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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. Oh i see - yes thanks - 

    Is there any way to add Extended View as well? 

    Also a way to not display hidden content (especially those who posts as guest with the post before register feature)


    Also it would be most helpful to ignored Pinned topics


  2. Can this feature be put on the whiteboard to be included in the ACP?   

    I can't edit this on the front of site if the blog is managed by a group. not without going to the ACP and logging in as a user.

  3. LOL - no harm - slightly OCD hate clutter. 

    However it struck me odd that i could actually follow a locked post. Or allows users to interact with said locked post. With reactions etc.

    I guess there could be two reasons you are locking a post, each have valid reasons for level of lock.

    • Announcements or Guidelines etc that is intended to be one way info, ok to follow and interact with any replies. 
    • Moderated Discussion. Full lockdown no sharing, interaction, following - low chance of it being unlocked. Essentially a static page.
  4. Thanks @Adriano Faria if your referring to the prune feature it says:


    Remove follow records for members who have not logged in for a period of time. The member will not be notified if there is new activity on something they were following.

    I have been using your Dead Topic Protection plugin - been working great users are not resurrecting decade old posts.

    I have already been pruning follows for users over 1000 days (may make that year )...

  5. if a mod manual locks a topic that will never allow replies what would be the point of followers.

    • Follow option should be removed when thread is locked.
    • Existing followers should be pruned after x days if the topic remains locked beyond threshold.

    Should other features be removed on lock topics? (exempting admin/mods)

    • Sharing
    • Promotion
    • Rating
    • Reactions
    • Recommend
    • Tagging
  6. It seems Banned and Spammers are one in the same at least from what i can see.

    I think currently I have more banned then marked as spammers but i believe this is due to how features were introduced, over the years.

    When someone is a spammer that does a little extra in the sense that it also signals IPS of spammer and potentially removes all content. 

    To just ban if a member one day just went berserk and you just had enough of that person so you banned them ( retain all content ) and potentially after some therapy or penance they redeem approval you could restore them (possibly after you have retired any offending content)

    In this scenario i don't even have to take my socks off to count how many times this took place.

    In either case Spammer and Banned users seem to stay in what ever groups they were when that happened.

    What is the reason for this?

    Why are not such members moved in to a specific group?

  7. So if you have a handful of moderators, when you have rules to require approval to post for example, every one gets emailed, by the time they get it the action most likely is already taken care of by another moderator.

    perhaps moderators could specify a standing set schedule or hours that cover their "shift" they volunteer for (in their time zone)

    when it is outside their shift all moderation emails would queue up  and if the issue was taken care of before their next shift these notices would be cleared from their queue. 

    Perhaps there could be even be a buffer between local notification and when email notification. Many times I've been on the site and get a request I have already taken care of it and with in few minutes I still get an email about the request after the fact.

    End goal is to reduce needless notifications, emails clutter, reduce cost (email quotas) 

    this would nicely fit in with 




  8. thanks - yea definitely have a timeout on editing. Nothing worse than a disgruntled person and wants to take there ball and go home, leaving the site Swiss cheese.

    There is not enough fidelity in current settings that I feel comfortable allowing unfettered use. 

    The thing hate most is seeing pink content - why is it pink who made it pink, should I delete it - makes it hard to enjoy your own site when you end up putting on your admin hat. lol

  9. How do others setup their permissions for general members?

    Do you allow users to hide or delete content?

    Looking there is topics but not replies ( they are one in the same ) 

    There doesn't seem to be a restriction with regard timeout can't delete after a period of time. or is this governed by the EDIT time out?

    Can a user delete a topic if there are replies?

    Can user hide a topic if there are replies?

    If a user wrote something then decided to remove it in my mind if there was no replies then it could be deleted and seen in the deleted content area

    Is there a prune for hidden content for XX days old? 


  10. once i am made aware of someone's passing move them in to a Group "Memoriam" and remove them from other groups, I also disable any email notifications for that users account. So as not to bother next of kin. Probably best to turn off their messages too.

    I use the Announcement feature to make a post visible for a few days at the top of the site with link to a post. 🕯️

  11. Also a group blog doesn't have option to Edit Blog under Manage Blog on the front of site.

    This isn't a bug, it's intentional.

    I fail to see the reason for this;  as Site Admin I should not be restricted to edit anything - nor should i have to log in as user to edit the blog? 

    Any setting made on front of site should be also editable on the ACP (like RSS feeds)

    It would be most help with RSS Feeds to see sample of data received to confirm the thing is working vs waiting around for the task to run to find out the RSS is malformed.


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