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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. This one probably works with 4.4 too, but you should double-check with the developer just in case: https://v0rt3x.dev/files/file/8-back-2-top/ Since the file is available from the developer's site, you'll be able to download it without being restricted by the 4.7 version check of the marketplace.
  2. It's a big upgrade for sure. You'll need to update the server to PHP 8, and if you use modifications, you'll need to find new ones for 4.x because the old ones aren't compatible. The theme also needs to be updated/changed. If you're unsure or want help to be sure you're doing everything correctly, hiring a Provider that offers Upgrade Services will help a lot: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ I've done plenty of upgrades from 3.4 myself. Your 3.3 version is slightly older, but it shouldn't be too much trouble.
  3. This guide is for 4.x, so the location to the clear cache option is different for 3.x, other than that the process is the same:
  4. The new version with the fix for the "Tell a friend" widget is up on my site: https://invisionbyte.net/files/file/283-tb-qr-code-share-service/
  5. I have quite a few clients that use this app. I might be interested in taking it over, but I need more details about v5 first. Until I take a look at its code, I'm not sure.
  6. What plugin did you install? It's possible that it's not compatible with PHP 8, or maybe you're on an older Invision Community version and the plugin requires a newer version to work.
  7. Yes, change that part to HTTPS and then clear the cache in ACP > Support:
  8. As mentioned above, mentioning a group is not supported by default. There is a modification available for it though: With the marketplace closing you can't purchase it anymore, though. It doesn't seem this developer has set up a place somewhere else to sell his mods yet, but try posting in the support topic or contacting him directly.
  9. Discord isn't a default login method included with Invision Community. You should ask the developer who made the login module for help.
  10. This kind of error is not something Invision Community shows. Your server is showing it after something triggers it. Only your hosting can tell you what the trigger is, though.
  11. It's a bug in the first 4.7.13 release, you should have a patch available in your ACP's support page. Install it and the error should stop.
  12. Scroll down that list on the right. You should find the conf_global.php file after the folders.
  13. Version 3.x is not supported anymore, and the old license activation URL for it doesn't work as you've already found out. The license key at this point is only valid for the 4.x version.
  14. You can ban specific IPs, emails, and names in the ACP. Check this guide for more details: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/warnings-restrictions-r84/#banning The example in the guide uses the admin substring you mentioned. 👍
  15. You can retrieve the default values in the file \applications\core\data\settings.json: { "key": "recaptcha2_private_key", "default": "6LcH7UEUAAAAANmcQmZErdGW2FXwVhtRBVXBWBUA", "report": "bool" }, { "key": "recaptcha2_public_key", "default": "6LcH7UEUAAAAAIGWgOoyBKAqjLmOIKzfJTOjyC7z", "report": "bool" },
  16. When you enter a link in the editor it automatically gets the protocol added at the start. This is how the content looks if you click the Source button in the editor to see the HTML: <p> comment with a link: <a href="https://domain.com/blogs/" rel="">https://domain.com/blogs/</a> </p> <p> Relative link with a period: <a href="https://./blogs/" rel="">/blogs/</a> </p> <p> And a relative link with no period: <a href="https://blogs/" rel="">/blogs/</a> </p> If you want the relative links to work you need to manually edit the HTML by removing the protocol: <p> comment with a link: <a href="https://domain.com/blogs/" rel="">https://domain.com/blogs/</a> </p> <p> Relative link with a period: <a href="./blogs/" rel="">/blogs/</a> </p> <p> And a relative link with no period: <a href="/blogs/" rel="">/blogs/</a> </p> The link with the period uses the current URL you're on as base, the one without uses only the domain.
  17. If you want to update all images regardless, you can add this CSS to your theme: img.ipsImage.ipsImage_thumbnailed { display: block; } This will move all images to a new line, even ones left inline on purpose, though. Instead, if you want the editor to add a new line before and after the image only when first inserting it, you'll need a custom modification since it requires altering how the javascript works.
  18. If your front_constants.php file is inside the admin directory (CP_DIRECTORY) you can use this: require_once( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/' . \IPS\CP_DIRECTORY . '/front_constants.php' ); Instead, if it is in the root folder, where conf_global.php is located, use this: require_once( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/front_constants.php' );
  19. Are you using a relative path to load the file? Try using a full one instead. You can find the full path of the suite files in the Support page.
  20. That error sounds like the database import didn't work properly. If the new server has PHP 7, I'd first try to restore the current forum without upgrading in order to double-check everything is working as before. Once you confirm all is fine, upload the 4.7.13 files, switch to PHP 8, and run the upgrade script.
  21. I assume you're upgrading to 4.7.13, but what Invision Community and PHP version are you on currently?
  22. Honestly, I don't even know where I have my 3.3 backup files to look at the code. All I can tell you is that adding backticks to the name should allow you to make it work. Try replacing: rows in the query with: `rows` Since the error log above is not complete, I don't remember the session file location. You'll have to search for it. That query throwing the error most likely isn't the only one. A few similar ones are probably around in the code, but searching a generic "rows" term would return tons of useless results. The only way is to fix the errors/queries as they come up. Anyway, we can't give you a simple "edit file X and Y to fix it". 😔
  23. They don't offer any more support for the 3.x version. Also, the RECOVERY_MODE constant works only for 4.x, so it won't work for you on 3.3. That said, your issue is that your MySQL (MariaDB) version is too new compared to the version required by the 3.3 version, and the "column name" rows throws an error because it's a reserved word now. It can be changed to make it compatible, but I really suggest either downgrading your database version or updating the site to the latest 4.7 version. 🙄
  24. 4.7 doesn't support adding PHP code directly to a page. You need to create a PHP Block and then add it to the page itself.
  25. Yep, you can just delete the member accounts and start back from scratch. Or you can take a backup of the forum before importing, and simply restore it if something doesn't work with the process, too.
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