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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. CG is separate from your Forum's and Forum index any groups setup are not displayed in the Forum Index. (or in the Forums Management in the ACP - or any other App) 

    If you want to "advertise" the groups in your forums at this time I think we have to create banners or links that point to them until, future release does more promotion or awareness, (blocks etc )  from other contexts.

    I plan to have an "affiliate" group and then several affiliate sponsors will be able to manage and maintain their own forums / blog / gallery / download / calendar.

    However once I do this users looking at the forum index will not know they exists - as they will have to go elsewhere to view it. Hence we will have to at the very least mange and maintain a pointer in the main forums to the CG. (until other features come to light ) I am still in the planing stage and may also use iMenu app to make my own menus to assist with this.

    The nice thing is that based on permission people looking at VNC will be able to new content posted regardless if its in the main forums or any groups independent forums. 

    @Christophe - if you have a test site I encourage you to download the demo version it's a great way to kick the tires. 4.0 makes it easier to install / uninstall apps. 

    If I have time later I will make a walk thru video demo - if Kevin doesn't mind or someone else doesn't beat me to it. 



  2. Suggestions: 

    When on a form or the app in the GC clicking on the Name of the Group doesn't do any thing - it should probably go back to the Home Page for the group.

    I plan to use iMenu in connection with CG to help highlight groups, out of the box the all group's content is about 3 levels deep. ( Collaboration > Category > Group )  So initial content discovery is not readily apparent. 

    What would be nice is to cross pollinate some sort of forwarders in the Main forums that redirect to the group: (or some other means where admin can promote these in the forums ) - I guess the reason for the forums is that's what most people are use to and where most traffic reside.


    • User Groups - My Group
    • User Groups - My Other Group
    • Affiliates - My Affiliate
    • Affiliates - My Other Affiliate

    also perhaps some sort of "about page" as to what is Collaboration ( or what ever title its given ) when you land there you can an "about" link to explain the purpose and with permission the end users abilities.

  3. I can try to answer some of these..

    1. you (Admin) setup the "Collaboration Group" and assign permissions and what features that group can have ( forum / blog / page / downloads / gallery / calendar )
    Users enter that "group" then can create their specific group name or entity with all the apps as was permitted in step 1 - however they can choose which of the apps they wish this group to have.

    2. events? you mean calendar - if setup yes.
    3. The group can be "reviewed" and users can "Star" the group
    4. You can give the tab in the menu bar any title you wish. 
    5. There is no "Copyright Notice" for the the app. 

    Also when using View New Content any entry in any app for the group will appear in the respected VNC Filters.  IE - forum topics will appear in the Topics Filter

    There is an additional filter for the App "Collaboration" (or your custom title) that will show which group has new content. 

    The object is you the admin designate generic "Groups" or "Categories" then your members based on permissions can go in and create manage and maintain these groups, from the front end no ACP access needed.

  4. It appears the default locations Ad locations are enabled for GC.

    Things to consider:

    • the main banner pushes down the cover index and the group covers
    • individual custom ad content per groups? Site admin can create packages with custom ad locations for the template.
    • GC overwrite the Default Ad Locations or be able to disable them? (perhaps by way of up$elling to the group organizer?)

    some other ideas - the cover photos should could possible crop down in height when you drill into the group ( group index > group menu > group app > content  )
    similar to how any users profile has the main cover photo, and it reduces height when you toggle between Profile & Activity 

    i'll probably have more ideas but I am coffee deprived for the past few hours and starbucks isn't open 

    Stellar work!


  5. ok nuked the directory and reset it up but now i am getting this error

    indexing index 'core_search_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.209 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    indexing index 'members_search_delta'...
    collected 1 docs, 0.0 MB
    collected 2 attr values
    sorted 0.0 Mvalues, 100.0% done
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 1 docs, 46 bytes
    total 0.004 sec, 9451 bytes/sec, 205.46 docs/sec
    indexing index 'forums_search_posts_delta'...
    collected 6 docs, 0.0 MB
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 6 docs, 1853 bytes
    total 0.221 sec, 8371 bytes/sec, 27.10 docs/sec
    indexing index 'calendar_search_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    collected 0 attr values
    sorted 0.0 Mvalues, 100.0% done
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.003 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    indexing index 'downloads_search_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.008 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    indexing index 'blog_search_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.009 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    indexing index 'gallery_search_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.003 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    indexing index 'gallery_search_comments_delta'...
    collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB
    total 0 docs, 0 bytes
    total 0.003 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec
    total 24 reads, 0.000 sec, 1.1 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 53 writes, 0.002 sec, 1.2 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    WARNING: access denied to PID 30614.
    WARNING: indices NOT rotated.

  6. I am getting this error...

    using config file '/home/fmforums/sphinx/sphinx.conf'...
    indexing index 'core_search_delta'...
    FATAL: failed to open /var/sphinx/core_search_delta.tmp.spl: Permission denied, will not index. Try --rotate option.

    also forums_search_topics_delta doesn't exist as a string in the conf file?

  7. Still can't get this to work.

    Checkbox will not SAVE or store any data

    Why are checkboxes Vertical and Radio buttons horizontal?

