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Ocean West

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Ocean West

    • Grid View better layout more like Our Picks (no truncating forums names)
    • Activity Stream show content with out replies (ability to ignore some forums, pinned topics)
    • Ability to grant permission to a person (or group) to manage set of their forums. (like clubs but in the main forums)
    • Notification queuing so that if an action is required and admin / mod takes action it suspend sending notifications to others since it's been taken care of.
    • Ability to sell advertisement placement in email more exposure to advertisers.
    • Granular pessimistic security around web hooks.
    • Standard JSON object for web hooks payload.
    • Better control to thwart / prevent spammer registrations.
    • ACP ability to have dynamic columns to choose from to see in list form (members) 
  1. I do not have a blog feed that I can turn things off and wait around till someone gets around to posting a blog article. So it is impossible to test waiting for a posting. 

    NOT ALL blog articles have empty array. OLDER ones do, I have tested with and without 3rd party app running on adding the RSS FEED no empty tags. 


  2. My Test: https://fmforums.com/blogs/blog/124-test/

    (this was done with the Application Radical Tags installed and active NO TAGS )


    Original RSS: https://fmforums.com/blogs/entry/2982-sql-multi-table-query-optimization/

    Only the latest along in the original RSS has the empty tags I had manually cleared older posts. 


    There is something lingering in OLD blogs that seem to insert the array [] 


    I plan to delete the test blog in a few hours just FYI.

  3. I have created a test blog, and disabled the app, and imported the same RSS feed. No [] tags were present.

    I deleted the blog created a new blog with the app running and imported the same RSS feed. Same result NO tags were present.

    Must be something with this one old blog that it defaults to [] tag. 

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