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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

  1. There was an error communicating with the notification server.
    {"errors":[{"code":"PUSH_TOO_MANY_EXPERIENCE_IDS","message":"All push notification messages in the same request must be for the same project; check the details field to investigate conflicting tokens.","details":{"invision-communities":["ExponentPushToken[<redacted>]","ExponentPushToken[<redacted>-CC]"],"@rikkitissier/invision-communities":["ExponentPushToken[<redacted>]","ExponentPushToken[<redacted>]"]},"isTransient":false}]}

    I am getting a lot of these errors...

  2. The issue I have with delete content for spammers is there are no explicit safeguards to prevent this option for members of other groups from being banned. 

    Not that I fear it would happen out of malice or intent but rather by accident or curiosity what happened if a moderator flagged someone as spammer who is a long time member?!

    I would prefer that this option be only allow to work on  specific groups (newbies) not blankly across all groups -

    It seems highly unlikely that a long term member would randomly start spamming a site, this to me indicates their account were compromised and other mitigation should be taken. Such as putting said account in timeout wiping out credentials and putting the last X number of posts in to a queue for review. 


  3. For admin who has ability to view IP addresses it would be nice on the list of online users if there were the following:

    • If IP address matches existing user some indication ( possibly XYZ user ) 
    • If IP address matches known bots indicate guest is a bot.
    • Display country of origin flag, and add text to country.
    • Ability to hide all bots. 
  4. Ok post mortem - I am finally back to civilization after going camping and my ISP told me my server was getting thousands of hits a second on that page - he didn't see any redirects but rather direct links to that url.

    He thought it was some forum vulnerability - not entirely sure. He mitigated it while I was away blocking thousands of IP address both IPV4 and 6 in addition to entire countries, after awhile things returned to a normal level.

    I was in the process of switching to Cloudflare but didn't have a chance to implement it before I was out of internet range. He told me today that another one of his clients had an attack on a server and they were using Cloudflare, the attackers were spoofing them or such. 


  5. So it appears the Email Advertisement is for site related ads or campaigns and there is no way to setup any random banner or advertisement from our affiliates / sponsors / advertisers.

    I would like to consider an opportunity to increase exposure, and site could increase revenue by selling them an ad placement allowing them to create a campaign upload ad and url or some promotion.

    When other members get typical notification email from the site ( followed content / replied content etc) they email would include a section for site sanctioned advertisers.

    All advertisers who have purchase this would be in random rotation as emails are distributed. 

  6. many from Russia federation ISP has been blocking IP ranges and were hitting 90+ percent 


    this page has thousands of hits


    what table could I see guest access and ip's sorted by time trying to go thru the who is online and clicking links is tedous

    (on top of this I am going off the grid for the weekend camping ) 



  7. In the support dashboard I see Ads listed as Third party, why is this?  It is Content no different than a Pages Database? Especially if ads are just an image and a link what would make it need to be called out - I can see if you had HTML code? perhaps that will have issue perhaps with JS? 



  8. I am not certain this works yet... 

    I switched it back to v2 Invisible and now I see the pictures to pick from and choosing them all I get is this.


    had to go back to the v2 "I am not a robot" checkbox for it to work.

    I am not sure why the 'invisible' version reverting to the pick a picture thing. 

    • how many times members first responder to topic
      • how often replying to existing member or new member by (account age or number of posts)
      • different points/badge/ranks if your moderator or another member
  9. Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Log::i() (0)
    #0 /home/site/public_html/system/Login/Handler/OAuth1/OAuth1.php(130): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth1->_redirectToAuthorizationEndpoint(Object(IPS\Login))
    #1 /home/site/public_html/system/Login/Login.php(339): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth1->authenticateButton(Object(IPS\Login))
    #2 /home/site/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(1462): IPS\_Login->authenticate(Object(IPS\Login\Handler\OAuth1\Twitter))
    #3 /home/site/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(57): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->_login()
    #4 /home/site/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->manage()
    #5 /home/site/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(42): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home/site/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->execute()
    #7 /home/site/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


  10. in the ACP in the master search I can search for a domain name and it finds all members.

    However in the members list searching on just the domain name will not find users with a domain name from the quick search or the full search with or with out wildcard.

    • So nearly half of the registrants in 2021 were from India/Pakistan ( 226 out of 433 )
    • In my research none of these have posted anything to the site.
    • Of these 90% had filled in their profile fields and a bio. Typically most real users don't.
    • Many of the bio's have tons of links. or random marketing from weddings, to rentals, industrial supplies, CBD, Tarrot Reading etc.
    • None of them have visited the site after they joined.
    • 205 of them use aol / gmail / yahoo / me / outlook / hotmail email addresses
    • there rest used a custom domain (17 of which were variants of the same domain )
    • and the one with the custom domain aimstormsolutions.com turns out I have 40 registered members (all of which fall under same issue except they may not be in India or registered before 2021)
    • they've all passed the captcha, questions, spam prevention, and spam defense.

    So what can be done to better purge these as they happen or increase the Spam Defense. If I go thru and ban all these will this signal to IPS and fortify the system for others?

  11. When exporting member list it would be helpful to have information about the registration origin country based on the IP address.

    I have been having to correlate the output with an api service https://ipstack.com to get the needed information.

    In addition for on export it would be most helpful to see the emoji flag or country/region in the member list next to the IP address. ( Or on hover over the flag disclose country / region ) 



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