i would like for it to do is allow you to buy a "GIFT CARD" and send it to another member they can request a payout.

    • I send $25 to someone by choosing their member name so don't have to request their email.
    • They receive normal notification from site showing someone sent them $ gratitude for helping with their issue
    • Use at their leisure can request the site for a payout ( less merchant fees )
    • The site pushes funds from payPal to them
    • Perhaps an ephemeral badge is indicated somewhere?


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