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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. Then the only course of action would be to submit a ticket. It could very well be accidentally hard coded.
  2. Did you clear your cache after you changed those 2? It could be cached.
  3. Try clearing your cookies for IPS and log in again? I don't have that issue.
  4. Yeah. When you do it for that member it will give you the option to recount JUST that member or recount ALL members post counts.
  5. https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/ Its Manage Purchases in the header menu above the Marketplace.
  6. Even with the Cron it will not trigger the member save action. That's why I had you run the post count update. That forced every member to be re-saved which means that the group promotions ran for each member as it updated their post count. This means group promotions runs on login, on logout, when they update their profile, when they post etc.
  7. The post counts don't matter in this situation but it triggers the promotions rules last I remember. @bfarber can say for sure but I swear that's a thing. Just go to 1 users profile and click the button to recount their posts and then choose to recount all users posts.
  8. So the rule looks fine. If they are a member Trial Member they are moved to test however I'm not seeing the "time frame" for member joined. Regardless, IIRC promotion actions for accounts aren't triggered unless there is a change to the account (logging in, logging out, post count update etc). You can forcibly trigger this for existing users by recounting the post counts for the existing users.
  9. Can you send that in screenshot form?
  10. Can you take screenshots of your rules and what order they are in?
  11. Which part isn't working? Moving them to the expired group or moving them out of it?
  12. Did you try to run the support tool? It could just be a caching issue.
  13. No. That means you had a custom theme. So when it upgraded it didn’t overwrite your custom theme and so the new changes weren’t applied.
  14. If you tap the “menu” button (the three little lines) it has alerts and Pms in there. If you don’t have that then you may want to check the default theme.
  15. I’m assuming you mean the check box in the top of posts. It sounds like a theme issue. If not? Delete was moved into the little ... menu.
  16. Well that sounds like post before register but their replies won’t show until they have registered so if they are showing up it sounds like a permissions issue. Screenshot the permissions for the forum in question.
  17. .ipsReact_button { filter: grayscale(50%); } That SHOULD fix it.
  18. You would need to edit your language strings. Customization > Language > Translate
  19. Wow! Talk about a blast from the past... Holy hell. I gave up and just decided it wasn't worth it. Plus I no longer use comments as much as I use reviews.
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