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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. You will want to post in the support thread for whatever resource you're trying to use. 🙂
  2. That's not really a question for IPS support. You're not going to find many "free" services out there. Spammers abuse services way too much. You could try to use a Gmail account or something similar. Or reach out to a few cheap hosting services and see what they allow for email limits. Maybe just point your email at one of those accounts.
  3. I assume you mean the following plugin: If so, that would be supported not by IPS itself, but instead by the plugin author. According to the plugin's support notes, it says the following topic should be used for support:
  4. Sendgrid's free email plan is 100 TOTAL emails per day. That includes emails used for registration, lost password, etc. So my guess if it's only letting you send a few messages you've already basically exhausted your allocation outside of the email blast. This is not a limitation of the IPB software, but instead with Sendgrid itself. You would need to either upgrade to a paid Sendgrid plan or use a different outbound mail service.
  5. While I’m sorry to hear about being hacked, I’m glad you got to the bottom of the problem.
  6. Good luck! And the reason I suggest changing the server to localhost or **if** it's running on the same instance as your web server is most server firewalls don't allow external access to Redis. Calling it via localhost or tells the server it's making a connection to itself, which would bypass local firewall restrictions on the device.
  7. The first thing you need to do is confirm if your instance of PHP supports Redis. (That's separate from having Redis installed somewhere.) You can do this by checking PHPInfo. There is a link to it in your ACP. YOUDOMAIN.COM/admin/?app=core&module=support&controller=phpinfo You should see something like: If you don't see all that stuff (and only a few lines), it most likely means you need to have redis support compiled into PHP. This has been the most common issue that I've seen why Redis won't work for some folks. Next... in your screenshot, you show a public IP in the server field. If Redis is hosted on a different physical server, you need to confirm that outbound TCP port 6379 (or whatever port is used by the Redis provider) is open on your server's firewall. Otherwise your server won't be able to reach the other server. You also don't have a port number specified in your screenshot. You should most likely list it. If Redis is running on the same server as your website, change server address to "localhost" or "". Again, I would also specify the port Redis is listening on that server as well (or if it's running as a socket, you could provide the path to the socket file). Finally... once it is actually all setup and working, it can take several minutes for that error to go away. Generally once it's actually working, it can take 3-5 minutes for that error to disappear.
  8. It looks like it appears when viewing a topic, but not when viewing the topic list. I don't have an old version handy to confirm if that was always like that. But when viewing this topic...
  9. It shows up for me. It also shows up on this site as well. Are you running a custom theme? If so, you might try a default skin to see if it's a problem with your current theme.
  10. I don't know if this has been previously reported and the search index on the site is rebuilding so I can't check... so sorry if this is known already. ACP > Community > Forums > Forums Edit a forum without any sub-forums. Select "Display Settings". In the orange notice... "Combined fluid view cannot be enabled as this forum does not have and sub-forums". Was this intended to be the word "any"?
  11. ACP > Commerce > Support > Settings > Incoming Mail Double check those settings work. Plug those settings you have into a third party mail program and verify you can connect with them. If they don't work, update the credentials and try again. If the credentials are good, check to make sure the server itself hosting the IPB instance is not blocking the outbound request in a firewall.
  12. Yes. The plugin is free to install, but for protection to work... you need an activation key that you get from purchasing on their site. In terms of settings... it's pretty simple: There is one other field below this space for your registration key and that's it. Their website portal shows all of the activity such as blocks/allows, etc.
  13. Nah… you’re not a fool at all! There are literally THOUSANDS of options/settings available. The software is super powerful and has lots of options. It’s great that it gives us a tremendous amount of control, but at the same time it does create a slightly higher level of difficultly in finding everything. I learn a LOT of things from the community here so it’s great to give a little back as well!
  14. It sounds like your member group needs to have permission to access it. ACP > Members > Members > Groups Select the group that should have access to the Source button. Enable "Can post HTML".
  15. I’m sorry if the reply was seen as sarcastic. Testing the product without a third party in front of it is important. You’re using Sucuri in front of the site which puts a proxy between your users and the IPB software. This can potentially cause session issues which would match the problem you’re describing. In order to eliminate that as a possibility, it’s important to test without the tool being in the request flow. If it’s still happening with it disabled, the staff can help you you troubleshoot further. But in many cases… that is the cause of the problem.
  16. Are you using the optimized robots.txt setting in ACP? Have you confirmed your site map is configured and submitted to Google? What does the Google webmaster search console say? Also… recent versions of IPB software has improved SEO by telling Google not to crawl certain low value pages such as profiles etc. That way more crawl budget can be spent on valuable content such as topics.
  17. It looks like you’re using a cloud proxy (Sucuri). Does this still happen with the proxy disabled?
  18. Welcome back! Taking some time away is a great way to come back refreshed/recharged. Hopefully you were able to do something fun with the time away!
  19. This is not possible. If the content is moved somewhere where the OP does not have access to, there is no built in permission to override this. You might be able to have a developer create this logic however!
  20. There has not been anything mentioned on this in the latest beta version or within the IPS blog.
  21. It does not need to be disabled but you would need to evaluate what mod_security rules were blocking the request and tune the rules to not block IPB. Blocking a legitimate request is known as a “false positive”. IPS cannot assist with the tuning of your firewall (mod_security in this case). Instead that’s something you would have to do yourself or with your hosting provider.
  22. The -200 error shows up generally when a PHP error occurred. It means typically some sort of limit was hit. (such as "out of memory" or "max execution time exceeded") PHP ends up exiting and printing out the core PHP error, and the uploader shows the "-200" error as a result. So you would need to check your server and try increasing your PHP limits.
  23. Yes…. Notice how you’re viewing the INVOICE? Clicking the track button will track that invoice. It does not matter what the product is…. You’re not tracking “Gift Card”. You are tracking invoice 1554. The invoice is paid now, but if it gets refunded for example…. In most cases though, there is not a lot of value in tracking a paid invoice. Most people use it for unpaid invoices.
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