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Ocean West

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Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. Quote


    Thank you so much for your response and for all actions taken so far.

    We checked one more time to login with facebook but seems that the URL is blocked and we are not able to complete the facebook login. Can you please make sure to fix facebook login and so it will work smoothly. 

    To make sure this flow runs smoothly, check that you've integrated Facebook Login correctly. We recommend that you test Login on all integrations. If you have not already done so, please:

    • We encourage you to test your Login integration following these steps HERE (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/testing-your-login-flow/).
    • Best Practices for Login can be found HERE (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/best-practices).
    • You can access the full list of our Developer Policies here: https://developers.Facebook.com/devpolicy

    Let us know once you are able to fix the facebook login on website so we can follow your instructions and review the app successfully,

    Please do feel free to reach out to us if you might have any doubts or queries regarding the same.

    Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you.



  2. looking in my ACP I see the call back url is: 


    But looking at the documentation it says: 


    When was this change introduced? My FB login has been offline for quite a while.

  3. was able to test with Zappier - but way to complex to setup.

    By adding an endpoint and a JSON pattern to pass to a particular forum / category / group / limited to new posts & replies would be sufficient. Especially if the GLIP / Slack Endpoint is a channel that is provided by third parties. 


  4. I have a few forums that are monitored by a few affiliates they use the forum as a front line tech support.

    I was wondering if there was a way for a specific 'group' if a new message was posted that a system would send a json payload to a web hook that that group or forum is set up for.

    Specifically I was thinking GLIP or Stripe - they would provide me their web hook address and once setup they would get notifications via these services ( vs email notifications)

    Is there an animal like that (sorry Zappier not an option) 

  5. yea I guess I miss-understood the feature - I suppose it's good if you are under active attack by spammers who just registered.

    Makes more work for moderators and new real users who wish to contribute actively, forcing you to manually approve every post for X days.

    It doesn't help when a spammer creates a sleeper account and then start spamming after the waiting period. 

    It feels to me it overrides and or conflicts with existing promotion rules & group permissions.

    Perhaps in the future a tighter integration or features to explore to balance between preventing spam and reducing moderator workload.

    One thing would be a quicker more obvious method to see who is under restriction and remove moderation restriction.

    Such as:  Approve This Post  | Approve this and Future Posts

  6. Ok it has to be this setting because there are no other settings that put in a hard coded date delay. 

    Once any mod or myself approves a first post they should't have any further restrictions  - the goal of all this is to shield users from spammers (that comes and goes on occasion) lately it's been less.

    But the group promotion doesn't release this as there is not an option to do so in the target Group permission:189621131_ScreenShot2021-11-01at2_10_57PM.png.8fc2289696666a5a3a84df7ff0d90709.png

    There should be another toggle or option to remove any restrictions once a person is promoted. 

  7. I've mentioned before I have group promotion and also using the new moderate content but I think there may be a bug that is hard to trace.

    all users start in Curious Group (registered with 0 content) that group has setting to moderate their first post. Once they have ONE approved post they are moved to the Newbies Group.  That group had no restrictions on moderation and when they have 5 approved posts they are moved to Members.

    However a new user with that had 7 post still had content moderation enabled. So I am wondering if the moving groups at the same time a group threshold is being tested perhaps something happens where the user is promoted first and the moderation is not released?

    I say it's hard to track when others are approving posts and I see it on occasion, where I have to edit moderation on a member. 

  8. I wish there was something in the ACP that tallies up who and how many are using which login methods. I believe when I set it up originally I required them to create an account FB / twitter was an alternate method.



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