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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. Themes > Edit HTML & CSS > Add to globalTemplate
  2. I did the same thing. People like to show off, they want their data out there (especially in the case of my site which is a site for other sites to list at). I have badges for people to show off their nerdy pride (like which type of Bender they are, which GoT House they are, which Hogwarts house they are a part of etc). I'm working on my 4.5 version of my site and I am likely moving this away from being a sidebar into being a header of author information instead. But as @DesignzShop said it really depends on the community.
  3. I'm getting a feeling that this feature is exclusive to IPS's marketplace but I am in need of it as well and curious as to how its not in core. But the simple fact is how can I do this. I can't add a purchase through the ACP that I can find. Basically would love a Contributor's section like here on IPS so my members can also manage their personal items. IPS can you give me what you guys use?
  4. You'd have to ask the theme creator.
  5. I can't duplicate the issue on my personal site. I'm curious if there is another issue because I can duplicate it here on IPS. You may want to submit a ticket. Its like its not saving the value.
  6. Topic title is higher than that:
  7. When you get to the last screen this is where you add products. You choose "Member Subscription"
  8. You can copy the group and then just remove the permissions from the standard member group. Do a group promotion to the new group as a secondary group to give them the access. And no, you need to do it with a group.
  9. Oh! I thought you meant for someone else to purchase a subscription for someone else. To give people subscriptions go into your Admin panel and create an invoice. Mark it as already paid so they don't have to pay for it. When the subscription runs out it will ask that they renew to keep it up.
  10. No way to "change" them but most if not all blocks should have a "show on" option. So you could add the block twice and have one show on Desktop and one show on mobile.
  11. RSS/Atom Feed Import but it will import whatever the feed allows.
  12. They are looking to have the time back on mobile. The new IPS default theme for 4,5 does not have the time on mobile:
  13. @BankFodder This isn't in the suggestions forum which is the place that Invision looks for feedback and suggestions.
  14. Morrigan

    Moving a post

    See its absolutely an understanding thing but its understanding that "split" means "split from this topic" or "remove from this topic" it doesn't mean "merge into another" or "move into another" I think, overall, "move to another topic" being the default is actually more confusing then "split from this topic" overall. Not everyone will understand the specifics depending on the community, you're both correct, but if you leave people uneducated then it can be overall more confusing because you're NOT moving a post. You ARE separating a post from its parent topic (the one that the person replied to) though which is "splitting" the topic. This has been the terminology for it since 3 so with this software for over 10 years. I will concede that "split" often means that anything after X is being put elsewhere but that's just.... splitting hairs? Could there be a better term? Possibly. I don't think move, is it. Because honestly what you all are thinking is move isn't the same to me. When I use split I intentionally want to separate the posts I choose and place them into a completely new conversation therefore "split" the conversation. I'm not "moving" the conversation. I'm taking the conversation that has derailed and split it to a new conversation that requires a different point of view which is the point of "Split" if you use it for other purposes or in other ways how is that the responsibility of IPS?
  15. There is currently no way to restore revisions in posts, only pages.
  16. Well the text is likely translatable in the Language. As far as the look of the labels: [data-pagecontroller="register"] .ipsFieldRow_label { Change the look here. }
  17. Actually it didn't..... Remote URLs for avatars were always downloaded.
  18. https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  19. It lists reputation given and received. It MAY be related to the search index though:
  20. You CAN bulk delete these items. It will take a bit but it shouldn't require messing about in SQL. On your forum index pace @BankFodder Click on the Pending link for the forum: (The number 1 there as that's for topics). This will filter all pending approval topics in the forum. Doing it for replies will be more difficult but at least this will help you get rid of pending topics.
  21. Permissions are not inherited from parents. Easiest way to fix this is to go group by group: Members > Groups > Click the lock for "Permissions" and edit them all in mass.
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