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Ocean West

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Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. Apparently I received an email when I was out of the country have have not followed up with the email they sent.

    They say I am violating policies regarding the FB login. 

    I have responded to them to appeal stating I was out of the country not able to reply to the email. 

    I can't even test because it is disabled. - How do I discover how many users are possibly affected (meaning they only use FB to log in to the site?)



    Platform Policy 6.1: Verify that you have integrated Login correctly. Your app shouldn't crash or hang during the testing process.

    During Login, your app is crashing or hanging excessively, creating a broken experience for people trying to use your app. To make sure this flow runs smoothly, check that you've integrated Facebook Login correctly. We recommend that you test Login on all integrations. If you have not already done so, please:


  2. I upgraded to php 8 and now get this error. 

    TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given (0)
    #0 /home/site/public_html/init.php(902) : eval()'d code(406): implode(Array, ' ')
    #1 /home/site/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(725): IPS\Content\radtags_hook_C_ContentItem::tagsFormField(NULL, Object(IPS\downloads\Category))
    #2 /home/site/public_html/init.php(902) : eval()'d code(100): IPS\Content\_Item::formElements(NULL, Object(IPS\downloads\Category))
    #3 /home/site/public_html/applications/downloads/sources/File/File.php(1468): IPS\Content\radtags_hook_C_ContentItem::formElements(NULL, Object(IPS\downloads\Category))
    #4 /home/site/public_html/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/submit.php(199): IPS\downloads\_File::formElements(NULL, Object(IPS\downloads\Category))
    #5 /home/site/public_html/system/Helpers/Wizard/Wizard.php(181): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_submit->IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\{closure}(Array)
    #6 /home/site/public_html/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/submit.php(681): IPS\Helpers\_Wizard->__toString()
    #7 /home/site/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_submit->submit()
    #8 /home/site/public_html/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/submit.php(35): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #9 /home/site/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_submit->execute()
    #10 /home/site/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #11 {main}



  3. I have gone a few weeks and months when a new toggle switch was introduced for a new feature but failed to find it.

    I was late to enjoy the new settings unless it's obvious a lot find and seek goes on in the acp

    Can we get a set of tags or something that when we type some tag specific to the version or something it will list ALL new settings and navigate me there?

    Or if by some magic the content of the release notes appeared in our own ACP and any new or altered 'setting' had a button or link to setting.


  4. Logged in to the forums and get an popup notification of someone replying to a followed topic. I click it and follow the thread. Look at the bell icon and the same person's notification is listed there. But still marked unread.

    Any action taken on a notification be it pop up / email / etc should render the notification read.

    Further if a notification is an group notification such as Mod/Admin notification that someone needed to review and another mod/admin took action on the notification all other recipients of the notification should be dismissed or other wise indicate who responded to the notification. 

  5. A friend of mine was sharing what they done with their Wordpress site. They had a plugin that on login an option to login with out a password you just press your name and it brings up the Touch ID (on supported device) you just use your fingerprint or face and your in. 

    Can we do that here and on our sites!  😉 would also be great for accessing ACP


  6. Suggestion: Ideally once in a ticket system using an SMS service like Twilio to notify user would be most helpful.

    I would imagine if you asked me additional questions and I was able to respond in real or close to real time it would eliminate the asyncronus approach to submit and wait delays, for all involved.

    If the cost isn't a business expense you wish to use how about a form that allows you to enter your phone number and the carrier you use and use the carriers email gateway to send email to sms? But maintaining such a of carrier's and format is not ideal and not guaranteed  or expedient delivery thru the gateway.


  7. I would like to offer a story in hopes that it is heard.

    It's tangentially related to IPS.

    I develop database solutions for customers using Claris FileMaker which is an Apple Company my forum site is a technical community born at a time when Claris was tone deaf with regards listening to their developers and partners. They removed a vital communication - email list serve. Thus my forum was launched, and gained a steady following, and now after 20 years been thriving on the Invision Platform for the past 12 years.

    Several years ago Claris made some decisions which including introducing their own community which was running on Jive for a long time, it was not with out its quirks but tolerable. A few years back they switch to some Salesforce abomination and which is what is running today. My observations and discussions with others in my community spotlight it was a corporate culture problem, these decisions had reaching tentacles in too many other interactions with developers. Where there was lip service paid and they were simply not listening to the feedback from developers in the trenches - many vowing to jump ship and find alternatives platforms.

    In the past year and half there has been some very positive change from this stagnate corporate culture - including being much more resolved to be more transparent by inviting feedback from trusted partners with open exchanges of ideas and plans well before they are set in stone and communicated before they are made public. They have switched to an agile release cycle but they are also using the agile methodologies in all departments of the company.

    at your leisure watch the keynote address from last month. If you're at all interested I've started it at a good point in this video. Feel free scrub back and forth and listen to entire messaging and commitments. It's refreshing and moves us past misgivings of the past.

    Reading thru this thread I see similarities with this community and the ecosystem that it creates.  Not the time now to alienate your trusted developers and content creators. You must focus on what you do best and allow your community to thrive by encouraging investing, focusing lowering the bar to entry for them to provide much needed talent. It's a symbolic relationship and we all can win. 

    I was very pleased when @Jordan Miller came on the seen and started communicating conversing with us; intensions and direction of IPS. This was a much welcomed change akin to that of what other communities have come to realize is the glue that binds us together. 



  8. @Matt Can you comment on this

    18 hours ago, Ocean West said:

    I really dislike the "annual renewal" and would prefer to have, an option to split payments quarterly or even monthly.

    The payment terms must be independent of the license agreement - Yes I agree to license yearly but please, — sincerely please — allow us to better mitigate this change. Turns out my renewal is right in the middle the holidays.

    From a business perspective I would imagine you would rather have a steady stream of revenue instead seasonal highs and lows. 


  9. Um well this wasn't expected and the pricing has really distracted from the nice fresh look. 

    I really dislike the "annual" pricing renewal and would prefer to have, an option to split payments quarterly or even monthly. The payment terms should be independent of the license agreement - Yes I agree to license yearly but please, — sincerely please — allow us to better mitigate this change. Turns out my renewal is right in the middle the holidays.

    From a business perspective I would imagine you would rather have a steady stream of revenue instead seasonal highs and lows. 


  10. Had a user with an ad running my ads typically go thru Stripe. He wanted to use PayPal 

    It was a process is there an easier way to make such a conversion cancel the stripe subscription estimate the pro ration and start a new subscription on PP. with prorated amount?

    Probably not a common request but did it all manually it was crazy. 

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