    And on the profile page the fields are NOT grouped by the CUSTOM GROUP, when one of them is set to be REQUIRED.

  8. after hitting my head against this feature it turns out that it not fully baked.

    You can create custom profile fields - Great!

    You can create custom groups for these fields - Super!

    When you look at a users profile this group is displayed - Perfect!

    When you are user editing your profile - is far from perfect, there is NO concept of your custom GROUP! instead fields are sorted if it is 'REQUIRED' or 'OTHER'

    So your carefully thought out fields organized in groups have ZERO organization for the user filling in the fields - its just a pool of fields with really no organization.

    Also one MAJOR oversight is the missing CHECKBOX for field options, this is severely needed!!!!!

  9. I use this link:

    Today's Active Content

    Which in my opinion seems buried at the bottom of the main forum index. And not visible anywhere else as a link on other pages.
    I'd rather have that at the top left in lieu of "View New Content" from what i can tell has many in uproar over the feature.

    Once there it shows all the entries the tabs then displayed are

    Help Files | Forums | Members | Blogs | Calendar | Gallery | Customer Resources | Community Downloads

    Now if I perform a Quick Search the results page shows the order of the tabs as...

    Forums | Members | Help Files | Blogs | Calendar | Gallery | Customer Resources | Community Downloads

    The tabs should remain consistent.

    The results of the search presents a topic PREVIEW showing a few hundred characters surrounding the term supplied.

    I want that PREVIEW showing the first few hundred characters from the topic/post for the link above.

  10. Stephen, there are feeds built into IP Content. Create the page and just change the template to display how you want it too.


    http://www.nzweather.net/stephentopics.html topics test

    http://www.nzweather.net/stephenposts.html posts test

    failing that do what I suggested in your other post and have links to the active topics searches at the bottom of the main index page

    thanks for the links but the "feed" is - please take no offense - just 'ugly' and does't even resemble a forum but rather a "rss reader" i wish for a more integrated user experience one that they are familiar with in regards graphical interface they face with when they read the forums in a hierarchal method, form the TOP DOWN - Category - Forum - Subforum - Topic - Reply....

    My wish is for more interactive approach users being able to tangibly choose and display data as requested. After all the content of the site is database and should be able to be displayed in a fashion that users are expecting -reverse chronological order - non in a structured fashion. There are different users that use forums one that is topic driven and can circumnavigate a sites hierarchy, to zero into their desired destination. And then their the power users who want to consume all content as it comes in regardless where - either as their duties a moderator or just because that is the way we've done it for nearly a decade and that's why i wish to keep it ;)

    The link at the bottom is a step closer in getting some of the information - however i am getting frustrated trying to understand the entire underpinnings of the engine as it is - to no fault of yours or IPS it just VERRY different architecturally structured engine from what i am use to. So please, forgive me if I am a bit out of sorts, but I am trying shift not only a site over but understand if I can even provide feature enhancements as I haven't yet found the "Dummy's Guide
  11. I don't want a block of this info but actually i want a page that pulls the details, of Recent activity, New Content.

    But be able to step back thru dates.

    This is a mod i have on my site (other forum software ) and can't for the life figure out were to begin on how to adapt it on IPB



  12. I have been perusing thru the forums here and feel that the site organization is a bit frustrating.

    There are several boards for the same product but in a different category:

    IPS Company Feedback -> IP.Board
    Peer-To-Peer Technical Support -> IP.Board
    Product Modifications -> IP.Board
    Tracker -> IP.Board

    Although I appreciate that it is grouped by General area topic then by specific product when researching or reviewing the product it would be most helpful to
    have all forums for that product in one section.

    It would be great if there were a way to create an Alias of forums and categories so that you could group existing content and not have to
    have disparate conversations that span different categories.


    Product Forums ( A category )
    -- IP.Board ( A Category )
    ---Peer-To-Peer Technical Support
    ---Product Modifications

    The above "alias" forums would appear in the forums lists.
    they would serve to organize existing forums.

    Just a few ideas ;)


  13. if i had more access (pre-sales) I wouldn't probably have waited over a week sitting on the fence - i could have seen different content and would have helped me make decision - quicker. Now that I am a member I don't see the harm in granting full access even to products that I don't have - as they may be something i want to add in the future so it would help in the long run making a decision fully informed.

    my 2

  14. The folder hierarchy and file naming convention totally escapes me - i realize there is a great deal of abstraction but what would help me immensely to get familiar with the site
    is to get to know from the back end what each and every file's purpose.

    I would like to see a something more than a terse phrase for each file in every folder of the hierarchy ( images are obvious )

    FOLDER - general description & purpose
    -- FILENAME - general description & purpose
    -- FILENAME - general description & purpose
    -- FOLDER - general description & purpose
    --- FILENAME - general description & purpose

    Or even if at all possible an excell spread sheet of the exploded hierarchy ( also include the preferred permissions on files and folders numerical and long form permission notation IE: ( 777 and drwxrwxrwx )

  15. I'd like to see the upload folder be managed a bit cleaner instead of one huge bucket to store all files
    have it organize the files in directories. in a YEAR / MONTH fashion and all files uploaded in that month year contained within.

    --- 10
    ------ image.jpg

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