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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. Do it at the field level instead of at the article level. So edit the permissions of the fields and create a special “guest teaser” field. This field only shows to guests while the others don’t.
  2. You'd create the database and create each of the fields that you have there using the display field for them to fit into your template. Then create a template that is your table with the data. I mean that's the basis of it. But it would just require a custom template for the database to create the table bits. Its hard to explain it in detail but that's all it is really.
  3. @Frank S. Hagan There is no way to do that by default. You would need to ask a dev to create a plugin or app for you to be able to mark things as unread. Its a little on the complicated side because there are levels to the unread stuff (like last unread post or the whole topic etc) so I recommend asking a dev for a quote on what you want.
  4. Do it the ye-olde way? Upload a .html or .php file to your server....
  5. If you have Pages you can create a custom block.
  6. I'm going to assume you mean that you update the forum itself and not the topics/posts within it? If yes then the answer is no. "Last update" information is exclusive to the last post (not even update) that was posted to the forum.
  7. That's likely because forum specific CSS isn't loaded outside of the forum typically.
  8. CTRL+F in the admin panel for "support" is normally the easiest way but: DOMAIN/admin/?app=core&module=support&controller=support Is the normal URL. Then "something isn't working correctly" and continue. It will clear the site cache which SHOULD fix the missing files issue.
  9. Try running the support tool to clear the cache.
  10. Sorry just got home from work. Yes. The Quick translator will let you edit strings without having to sift through all the confusing language strings. That includes that pesky "Forums" string you are talking about. It IS an individual string and will not affect other places that say "forum".
  11. No it wouldn't. Translatable strings are individual per place. Promise.
  12. Hamburger Menu > Click envelope > Click "Go to inbox If you don't have the hamburger menu then you need to fix your custom theme.
  13. Customization > Languages > Click "Translate" I recommend (in this instance) to enable quick translation and then go to the front end and edit it.
  14. You would have to do this at the theme level unfortunately. So you can do it one of a few way depending on the block. I normally do something like this: [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_50o7otc74"] { display: none; } [data-pageid="ID#"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_50o7otc74"] { display: block; } You'd have to fine the identifiers for the blocks you are using specifically though.
  15. There isn't a way to edit those lists, no.
  16. Add your font script to the globalTemplate or the CSS src into custom.css and on that drop down choose "default" and define the font in the custom.css for body so like: body { font-family: "Google Font"; }
  17. In forums > front > index > forumRow Find and remove this: {{if $forum->hasChildren()}} <ul class="ipsDataItem_subList ipsList_inline"> {{foreach $forum->children() as $subforum}} <li class="{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}"> <a href="{$subforum->url()}">{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}<span class='ipsItemStatus ipsItemStatus_tiny {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum ) && !$subforum->redirect_on}}ipsItemStatus_read{{endif}}'><i class="fa fa-circle"></i></span>&nbsp;{{endif}}{$subforum->_title}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}}
  18. Do you use Grid or list view because there is a difference in which template you need to edit.
  19. Are you talking about in the editor or just want to use a different font for your overall site?
  20. Its because you're targeting it incorrectly. It needs to be: @media (min-width:992px){ .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large::after { width: 120px; height: 120px !important; } }
  21. That would be something on google's side. I think they batch them in 500 chunks. But that's the only way that I know of to use Google servers instead of PHP.
  22. You can use SMTP. System > Settings > Email Settings Change it to "SMTP" and use your google account SMTP settings.
  23. I guess that depends on how support requests are being submitted. If you're talking about through email, no that won't work but if its through the "Contact Us" it will. If its coming through email you need to block the emails on the server level.
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