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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. is there a way yet to bulk prefix/tag all posts in a forum...

    I am planning to consolidate several forums but would like to tag these before i merge and delete original forum.


  2. TypeError: Argument 2 passed to IPS\radtags\Table\_Tags::parseRow() must be of the type string, null given, called in /storage/fmforums/public_html/applications/radtags/sources/Table/Tags.php on line 174 (0)
    #0 /storage/fmforums/public_html/applications/radtags/sources/Table/Tags.php(174): IPS\radtags\Table\_Tags->parseRow('tag_text', NULL, Array)
    #1 /storage/fmforums/public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(484): IPS\radtags\Table\_Tags->getRows(Array)
    #2 /storage/fmforums/public_html/applications/radtags/modules/admin/tags/listing.php(56): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
    #3 /storage/fmforums/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\radtags\modules\admin\tags\_listing->manage()
    #4 /storage/fmforums/public_html/applications/radtags/modules/admin/tags/listing.php(37): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 /storage/fmforums/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\radtags\modules\admin\tags\_listing->execute()
    #6 /storage/fmforums/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #7 {main}

    installed and clicked blogs and got this error

  3. Greetings does the current version have or plan to have - similarly ability to perform bulk actions --- many times when I am consolidating multiple forums into one - I will first tag all the content where it came from and then move content in to the new forum (should for some reason we'd want to split out content again i could based on tags.) 



  4. The problem with hashtags for this feature is you have to have them all though out and added in the ACP, but hashtags happen organically in the moment and it's tedious to have go do this when you want to promote something.

    So keep the back end for 'default' hashtags ones you know you would like to use. From the front side some way to have a list of hashtags that will accumulate as you use them in any of the media, and perhaps a checkbox to remember these hashtags for future promotions. (permissions could retain or purge based on user or group?)

    If you start promoting content and then wish to promote it all using the same hashtag its best if you can tap existing hashtags from list to enter or start typing it and have it auto suggest existing spellings - nothing worse than having a typo hashtag in the wild. 

  5. That's a nice widget, but I want to view this data in the same context as a custom stream.

    The stream creation just needs to add the necessary logic to filter out items that have no replies.

    And the stream could be made default or shared.




    Only been asking for this since 2009 



  6. I am still looking for a method to create an activity stream that is all threads by a group (or all), that has NO REPLIES.... Been wanting this for years - as its a way to make sure newbies posts don't go unanswered. 

  7. Do you have any screen shots of what it looks on the pubic side.

    If a post had 3 fields how it would look reading the topic? Does it appear between the time and the body or between the body and the signature?



  8. 9 hours ago, HeadStand said:

    Custom Profile fields are not related to this application in any way.

    is there any chance profile fields should be used as defaults to seed new posts - so that you don't have to select something each time?


  9. So i have a technical form and so almost every forum will have the same fields like what version / platform  post is about, that would be entered from a pre-defined dropdown for each field as the user makes a post.

    how is the data stored and displayed Is the data entered just inserted in to the "body" of the post or displayed somewhere else like above the signature in the post when viewing?

    also i have custom fields for the user profile can i use these as "default" values to populate these fields when a post is made allowing users to change the value for each new post, and possibly a check box to also update their default profile values?



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