Moving a post
All posts have come from A to B; not A&B to C. I understand about moving forums within ACP, and have done so today. And created forums and slotted them into place. I created Modern Comms because I wanted to collate psos in my computer forum into their own, I selected some posts in Computers and moved them in one go. I could not do this until I 'removed' split. Anyway, thanks paul for all your work and time.
Moving a post
Well, well. Strange things happening. As I said earlier I followed Pauls instructions and change Split to Move. Not only did it work properly from then on, but I have been cleaning and moving a lot of posts most of today and making the forum even more informative from the home page point of view and have noticed one thing: All my move button are back to 'normal'. I thought about it and realised it could be a linkage error in the software. If you can understand that? I don't know how to really explain this but everything I mentioned up top, have all gone and now 'move' and 'to' are beautifully back to normal. I can only assume the word 'move' in the software still linked to 'moving' and not 'splitting' ????? I think when the script for 'split' was added, the script for 'move' wasnt. So when I changed to Move, it changed to the other instruction -great eh? I have moved dozens of posts today old and new and never seen the previous software that followed on from 'split' - delighted! In image below, when I click on the (what was Split in bottom bar) now Move; this is what I get, which is what I am used to pre upgrade. As you can see its simplicity itself to move a post(s).
Moving a post
Paul, you're last paragraph is very relevant. The answer is yes, the developers need to think as the end user. When I bought this software just over 10 years ago, I was so delighted with it. At that time I did have technical assistance from an aquaintance who understood. I certainly didn't. Before that I have been using another (swearword) that hiked their costs up so much it became financially unviable. So I came here and never regretted a moment. BUT, now that I have to do all my own changes, its not so easy now. The upgrades are brilliant because its all 'button driven' but customisation is another matter. nobody wants the dead end original, we all want something personal of different. I have learnt a hell of a lot over the past couple of years but there are still lots and lots of terms I have no idea about so consequently don't touch. Paul helped me on that score. Tools, where possible should be orientated to the end user eg: Move - where do you want to move this to - done. Bar colour, this is the bar you want to alter - yes/no - select - colour -change - done. I sorted that last one myself !!! Whhoo. Finally something I am still trying to master - inserting an image, in my case a small regimental badge, into the header before or after the title test without upsetting the balance.
- Moving a post
Moving a post
I followed Pauls instructions and also made a new category 'Test Bed'. I changed Split to Move, it worked. I know its only a word, but original was confoooosing! It opened and offered me 'new topic' or 'existing topic'. If I open existing I get a request for a url and no drop down. If I select New Topic, I get my drop down menu and can directed the image/post into Test Bed. It move only selected and nothing else. THATS what I want. (That does need changing to remove url menu. IMO. I then successfully moved the original posts back to fun images sub forum without a hitch. Thank's to all contributors to my request, I appreciate you're efforts. Should this remain in case someone else has same idea, or delete thread?
Moving a post
OUCH! There are 577 pages in that section - still searching - joke - searched and found and 'translated to move' for now. Now to see if it worked.
Moving a post
paul thank you for all that info, which I will need to read though a couple more times, that was some work you put in there and I greatly appreciate it. morrigan, sort of - I am asking for a return to the previous move commands, which I had and used, in the last version. It was quite literally 'dead easy' sorry Joel, just seen your post also. Paul explained it, moving an indavertently posted post to another different destination. NOT the topic. As I mentioned before my members are not au fait with technology in some cases, software to most and they easily get roped into the wrong thread, I have done it myself. Because of these and other reasons I feel it is important to have definitive topics in definitive sub forms. This make it easy for the members to find topics of their interest. One mentioned to me that he had asked a question addressed to me about the upgrade, but he had placed it 'somewhere' and then thought I had removed it, nor he does know where it went, and neither do I. Perhaps one day I/we will stumble upon it. 🔎
Moving a post
My members are all ex army. I have been running this forum since late 90s in various formats; the current one is the best and the oldest. Its attached to a web site www.1rtr.net. My forum keeps different sections on different subjects to make navigation by some who still do not understand the net easier. An 'expert' does not know what I put into my forum, all they see is the broader picture. How to write script, how to present something online and how to correct errors, of which there are many. I am 71, many of the members are not far behind me. We have a saying in the British Army KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid, but experts try to complicate matters. The lads who run the software are and have been a great help, and I am in their debt. It was their idea to post this as a 'suggestion'. OK, the 'fundamental' suggestion is to revert the controls back to when one of my old gits (myself included) posts a fun image in my jokes section. But I want it ti go into my 'fun pics' sub forum instead. In the last issue of this software I could do this by selecting the offending post, right click, click on 'move' then the software asked me where do I want it to go. From a drop down I select 'fun images' sub forum and say GO! And it does. Whats so hard to appreciate about that simple procedure. Now, in the new software, the word 'Move' has been replaced by 'Split' with new options including the fact I have to insert a 'url' which I never had to do before. When I MOVE something I move it in entirety. When I SPLIT something I have TWO. Easy! Remember: KISS. I tried 'split' and selected my new destination and I ended up sending the whole damn thread to the destination which I did not want. If all this is above some peoples heads, forget it and I'll try to bumble on regardless.
Moving a post
Thanks for replying. The problem I had initially was that I did not know I was heading for a url related move. Now I know, I can grab the section url before beginning the transit. I still think the previous method was the best, long tried tested and working.
Moving a post
In my forum, for decades, I used to move an incorrectly placed post or image into the correct section by simply clicking on 'move' and clicking on the correct place for it to be inserted. Too easy. Then the software was upgraded and has a nice 'feel' to it. BUT Now if I want to move a post from A to B I have to firstly tick on the post and then select 'split' from the appearing menu. At first I took this to mean the obvious - that a split meant that the item would remain in A and appear in B also. Which of course I did not want so I made a support ticket and the very helpful lads explained ti me what had changed and how. I followed their instructions and it became complicated, asking me if it was to a new thread or old, but I had never been asked before to put in a requested url for the destination, instead selecting the destination from a drop down menu. OK, so my suggestion: I want to move a post from an incorrect place elsewhere, I should be able to select one post, tick it, and open move to: click on the resulting place and submit as I used to - in the UK army we have a saying KISS. (Keep It Simple Stupid).