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  1. The people that can't see the post, can see the blog section on the site. That one particular forum requires that you sign up to view it, but the rest of the site is open. I'll try removing some of the Twitter feeds to see if it makes a difference.
  2. I can post the link but you have to be a member to see it. The people that are having issues seem to be long time members. Here's the link, not sure what you might see. https://wx.northgeorgiawx.com/forums/topic/17599-monday-october-16/
  3. I have users experiencing random errors that I can't personally reproduce like this. I'm gathering more screen shots of the error, but I believe they all say the same thing. There are no errors in the error logs, and I use the site with the phone and computer without any issues.
  4. I'm getting these errors and not sure why.
  5. I saw the video where there appeared to be some integration with stock photo sites, but I don't see any way to do something like that.
  6. This is awesome and just exactly what was needed. Love it! Perfect!
  7. I know I read where the Facebook embeds is coming back to this platform (hopefully real soon), but what about webpages? When you post a link to a website or article in the internet, FB will generate the image and a short part of the article. But here, a link is a link and that's it. Uninteresting and not eye catching. With more and more people trying to get away from Facebook, it would be nice to bring some of that "easy" functionality over to this platform and help make some of those transitions easy and seamless. I just didn't know how hard that functionality was to achieve.
  8. Can you show me the code/syntax for adding that custom tag to the template please? I've got a custom block for that code, just wasn't sure of the syntax to use to insert it. Thanks in advance... 🙂
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