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    Maxxius reacted to Charles in Emoji sorting   
    4.6 has improvements to load time for emoji menu, particularly on mobile.
  2. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Vfrloos in Emoji sorting   
    hi, it would be nice to make it so that custom added emoticons show up after lets say animals and nature category instead of being at the very end?
    what I'm trying to suggest is to let us order the emoji categories however we like. not only the newly created emoji categories but all of the  categories.
  3. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Ibai in Emoji sorting   
    hi, it would be nice to make it so that custom added emoticons show up after lets say animals and nature category instead of being at the very end?
    what I'm trying to suggest is to let us order the emoji categories however we like. not only the newly created emoji categories but all of the  categories.
  4. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Senior2323 in Emoji sorting   
    hi, it would be nice to make it so that custom added emoticons show up after lets say animals and nature category instead of being at the very end?
    what I'm trying to suggest is to let us order the emoji categories however we like. not only the newly created emoji categories but all of the  categories.
  5. Thanks
    Maxxius got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Emoji sorting   
    @Jordan Invision there you go buddy 😉
  6. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from SeNioR- in Emoji sorting   
    hi, it would be nice to make it so that custom added emoticons show up after lets say animals and nature category instead of being at the very end?
    what I'm trying to suggest is to let us order the emoji categories however we like. not only the newly created emoji categories but all of the  categories.
  7. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in What's going on with the app?   
    Hey Pavel,
    Even though our team is expanding, we're still a boutique software house and there's shifting priorities. A small subset of our team created the beta version of the mobile app in part to see if there was a demand for it and how it held up in real life. The feedback is positive but there are discussions over its broad appeal for communities that fall outside of a forum focus.
    We recently blogged about how we've brought more PWA features to ensure your site runs as close to native as possible as a web app so that if your community has a lot of customisations, or is heavily focused around gallery then your members have a smooth mobile experience.

    We have no updates at this point on the mobile app, but I'd expect after 4.6 has been released we'll have more news to share.

    Thanks for your patience.
  8. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from S. Rose in Emoji sorting   
    hi, it would be nice to make it so that custom added emoticons show up after lets say animals and nature category instead of being at the very end?
    what I'm trying to suggest is to let us order the emoji categories however we like. not only the newly created emoji categories but all of the  categories.
  9. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Gallery Mass Image Management   
    This was raised internally late last week, I don’t have any timelines to give you but it’s on our list.
  10. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to kotaco in Gallery Mass Image Management   
    We utilize a very large gallery and at times there is a need for some mass cleanup.  We have noticed the following items could be improved:
    Currently there is no option to select multiple images to change owner, must be done one by one. You can hide/delete/etc, but not alter ownership. Currently there is no option to move images into another users album if moderator/admin. You can only move them into albums you have created. If an album has ownership changed, there is no option to apply that change to the images inside the album. Therefore the album is under a new owner, but the images remain under the original album owner. This is ok in some cases, but undesirable in others, an option would be helpful here.
  11. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to thompsone in Exclude Ads from given forums/areas   
    Part of your solution is here: IPS Thread
    I have personally battled with this and keeping Adsense happy is goal number one.
    Now you'll have to combine that with a ELSE statement so if it doesn't show ads because it's excluded then show another ad.  I'm not an expert but I imagine it would look something like this.
    {{if ( \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums' AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->id ) AND ! in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->id, array( forum_id1, forum_id2, forum_id3, forum_id4 ) ) ) OR !( in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->controller, array( 'system_app1', 'system_app2', 'system_app3', 'forums' ) ) OR in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->app, array( 'external_app1', 'external_app2') ) )}} {advertisement="ad_tag_adsense"} {{else}} {advertisement="ad_tag_other"} {{endif}}  
  12. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in Active vs Inactive Members   
    There are probably a hundred and one good ideas you can implement before having to resort to inactive members, which personally seems to be a punitive measure (and a hot mess of permissions later on!)
    1. Make sure you clearly define your value proposition in your registration block.
    2. Try out bulk mailers.  Write well crafted, thoughtful newsletters to send out via bulk mail.  Rinse and repeat.  
    3. In regards to social media, go and join every social media group or site that deals with your topic.  If you can't join 'em, then beat 'em at their own game.  
    4. Really think through your new member journey.  Start a new account and join your own website with a fresh set of eyes, and see how you can improve that experience.  
    5. Go into your Google Analytics and evaluate which pages have the lowest drop off.  Add blocks or feeds on those pages that can entice members to explore elsewhere in the site.  
    6. Figure out how you can become (if not already) the definitive resource on rosacrean. This will give you a steady stream of new visitors.  Deploy Pages and build the world's largest directory on rosacean medical providers, or terminology, or whatever.  
    7. Start launching new topics, interviews, case studies, etc. Ask emotive questions.  Ask open ended questions. Ask relevant but off topic and fun questions. 
    Etc. Etc. 
    The journey to member engagement can be accomplished in so many ways.  
    Also, if your revenue is dependent upon affiliate links, you should re-evaluate your revenue strategy.  Are there links you can add in a sidebar block on every page? Are there affiliate links you can add to the bottom of the page? Are there custom banners and ads you can design to add into the ad slots or into your newsletters? 
    Communities need to be fighting to succeed.  Good luck.  
  13. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in Active vs Inactive Members   
    Some thoughts:
    1. IPS does offer indirectly offer this data in the ACP > Statistics. I think all communities should be internally measuring the conversion of all visitors : registered members : active members on a monthly basis. 
    2. I'm not sure how this statistic is important on the front end to anyone.  I can see it being useful to admins to manage the effectiveness of their community strategy, but as a user, I'm not sure how useful it is to know that 90 other members visited at some point in the past month.  It is, however, useful to know the number of online users and who they are, in case my friends are online for immediate chat.
    3. Creating groups for inactive members: In theory, I think its okay. In practice, it turns out to be a mess of permissions and I'm not sure what real value it provides.  Why are you spending your time penalizing members who haven't visited? It would be a better and more effective use of your community management to encourage them to re-visit in the first place.  
    If you can define real value and purpose behind inactive members, then go for it.  But to be blunt, I don't think you should confound "available in vbulletin" with "good community strategy." 
  14. Like
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in Custom stream as home page   
    Kind of. You can create a new page with Pages and then add the Activity Stream widget on it. It doesn’t allow you to chose an existing stream, but there are some settings to create a custom stream. 
    You can also link a custom stream as “home” link from the menu, but that wouldn’t automatically picked up from other places like the logo. I am actually using that on one of my sites and I customized the logo template to link to “discover/6/”

