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Ocean West

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Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. So you edit your page and open the block manager and drag out a block on your page. Go thru the effort of configuring the block. You finished editing and navigate to another page and realize that block doesn't appear on that page.

    Instead of manually repeating this process again, what would be cool is when the block manager is open add a new section "Recently Configured Blocks." You just drag it where you wish it to appear and voilà, the block is added and already configured. 

    Or add a button next to the X on the block - that would copy it to a 'clipboard' that could appear at the top of the block manager. 


  2. Also when you do this every forum is listed at the top of the stream kind of ugly. 


    It's odd that you can't return to the stream editor once you created a stream, you must then use the inline approach to change settings. 

  3. I was trying to make a custom stream and have it show all forums except a select few but it's tedious if you have a lot of forums and there is no way to select all and then allow you to turn of one or two - it would be easier if we could pick entire categories and its children but that too is not an option. 

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