  15. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in What's going on with the app?   
    So, the "communities" app has been out as a beta since september - that's more that 5 months now. But since it's launch there were no updates on it regarding when to expect it to be "stable", we've had a completely "game breaking" bug with it (screen turns white once you log in) and there has been no fix, ETA on a fix, or any communication on the matter since our ticket was closed with a resounding "It's a beta".  
    Having an app that can push notifications to members' mobile devices was one of the major reasons that made us choose to move our community to IPS instead of other platforms. And for quite a while it feels like we're being toyed with. 
    Can we get some answers, updates, ETAs, or any kind of information regarding that very central and meaningful part of the service you guys are charging good money for? Or are we just going to stay in this loop of you making promises, us spending money, and then endlessly waiting for an implementation that never comes?
  16. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in Can We Haz Blog Statistics?   
    Great idea! I think you forgot a 0 in your edit 😛 
    Jk. I do like this though. Any other analytic ideas you think would be cool to implement? 
  17. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Interferon in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    This is why I keep saying big tech is ****ing us all and we need to collectively do everything we can to work around it. That's why I am trying to expunge Amazon, Facebook, and Google from our system.
  18. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Do not display empty fields of type Item in Pages   
    In Pages: we can add custom fields to the database. If the fields are empty for the record, they are not displayed on the record view page. Except of the field of type Item. It is always shown even if it is empty. I know that we can control display with {if}-clauses. However, it would be more consistent, if this would be default as for other field types and no code is required to suppress it.
  19. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Matthew Theobald in RSS feed imports into club topics   
    I desperately need this functionality to optimise use of clubs.

    I want to be able to automatically grab news and post it directly to clubs!

    Please add this in soon! (Or inform me of an add-on that makes it work!)
  20. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from OptimusBain in How to change billing default country?   
    Thank you very much! Please consider making it into a small but very useful plugin and posting on marketplace!
  21. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from sobrenome in Audio posts for forums: clubhouse 101   
    That's interesting lets see how this goes. If messages could be automatically reencoded to some 64kbps m4a or similar format to take as little space as possible that would be interesting indeed! And what else, for those who dont want or cant listen to there must be something like automatic closed captions. Like when you dont want to listen, you click and you get the transcript of what the person might have said.
  22. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from kmk in Audio posts for forums: clubhouse 101   
    That's interesting lets see how this goes. If messages could be automatically reencoded to some 64kbps m4a or similar format to take as little space as possible that would be interesting indeed! And what else, for those who dont want or cant listen to there must be something like automatic closed captions. Like when you dont want to listen, you click and you get the transcript of what the person might have said.
  23. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Audio posts for forums: clubhouse 101   
    That's interesting lets see how this goes. If messages could be automatically reencoded to some 64kbps m4a or similar format to take as little space as possible that would be interesting indeed! And what else, for those who dont want or cant listen to there must be something like automatic closed captions. Like when you dont want to listen, you click and you get the transcript of what the person might have said.
  24. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in Audio posts for forums: clubhouse 101   
    Love love love the idea of audio posts 👏
    This would be a brilliant application! A member can simply drop in a voice note versus writing out a response. Than obviously other members can quote that voice message with their own voice message. Would be super cool and innovative for Invision. 
  25. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Kouren in IPB native Points System (IP.Subeconomies? IP.Points?)   
    Wow when Joel takes it up to write something up you know its gonna be good. I can hardly add anything else on top of it. +1
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